Title: 2. Representation of Spatial Objects
12. Representation of Spatial Objects
- Ki-Joon Han
- Department of Computer Science Engineering
- Konkuk University
- E-mail kjhan_at_db.konkuk.ac.kr
- URL http//db.konkuk.ac.kr
- This chapter
- Various ways of modeling and representing
geometric and topological information in GIS - Euclidean space
- The space of interest Rd (d2), together with the
Euclidean distance - Points
- Elements of the Euclidean space
- A pair of (Cartesian) coordinates (x,y)
- Map projection
- A conversion to map geographic entities on a
glove (hence a curved surface) onto a planar
representation - Embedded space(or search space)
- Region of R2 that contains the relevant objects
and is bounded - A sufficiently large rectangle whose edges are
parallel to the axes of the coordinate system
32.1 Geographic Space Modeling2.1.1 Entity-Based
Models (1/6)
- Geographic object( entity or feature)
- (1) Description
- (2) Spatial component( spatial object or spatial
extent) - shape and location of the object a set of
points - Entire set (identity, spatial object, and common
description) - Interpretation of space
- Depends on the semantics associated with the
geographic territory - E.g., territory of France
- (1) Administrative point of view several
administrative units - (2) Geologist view point geologic areas
- (3) Traffic control view point road network
- gt choose a new interpretation of space and
define a new collection of - entities(theme) describing this space
42.1.1 Entity-Based Models (2/6)
- Types of spatial objects
- (1) Zero-dimensional objects or points
- for representing the location of entities whose
shape is not considered - The area which is quite small with respect to the
embedding space size - E.g., cities, churches, crossings
- (2) one-dimensional objects or linear objects
- for representing networks (roads, hydrography,
and so on) - Polyline
- A finite set of line segments or edges, such that
each segment endpoint is shared by exactly two
segments - Closed two extreme points are identical
- Simple no pairs of nonconsecutive edges
intersect at any points - Monotone with respect to L every line L
orthogonal to L meets the polyline at one point
at most
52.1.1 Entity-Based Models (3/6)
(a) line segment(edge)
(b) polyline
(c) non-simple polyline
(d) simple closed polyline
(f) non-monotone polyline
(e) monotone polyline
Figure 2.1 Examples of 1D objects
62.1.1 Entity-Based Models (4/6)
- (3) two-dimensional objects or surface objects
- for representing entities with large areas, such
as parcel or administrative units - Polygon
- A region of the plane bounded by a closed
polyline, called its boundary - Simple its boundary is a simple polyline
- Convex for any pair of points A and B in P the
segment AB is fully included in P - Monotone a simple polygon such that its
boundary dP can be split into exactly two
monotone polyline MC1 and MC2 - Region
- A set of polygons
- E.g., a country and its islands
72.1.1 Entity-Based Models (5/6)
(a) simple polygon
(b) non-simple polygon
(c) convex polygon
(d) monotone polygon
(f) region
(e) polygon with hole
Figure 2.2 Examples of 2D objects
82.1.1 Entity-Based Models (6/6)
- Two remarks
- (1) The choice of geometric types is arbitrary
- It depends on the future use of the collection of
entities - E.g., airport (scale of interest)
- Point if interested in air links
- Area if interested in the inner organization of
the airport - (2) The description of linear and surfacic
objects is based on line segments - We use only a linear approximation of entities in
stead of higher-order polynomials in x and y - Simplifies the design of spatial databases
- Leads to efficient ways of modeling and querying
spatial information - Faithful approximation of segments memory
92.1.2 Field-Based Models
- Each point in space
- Associated one or several attribute values(e.g.,
precipitation, temperature, and pollution),
defined as continuous functions in x and y - E.g., altitude above sea level
- An example of function defined over x and y,
whose result is the value of a variable h for any
point in the 2D space - Comparison
- (1) Field-based models
- View space as a continuous field
- (2) Entity-based models
- Identify a set of points (region, line) as an
entity or object
102.2 Representation Modes
- Representation of infinite point sets of the
Euclidean space - (1) Tessellation mode
- By approximating the continuous space by a
discrete one - E.g., city
- A set of cells that cover the citys interior
- (2) Vector mode and half-plane representation
- By constructing appropriate data structures
- E.g., city
- A list of points describing the boundary of a
