Learning From Incidents - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Learning From Incidents


SEI = Significant Environmental Incident, NAD = Natural Death (non ... Partial tear of the muscles and their covering fascia. Learning From Incidents. 22nd ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Learning From Incidents

Learning From Incidents
  • What happened ?
  • Result
  • Lateral Learning
  • Life saving Rules

Learning From Incidents
LTI No 1 2009
6th January
What Happened? The incident occurred while top
hole drilling was in progress and the crane was
being used to lift tubulars to the rig floor. At
the same time, the crew were trying to hook up a
flowline and were using a forklift to transfer
and lower the flowline. The flowline slipped off
the forks and landed on the IP.
  • Result
  • Broken ankle (Open fracture)
  • Lateral Learning
  • Stand away from danger zone while lifting
    operation in progress
  • Life saving rules
  • Every routine lift must have a generic lifting
  • Every non-routine lift must have specific
    lifting plan.
  • Person in charge shall ensure lift area is
    cordoned off during the lifting the lifting
  • No one should ever be under any working crane or
    suspended load

Learning From Incidents
LTI No 2 2009
6th January
What Happened? The incident occurred following
installation of a centrifuge at the TDU site for
processing oil based mud cuttings. The IP noticed
that a hinge on the walkway section of the
centrifuge skid was broken and would need to be
set upright to enable weld repairs to be carried
out. As he was moving the walkway section he
fell from the skid.
  • Result
  • Cut wound on his scalp which required 4 stitches.
  • Left wrist fractured
  • Life saving rules
  • Supervisors shall ensure work at height is safe
  • All persons working above 2 metres will use a
    safety harness, unless working on a flatbed
  • Supervisors are responsible for 100 tie-off
  • Supervisors shall ensure fixed barriers are
    placed around openings where a potential fall is
    more than 2 meters
  • Supervisor shall ensure that scaffolding is
    certified prior to any worker working on it.
  • Lateral learning
  • Never carry out any activities above 2 meter
    height without fall prevention equipment e.g.
    Safety harness

Learning From Incidents
LTI No 3 2009
20th January
What Happened? The incident occurred when the
IP, a Heavy vehicle driver working for Galfar
ODC, was attempting to fix a towing rod to a
tipper. The IP's finger got caught between the
shackle and the snatch..
  • Result
  • Crush injury (fracture) right middle finger
  • Lateral learning
  • Do not use lifting gear/tackles for towing
  • Use appropriates tools for the job

Learning From Incidents
LTI No 4 2009
6th February
What Happened? A water tanker was traveling on
the graded road from Yibal, heading towards the
Lekhwair-Fahud black top road when it struck the
side of a pick up truck carrying 3 employees. The
pick up truck was turning into the graded road
from a newly constructed junction.
  • Result
  • Death of pickup driver
  • Two passengers minor injuries
  • Lateral learning
  • Failure to stop at the STOP sign at the junction
  • Life saving rules
  • While driving, no one shall use mobile phones,
    including hands-free/blue tooth GSM or two-way
  • Drivers shall never exceed posted speed limits.
  • Drivers shall never overtake in a dust cloud nor
    tamper with a vehicles safety devices.

Learning From Incidents
LTI No 5 2009
17th February
WHAT HAPPENED? The incident occurred following
installation of a Xmas tree. The Floorman had
changed the tong dies incorrectly and without
confirmation by operating the tong. The Driller
(the IP) spotted the incorrect installation of
the dies and highlighted this to the Floorman.
The Floorman came over to the power tong and
closed it without noticing that the Driller still
had his thumb inside the tong.
  • Crush injury in right thumb with partial
  • Life saving rules
  • Area Authority shall verify that all locks,
    disabling devices and isolation Tags are in
    place, as specified on the PtW and Isolation
    Certificate (Mechanical/Electrical).
  • Area Authority shall update the
    isolation/override registers.
  • Marked-up drawings and sketches showing the
    isolation arrangement must be available at the
    work site with the PtW.
  • The Area Authority will verify the reinstatement
    of systems and update the isolation/override
    registers on completion of all works.
  • Ensure moving machineries are properly guarded

Learning From Incidents
LTI No 6 2009
22nd February
WHAT HAPPENED? The IP and a colleague were
working on an oil outlet line trying to unbolt a
ball valve flange. The IP was holding a spanner
in his left hand while his colleague was
hammering it. The hammer struck the thumb of the
  • Crush injury to the left middle finger
  • Use of right tool for each job must be ensured.
    Defective tools or tools in improper shape must
    be destroyed/ confiscated.

Learning From Incidents
LTI No 7 2009
10th March
WHAT HAPPENED? The IP, along with a Floor man
and Driller were engaged in rigging down the 7
power tong from the hoist floor. Prior to rig
down they were trying to retract the lift
cylinder of the power tong. In the process,
instead of engaging the lever to retract the lift
cylinder, the Floor man mistakenly engaged the
lever for operating the tong.
  • Life saving rules
  • Area Authority shall verify that all locks,
    disabling devices and isolation Tags are in
    place, as specified on the PtW and Isolation
    Certificate (Mechanical/Electrical).
  • Area Authority shall update the
    isolation/override registers.
  • Marked-up drawings and sketches showing the
    isolation arrangement must be available at the
    work site with the PtW.
  • The Area Authority will verify the reinstatement
    of systems and update the isolation/override
    registers on completion of all works.
  • Left hand middle finger crushed
  • Ensure isolation is in place before set carryout
    work in Moving / Rotating.

