Title: Current Status of the RHIC HBT Puzzle
1Current Status of the RHIC HBT Puzzle
- Sergey Panitkin
- Brookhaven National Lab
- La Thuile, March 18, 2005
2Who cares about the soft sector?
- Well-justified excitement about high-pT physics
- But recall that we want to create/study a new
type of matter ( bulk system) - large-scale (soft?) deconfinement
- Collective properties (T,p, flow?)
- Jets/ect are probes of this system
- Crucial to understand bulk properties and
dynamics in their own right
3Collective behavior at RHIC
P. Kolb, J. Sollfrank, U. Heinz
- Hydrodynamics seems to reproduce p-space aspects
(spectra and elliptical flow) of particle
emission up to pT2GeV/c - Bulk system?!Note Hydro provides
complete space-time evolution. Can be tested!
Heinz Kolb, hep-th/0204061
4Two-particle Correlations
Single particle spectrum is sensitive to momentum
distribution only
Relative momentum distribution of particle pairs
is sensitive to space-time information
Source function
Intensity interferometry, HBT technique, etc.
5Two particle Interferometry Idealized case
For non-interacting identical bosons
emission function
6Correlation functions for different colliding
STAR preliminary
Qinv (GeV/c)
Correlations have more information One can use
more sophisticated analysis to extract it
7Standard Pratt-Bertsch coordinate system
8HBT for Gaussian sources
Decompose q into components qLong in beam
direction qOut in direction of transverse
momentum KT qSide ? qLong qOut
Radii are related to source variances
Sensitive to emission time
Sensitive to transverse extent
Sensitive to longitudinal extent
In Longitudinally Co-Moving System (LCMS) bl 0
9In Search of the QGP. Naïve expectations
QGP has more degrees of freedom than pion
gas Entropy should be conserved during fireball
evolution Hence Look in hadronic phase for
signs of Large size, Large
lifetime, Expansion
10In Search of the QGP. Expectations.
Energy density
- One step further
- Hydro calculation of Rischke Gyulassy expects
Rout/Rside 2-gt4 _at_ Kt 350 MeV. - Looking for a soft spot
11Excitation function of the HBT parameters
- 10 Central AuAu(PbPb) events
- y 0
- kT ?0.17 GeV/c
- no significant rise in spatio-temporal size of
the ? emitting source at RHIC - Ro/Rs 1
- Some rise in Rlong
Note 100 GeV gap between SPS and RHIC
12RHIC Energy Scan
- Measurements at 200, 130, 62 GeV
- No significant change with energy
- Ro/Rs 1
Where are signs of phase transition?!
Is HBT sensitive to geometry at all?!
PHOBOS nucl-ex/0409001
13More Experimental Systematics
STAR PRL 9312301 (2004)
PHENIX nucl-ex/0401003
Centrality dependence
Clear sensitivity to source geometry !
14Source expansion at RHIC
STAR Collaboration, nucl-ex/0312009
?initial ?final
STAR preliminary
Expansion at low Pt
Change in eccentricity of the source
15Model Comparison (the puzzle)
- Subset of models shown
- Broad range of physics scenarios explored
- Good description of p-space
- Poor description of HBT data
Does Rout/Rside of unity imply no long-lived
mixed phase?
16x-t Correlation of Source Function
Why hydro doesnt work?
Positive? Negative?
RoutRside may require positive x-t corr.
Typical source function from hydro with Bjorken
Hubble like flow? Buda-Lund, AMPT
Negative x-t correlation
Positive x-t correlation
17BudaLund fits to 130 GeV data
Parameterization, not a model !
PRC54 (1996) 1390, NPA 590 (1995) 465
- Rich set of experimental HBT results exists at
RHIC - Large number of models has been developed to
explain RHIC physics - Good description of momentum space observables
- Evidence that matter at RHIC exhibits collective
bulk properties - Most models still can not reproduce
simultaneously experimental observables at low
Pt v2, spectra, correlations, dN/dy, etc - We are gaining better understanding of model
failures - Bjorken longitudinal boost-invariance assumption
seems to be one of the sources of discrepancies
(at least for Hydrodynamical models) - More detailed correlation measurements will be
available soon non-identical correlations, HBT
Ptgt1 GeV/c, Kaons, protons, etc - Stay tuned!
19The END
20Back Up slides
21Does HBT in rhic make sense?
- Size R(Npart1/3)
- Shape R( ?)
- Dynamic structure R(mT)
- and NO
- Model disagreement transport
- Too-short timescales BW
- Inconsistent dynamical picture
- No large rise in RO, RL general
22Buda-Lund fits to 130 GeV data
23Fourier coefficients of HBT(?) oscillations
- 0th-order FC centrality kT dependence mirrors
?-integrated analyses quantitatively consistent - Relative amplitudes increase from central to
peripheral collisions
relative amplitudes
STAR Collaboration, nucl-ex/0312009
24Comparison to PHENIX
AuAu 200 GeV 30 Centrality
25HBT with respect to reaction plane
- Elliptic geometry leads to oscillations of the
radii - For example Rside
Rside (small)
Rside (large)
Reaction plane
out-of-plane extended source
Naïve view with no flow
Heinz, Hummel, Lisa, Wiedemann PRC 044903 (2002)
26Hanbury Brown-Twiss interferometry
- Two-particle interferometry p-space separation ?
space-time separation