Title: Mesenteric Ischemia Lin ChiuMei
1Mesenteric IschemiaLin Chiu-Mei
2Key points
- Mechanism arterial emboli, thrombotic event,
primary vasoconstriction, or venous thrombosis - Classically present severe abdominal pain out of
proportion to the findings on physical exam - Ancillary tests barium studies are
contraindicated, the angiography is the most
useful - Management of mesenteric ischemia medication or
surgical intervention
3Anatomy and Regulation of the Mesenteric
- Mesenteric circulation 10 to 15 cardiac output
- Mesenteric circulation 70 to mucosal and
submucosal, 30 to muscularis and serosal layers - Primary arterial supply to splanchnic bed the
celiac artery, the superior mesenteric artery(
SMA), the inferior mesenteric artery
4Anatomy and Regulation of the Mesenteric
- Neural input via the sympathetic nervous system
- Humoral regulation vasopressin and
angiotensin-the most potent blood-borne
substance, exogenous vasoactive compounds e.g..
Epinephrine,dopamine, norepinephrine - Intrinsic control mechanisms metabolic control,
myogenic control
5Pathophysiology of Mesenteric Ischemia
- Embolism the most frequent causes, SMA is the
common site - Acute thrombosis compromised vessel lumen, such
as atherosclerotic lesion - Nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia multifactial,
usually involves moderate to severe mesenteric
atheroslerosis, marginal cardiac reserve,
administration of vasoactive agents
6Risk Factors of Mesenteric Ischemia
- Age gt 50 y/o
- Severe valvular atherosclerotic heart disease
- Congestive heart failure
- Cardiac arrhythmias
- Recent myocardial infarction
7Clinical Presentation of Mesenteric Ischemia
- Severe abdominal pain out of proportion to the
findings on physical examination - Intestinal angina occur 15 to 60 min after
eating - Cardiac arrhythmia
- Others shock, acidosis, hemoconcentration, sepsis
8Something important
- Early diagnosis and institution of therapeutic
measures prior to bowel infarction is essential
to decrease mortality. - Diagnosis lt 24 hours, 60 patient survive
- Diagnosis gt 24 hours, lt 30 patient survive
9Ancillary tests in Mesenteric Ischemia
- Hemoconcentration, leukocytosis with left shift,
metabolic acidosis, hyperamylasemia,
hyperphosphatemia etc - No single laboratory test, enzyme assay, or
combination of the two has proved a reliable
screening test for acute mesenteric ischemia.
10Reported Markers of Acute Mesenteric Ischemia
- Serum, urine, peritoneal phosphate
- Creatine phosphokinase
- Alkaline phosphatase and LDH
- Malondialdehyde
- Oxidized glutathione
- Diamine oxidase
- Hexosaminidae and I-FABP
11Ancillary Tests of Mesenteric Ischemia(continuous)
-Abdominal Film
- Adynamic ileus
- Small bowel dilation
- Edematous, thickened bowel walls
- Gasless abdomen
- Pneumatosis intestinals
- Portal venous gas
12Ancillary Tests of Mesenteric Ischemia(continuous)
- Angiography the most useful
- Colonscopy subacute colonic ischemia
- Barium studies usually contraindicated,
thumbprinting ( focal mucosal hemorrhage ) - CT scan and ultrasonography for complementary
13Benefits of Early Angiographic Evaluation with
Suspected Acute Mesenteric Ischemia
- Diagnosis may be made early enough to intervene
effectively and prevent further damage - Determines site and nature of occlusion
- Provides direct vascular access for the infusion
of vasodilatory agents - Permits evaluation of vascular bed distal to
14Management of Mesenteric Ischemia
- Aggressive performance of angiography, control
arrhythmia, and congestive heart failure - Intraaterial infusion of paraverine, rate 30-60
mg/hr, for at least 24 to 48 hours - Surgical management of acute mesenteric ischemia
is both challenging and controversial. - Fluid supply and administration of both heparine
antibiotics - Second-look operation, permit a more limited
15Case Presentation
- 59 y/o male patient suffered from abdominal pain
intermittent, vomiting, and no stool passage for
5 days - Past Hx. DM, uremia with regular H/D, CAD s/p
CABG twice - Clinical manifestations septic shock with
metabolic acidosis, fever, obscure conscious level
16Case Presentation Imaging and Operative Findings
- Images findings SMA and SMV total occlusion,
pneumatosis of portal system - Operative findingsalmost all intestines
gangrenous changes