112.2.1 Tessellation (1/5)
- Tessellation mode(discrete model, spatial
resolution model, tiling, meshes) - Decomposition of the plane(grid or raster) into
disjoint cells - (1) Fixed(regular) tessellation mode
- Use polygonal units of equal size
(a) grid squares (square cells)
(b) hexagonal cells
Figure 2.3 Regular tessellations
122.2.1 Tessellation (2/5)
- (2) Variable(irregular) tessellation mode
- Handles units of decomposition of various sizes
(a) cadastral zones
(b) Thiessen polygons
Figure 2.4 Irregular tessellations
132.2.1 Tessellation (3/5)
- Raster representation
- The rectangular 2D space is partitioned into a
finite number of elementary cells (NxM) (i.e.,
rectangular cell pixels)
- A pixel has an address in the space, (x,y) where
x N, y M - Field-based data in tessellation mode
- represented as a function from space
- (1) Regular tessellation
- In applications that process image data coming
from remote sensing (satellite image), such as
weather or pollution forecast - Domain a finite set of pixels, as a discrete
one - Range temperature or elevation
- (2) Irregular tessellation
- In zoning (a typical GIS function) in social,
demographic, or economic data - Surface modeling using triangles or
administrative and political units
142.2.1 Tessellation (4/5)
- Entity-based data in tessellation mode
- A spatial object in 2D space is represented by
the smallest (finite) subset of pixels that
contains it - Point as a single pixel
- Polyline, polygon, region a finite number of
pixels - E.g., polygon P lt5,12,13,14,17,18,19,20,21,22,26
Figure 2.5 Discrete representation of polygon P.
152.2.1 Tessellation (5/5)
- Tessellation mode
- Approximate a spatial object by a finite number
of cells - Faithful object representation
- Occupy much memory space and operate more time
162.2.2 Vector Mode (1/6)
- Objects
- Constructed from points and edges as primitives
(less memory) - Point represented by its pair of coordinates
- Linear and surface objects represented by
structures(lists, sets, arrays) on the point
representation - Polygon represented by the finite set of its
vertices - Entity-based data in vector mode
- Polyline
- Represented by a list of points ltp1, ,pngt, each
pi being a vertex - Polygon
- Represented as a list of points
- Closed polyline, i.e., (pn,p1) edge of the
polygon - Region
- Represented as a set of polygons
172.2.2 Vector Mode (2/6)
- Structure notation
- tuple
- lt gt list
- set
- point xreal, yreal
- polyline ltpointgt
- polygon ltpointgt
- region polygon
- E.g., polygon P
- lt4,4,6,1,3,0,0,2,2,2gt
Figure 2.6 Vector representation of polygon P
182.2.2 Vector Mode (3/6)
- E.g., polylines (vertex notation)
- L1 lt1,2,3gt
- L2 lt4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12gt non-simple
- L3 lt13,14,19gt,lt15,16,19gt,lt17,18,19gt a set
of polylines
(a) L1
(b) L2
(c) L3
Figure 2.7 Examples of polylines
192.2.2 Vector Mode (4/6)
- E.g., surfacic objects (polygons and regions)
- R1 lt5,6,12,10,11gt,lt6,7,8,9,10,12gt P2 and P3
- R2 lt13,14,15,16gt P4
- R3 lt1,2,3,4gt P1
- gt concise representation
- compared to the rater mode
Figure 2.8 Examples of polygons
202.2.2 Vector Mode (5/6)
- No way to distinguish
- A simple polygon from a non-simple one
- A convex polygon from a nonconvex one
- A polygon from a polyline
- A set of adjacent polygons from a set of disjoint
or intersecting ones - Field-based data in vector mode
- Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)
- A digital (and thereby finite) representation of
an abstract modeling of space - for any natural phenomenon that is a continuous
function of the 2D space (temperature, pressure,
moisture, or slope) - Based on a finite collection of sample values
(not all points in 2D space) - gt Values at other points are obtained by
interpolation (e.g., TIN)
212.2.2 Vector Mode (6/6)
- TIN (Triangulated Irregular Networks)
- Based on a triangular partition of 2D space
- The elevation value is recorded at each vertex,
and inferred at any other point P by linear
interpolation of the three vertices of the
triangle that contains P
(a) point sample
(b) triangulation
(c) TIN
Figure 2.9 Progression of a triangulated
irregular network (TIN)
222.2.3 Half-Plane Representation (1/4)
- Spatial objects
- Defined with a single primitive namely,
half-planes - H half-space in the d-dimensional space Rd
- The set of points P(x1,x2,,xd) that satisfy
a1x1a2x2adxd ad1 0 - P convex d-dimensional polytope
- The intersection of some finite number of closed
half-spaces - Face of P
- H n P, where H is part of the half-spaces
defining P - Q d-dimensional polyhedron in Rd
- The union of a finite number of polytopes
