Title: Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services
Operations Management
For Competitive Advantage
Chapter 1
Introduction to the Field
2Chapter 1Overview Introduction to the Field
- Overview
- Operations Management
- Production System Defined
- Operations as a Service
- Process Orientation
- Historical Development of OM
- Current Issues in OM
- What are the pressures facing businesses
- What are the customers demanding ?
- What are the shareholders demanding ?
- What are some Key Themes?
- Efficiency vs Effectiveness
- Given this mandate what is OM and how does it
help the cause?
4What is Operations Management?Defined
- Operations management (OM) is defined as the
design, operation, and improvement of the systems
that create and deliver the firms primary
products and services.
5What is a Production System?Defined
- A production system is defined as a user of
resources to transform inputs into some desired
- Physical--manufacturing
- Locational--transportation
- Exchange--retailing
- Storage--warehousing
- Physiological--health care
- Informational--telecommunications
7Value-added services differentiate the
organization from competitors and build
relationships that bind customers to the firm in
a positive way.
Operations as a Service
8Examples of Value Added Services from Your
- Field Support
- Sales Support
- Problem Solving
- Information
- Other
9Process Orientation
- Describe a functional orientation vs a process
orientation - What are the advantages of a process orientation?
10Historical Development of OM
- JIT and TQC.
- Manufacturing Strategy Paradigm.
- Service Quality and Productivity.
- Total Quality Management and Quality
11Historical Development of OM (contd)
- Business Process Reengineering.
- Supply Chain Management.
- Electronic Commerce.
12Current Issues in OM
- Effectively consolidating the operations
resulting from mergers. - Developing flexible supply chains to enable mass
customization of products and services. - Managing global supplier, production and
distribution networks.
13Current Issues in OM (contd)
- Increased commiditization of suppliers.
- Achieving the Service Factory.
- Achieving good service from service firms.
- What is the GOAL?