Title: Comparing Gentrification around the Odunde Festival to Philadelphia Overall
1Comparing Gentrification around the Odunde
Festival to Philadelphia Overall
Annis Whitlow December 12, 2006
Final Presentation 11.520 GIS Workshop
2Overview of Presentation
- Introduction
- Problem
- Method
- Findings
- Conclusion
- The Odunde Festival
- An African American Festival on South Street
- Gentrification
- Opposition to the festival
- Social Capital
- Multiple differences along racial, income, and
life stage lines prevent community cohesion
- Does gentrification explain the opposition to the
festival? - Is the area around the festival changing more
than the rest of the city?
- Data Source U.S. Census, 1990 and 2000
- Compare area around the festival in terms of
community difference in race, income, and life
stage (percentage of children under 18) from 1990
to 2000 - Compare the area in a quarter mile radius around
the festival to the rest of the city.
6Findings - Race
City Mean - 90 City Std Dev 206 Study Area
Mean -10 Study Area Std Dev 65
7Findings - Race
City Mean 39 City Std Dev 37 Study Area Mean
47 Study Area Std Dev 37
8Findings - Income
City Mean (2,391.78) City Std Dev
13,142.85 Study Area Mean (1,011.71) Study
Area Std Dev 9,788.42
Base year 1982-1984
9Findings Life Stage
City Mean 1 City Std Dev 42 Study Area Mean
-10 Study Area Std Dev 31
10Findings Population
City Mean -37 City Std Dev 222 Study Area Mean
5 Study Area Std Dev 101
11Findings Housing Value
City Mean (7,597) City Std Dev 36,688 Study
Area Mean 5,241 Study Area Std Dev 36,635
Base year 1982-1984
12Findings - Summary
- Racial Differences are most prominent
- Housing Values are increasing in block groups
adjacent to the parade route, with significant
variation in the quarter mile radius - Population does not seem to be growing
significantly overall - Income and life stage heterogeneity do not fall
along racial lines around the festival location
- Changing racial composition of neighborhoods is
more likely to be the reason for opposition to
the festival than other factors in gentrification
(income and life stage). - The area of the festival is experiencing slightly
more gentrification than the city overall, but
the amount is not statistically significant.