- Not necessarily convex
- Divide the space into its interior, its boundary,
and its exterior - Its components are not necessarily connected and
may overlap
232.2.3 Half-Plane Representation (2/4)
- Convex polygon with n edges (n vertices)
- The intersection of n half-planes delimited by
lines - Region
- A union of convex polygons
- Line segment
- The intersection of two half-lines or rays
- Polyline
- The union of some number of line segments
- Point
- A zero-dimensional polytope
- A set of points
- A zero-dimensional polyhedron
- gt regions, polylines, and points polyhedra of
respective dimensions 2, 1, and 0.
242.2.3 Half-Plane Representation (3/4)
- Figure 2.10 polygon P1
- The intersection of three half-planes, H1, H2,
and H3 - Figure 2.11 polygon P2
- The intersection of four half-planes, H4, H5, H6,
and H7
Figure 2.10 Definition of polygon P1
Figure 2.11 Definition of polygon P2
252.2.3 Half-Plane Representation (4/4)
- Nonconvex polygon
- Cannot be represented by a 2D polytope that is,
cannot be built using intersections of
half-planes only - Represented by a polyhedron that is the union of
its adjacent convex pieces - Figure 2.12 polygon P
- P the geometric union of P1 and P2
Figure 2.12 Building a nonconvex polygon
262.3 Representing the Geometry of a
Collection of Objects
- Three representations of collections of spatial
objects - Spaghetti model
- Network model differ in the expression
of topological relationships - Topological model
- Topological relationships
- Relations that are invariant under topological
transformations - Preserved when the spatial objects are
translated, rotated, or scaled in the Euclidean
plane - Adjacent, overlapping, disjointness, and
inclusion - gt helpful for query evaluation
272.3.1 Spaghetti Model
- Spaghetti Model
- The geometry of any spatial object of the
collection is described independently of other
objects - No topology is stored, and all topological
relationships must be computed on demand - Enable the heterogeneous representation that
would mix points, polylines, and regions with no
restrictions - Advantage
- Simplicity
- Easy input of new objects into the collection
- Drawback
- Lack of explicit information about the
topological relationships - Some representation redundancy (boundary of two
adjacent regions) - Tend to large data
- Risk of inconsistency
282.3.2 Network Model (1/3)
- Network model
- for representing networks in network
(graph)-based applications such as transportation
services or utility management (electricity,
telephone, and so on) - Topological relationships among points and
polylines are stored - Two new concepts
- Node
- A distinguished point that connects a list of
arcs -gt line connectivity - Arc
- A polyline that starts at a node and ends at a
node - Two types of points
- (1) Node
- Either an arc endpoint(extreme) or an isolated
point in the plane - (2) Regular point
- Other line and polygon vertices
292.3.2 Network Model (2/3)
- Figure 2.13
- ni node
- a1, a2, a3, a4 arcs
Figure 2.13 A network
302.3.2 Network Model (3/3)
- Network types
- (1) planar network
- Each edge intersection is recorded as a node even
though the node does not correspond to a
geographic object (i.e., entity in real world) - (2) nonplanar network
- Edges may cross without producing an intersection
- E.g., ground transportation with tunnels and
passes - Objects in the network model
- point xreal, yreal
- node point, ltarcgt
- arc node-start, node-end, ltpointgt
- polygon ltpointgt
- region polygon
- gt No information on the relationships between 2D
objects is stored
312.3.3 Topological Model (1/3)
- Topological Model
- Similar to the network model, except that the
network is planar - Include a planar subdivision into adjacent
polygons - Objects in the topological model
- point xreal, yreal
- node point, ltarcgt
- arc node-start, node-end, left-poly,
right-poly, ltpointgt - polygon ltarcgt
- region polygon
- Each arc is shared with a neighbor polygon (no
redundancy, because each point/line is stored
only once)
322.3.3 Topological Model (2/3)
- E.g., Figure 2.14
- P1 lta, b, fgt
- P2 ltc, d, e, fgt
- N1 3, 0, lta, f, egt
- f N1, N2, P1, P2, ltgt
Figure 2.14 Representation of polygons in the
topological model
33 2.3.3 Topological Model (3/3)
- Advantage
- The efficient computation of topological queries
- Easy consistency maintenance and updates
- Drawback
- Some spatial objects may have no semantics in a
real-world application - (? planar)
- The complexity of the resulting structure may
slow down some operations (e.g., input of a new
342.4 Spatial Data Formats and Exchange
- Standard types
- (1) de facto (in fact) standard ?? ??
- So dominant that everybody seems to follow it
like an authorized standard - E.g., mile
- (2) de jure (by law) standard ?? ??
- Standard authorized by standardization
organization such as ISO - E.g., meter
- DXF format
- As a data transfer format between CAD software
data and become a popular GIS data format - Comparison criterion between spatial data formats
- The richness of their underlying spatial model
352.4.1 Overview of Current Spatial Data
Formats (1/2)
- Official organization
- (1) National Institutes of standards
- ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
- AFNOR (Association Française de Normalisation)
- BSI (British Standard Institute)
- (2) International Organization
- ISO (International Organization for
Standardization) - DCWIG (Digital Geographic Information Working
Group) - de facto standards
- DXF for CAD/CAM applications (from AutoCAD)
- DIGEST for military applications within many
NATO countries (by DCWIG) - SDTS used by many U.S. national agencies (by
362.4.1 Overview of Current Spatial Data
Formats (2/2)
- Proprietary formats
- France EDIGéO format (by AFNOR)
- Germany ALK/ATKIS format
- Switzerland INTERLIS format
- United kingdom NTF format
- Canada SAIF format
- Korea NGI format
- gt allow the description and transfer of
raster and vector data - gt OGCs GML
- Standards for discrete (raster) representation
- GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
- JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
- TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) most widely
used for spatial data - CGM (Computer Graphic Metafile)
- ASRP (Arc Standard Raster Product)
372.4.2 The TIGER/Line Data Format (1/7)
- TIGER (Topologically Integrated Geographic
Encoding and Referencing) - The name for the system and digital database
developed at the U.S. Census Bureau - A practical implementation of the topological
data model - TIGER/Line file
- A database of geographic entities such as roads,
railroads, rivers, lakes, political boundaries,
and census statistical boundaries - Contains the location in latitude and longitude,
the name, the type of feature (object), address
ranges for most streets, geographic relationships
to other features, and other related information - Topological structure of the TIGER database
- Define the location and relationships of streets,
rivers, railroads, and other features to each
other and to the numerous geographic entities - Designed to ensure no duplications of these
features and areas
382.4.2 The TIGER/Line Data Format (2/7)
- Spatial objects
- Belong to the Geometry and Topology (GT) class of
SDTS - Embody both geometry (coordinate locations and
shape) and topology - All spatial objects are mixed in a single layer
that includes roads, hydrography, railroads,
boundary lines, and miscellaneous features - Introduce many spatial objects that do not
correspond to geographic objects
392.4.2 The TIGER/Line Data Format (3/7)
- Spatial object types
- (1) Node
- 0-D object that is a topological junction of two
or more links or chains, or an endpoint of a link
or chain - (2) Entity point
- A point used for identifying the location of
point features such as towers, buildings, or
places - (3) Chain (arc)
- A simple polyline described by a start node, an
end node, and a list of intermediate points
called shape points - Intersect each other only at nodes
- Complete chain
- Explicitly references left and right polygons and
start and end nodes - Network chain
- Do not reference left and right polygons (above
network model) - (4) GT-polygon
- An area described by the list of complete chains
that form its boundary
402.4.2 The TIGER/Line Data Format (4/7)
- An example of TIGER object
- GT-polygon 3
- Polygon interior point for computing distances
Figure 2.15 TIGER objects (after TIGER
412.4.2 The TIGER/Line Data Format (5/7)
- Extracting the representation of spatial objects
from the TIGER files - (1) Record type 1
- TLID(TIGER/Line ID), and its start and end nodes
- (2) Record type 2
- The shape points of the chains up to 10 points
Table 2.1 Examples of record type 1 (chains)
Table 2.2 Examples of record type 2 (shape points)
422.4.2 The TIGER/Line Data Format (6/7)
- Construction of GT-polygons
- (1) Record type I
- Give the identifiers of the left and right
polygons (CENID, POLYID) - (2) Record type 7
- Contains all landmarks, together with their point
coordinates and some descriptive attributes
Table 2.3 Examples of record type I (link
Table 2.4 Examples of record type 7 (landmarks)
432.4.2 The TIGER/Line Data Format (7/7)
- Major types of features
- (1) Line features
- Roads
- Railroads
- Hydrography
- Transportation features, power lines, and
pipelines - Boundaries
- (2) Landmark features
- Point landmarks (e.g., schools and churches)
- Area landmarks (e.g., parks and cemeteries)
- Office buildings and factories
- (3) Polygon features
- Census statistical areas
- School districts
- Voting districts
- Administrative divisions states, counties,
county subdivisions - Blocks
442.4.3 Recent Standardization Initiatives (1/5)
- Standardization of exchange formats and spatial
data models - for improving interoperability between GISs
- OpenGIS Consortium (OGC)
- Created in 1994 to foster communication among
GISs in order to ensure interoperability - Dedicated to the creation and management of an
industry-wide architecture for interoperable
geoprocessing - Technical goals of OGC
- (1) a universal spatio-temporal data and
process model OGC data model - Main entity feature which has a type and a
geometry - (2) a specification for each of the major
database languages to implement the OGC data
model - (3) a specification for each of the major
distributed computing environments (DCEs) to
implement the OGC process model
452.4.3 Recent Standardization Initiatives (2/5)
- OGCs technical activities
- (1) the development of an abstract
specification - Create and document a conceptual model sufficient
to allow for the creation of implementation
specifications - Essential model
- Establish the conceptual linkage of the software
to the real world - Abstract model
- Define the eventual software system in an
implementation-neutral manner - (2) the development of an implementation
specification - Technical specifications implementing the
abstract requirements CORBA, DCOM, Java - (3) the specification revision process
- gt formalism for all models UML
462.4.3 Recent Standardization Initiatives (3/5)
- ISO Technical Committee 211 (TC/211) Geographic
Information/Geomatics - Global standardization issues related GIS
- Preparing a family of geographic information
standards in cooperation with other ISO technical
committees - Study the standards to specify methods, tools,
and services for data management and transfer
between different users, systems, and locations - Groups of TC/211 committee
- Working group 1 Framework and reference model
- Working group 2 Geospatial data models and
operators - Working group 3 Geospatial data administration
- Working group 4 Geospatial services
- Working group 5 Profiles and functional
standards - gt since 1997, OGC and ISO seek to converge
toward a common solution - (i.e., interoperability in geospatial
data processing)
472.4.3 Recent Standardization Initiatives (4/5)
- Open Geospatial Datastore Interface (OGDI)
- To offer a solution that leverages and
accelerates standardization efforts - API that resides between an application and
various geodata products in order to provide
standardized geospatial access methods - A client/server architecture for delivering
spatial data over the Internet - To implement a simple feature interface for Java
in OGDI as soon as OpenGIS issues the
specifications - Geodata integration needs of OGDI
- The distribution of geodata products via the
Internet/Intranet - Access to data in native format
- The adjustment of coordinate systems and
cartographic projections - The retrieval of geometric and alphanumeric data
482.4.3 Recent Standardization Initiatives (5/5)
- Current map server
- Usually transfer GIF, JPEG, etc.
- Use HTTP, which is based on a stateless
connection - OGDI server
- Use GLPT (Geographic Library Transfer Protocol)
- new Internet protocol for the transfer of
geospatial data - A statefull replacement for HTTP