Learning From Incidents
LTI No 8 2009
18th March
WHAT HAPPENED? All personnel on the Well Test
Unit 2 unit were rigging down after well testing.
A Helper had taken down a lamp adjacent to the
trailer when he was asked to pass some cable up
to the IP who was standing on the trailer. As the
IP reached down to get the cable, he lost his
balance and fell to the ground (approx. 1.2m).
  • Sustained a broken leg
  • Life saving rules
  • Supervisors shall ensure work at height is safe
  • All persons working above 2 metres will use a
    safety harness, unless working on a flatbed
  • Supervisors are responsible for 100 tie-off
  • Supervisors shall ensure fixed barriers are
    placed around openings where a potential fall is
    more than 2 meters
  • Supervisor shall ensure that scaffolding is
    certified prior to any worker working on it.
  • Empowered to STOP should be exercised
    irrespective of seniority or superiority of
    violating personnel. Instructions from any one
    to do any UNSAFE act must not be followed

Learning From Incidents
LTI No 9 2009
20th March
WHAT HAPPENED? The IP was working with 7
colleagues to move a storage rack in the PDO
maintenance workshop. They were pushing the rack
when two of its leg supports bent. The rack
tilted and struck the IP.
  • Broken leg in 2 places
  • Empowerment to Stop should be exercised
    irrespective of seniority or superiority of
    violating personnel. Instructions from any one to
    do any UNSAFE act must not be followed

Learning From Incidents
LTI No 10 2009
21st March
WHAT HAPPENED? The crew was conducting welding
activity at Thulailat (Location TL-97) and the IP
was engaged with rigging 6 flow line pipe to a
side boom. The pipe was on a sleeper approx 400mm
height. During the operation the pipe rolled over
from the sleeper onto his left leg.
  • Foot injury
  • Stand away from danger zone while lifting
    operation in progress.

Learning From Incidents
LTI No 11 2009
19th March
WHAT HAPPENED? After finishing touch up work
around a foundation, the injured person came out
of the excavation. Instead of using the safe
access ramp he decided to climb the straight
excavation wall. He was almost on top but his
foot slipped and he fell back and broke his
  • Broken finger
  • No shortcut, use accesses / egress route

Learning From Incidents
LTI No 12 2009
16th March
WHAT HAPPENED? While cooking, hot oil spilled
over his right limbs. The IP suffered 1st and
2nd Degree burn injuries.
  • 1st and 2nd degree burn injuries
  • Use correct tool for the job
  • Supervisor should continuously enforce correct
    work practice

Learning From Incidents
LTI No 13 2009
14st March
WHAT HAPPENED? While laying down 6 1/2" drill
collars, the drill collar pin-end fell off the
edge of the catwalk, beyond the steps, to the
ground. The collar hit the hand rail of the
staircase causing it to turnover on its side. The
IP, while turning around to move away, hit and
injured himself.
  • Fracture of the upper end of the left tibia
  • Be aware of surrounding hazards

Learning From Incidents
LTI No 14 2009
13st March
WHAT HAPPENED? After a rig down operation, a
few pieces of leftover pipes were to be stored
back on the storage rack. A handler and a pipe
receiver (IP) were storing the last of the 4 x 2
feet pipe joint back on the rack, when the
handler let go of the pipe and hit the middle
finger of the IP whose hand was on the railing
under the pipe.
  • Small fracture on the middle finger on his right
  • Never take easy on a small task/operation.

Learning From Incidents
LTI No 15 2009
12th April
WHAT HAPPENED? The IP was drilling a hole in an
angle iron using a handheld power drill. His grip
was not firm. The drill jammed and the power
drill kicked back hitting the back of his hand.
The impact broke one of the hand bones.
  • Coles fracture, right wrist
  • Use proper bench, tools for the right job

Learning From Incidents
LTI No 16 2009
16th April
WHAT HAPPENED? The IP needed to cross a
pipe-rack to collect a tool. Instead of walking
on the scaffolding he walked over the beams. His
foot slipped when crossing from the main to the
smaller beam.
  • Broken elbow
  • Dont take short cut

Learning From Incidents
LTI No 17 2009
16th April
WHAT HAPPENED? The IP connected the pipe spinner
Kelly to the hydraulic system and initially found
it leaking. After fixing the leaks the IP along
with the mechanic helper (who was operating the
hydraulic leaver) noticed the chain was stiff and
not in the correct position. The IP kicked the
chain while the hydraulic leaver was in the ON
position. Suddenly the spinner closed, trapping
the IPs right foot between the jaws.
  • Life saving rules
  • PtW Applicant must visit the worksite when
    planning the task.
  • The PtW Approver must also visit
  • the worksite, when required by the PtW
  • An effective, documented toolbox talk is needed
    to ensure that all PtW conditions are well
    understood by the work team.
  • Proper controls and procedures must be followed.
  • Through site visits, supervisors and department
    heads shall verify PtW is adhered to and Job
    Safety Plans are
  • being followed.
  • Result
  • Fractures of the third and fourth metatarsal
  • Lateral Learning
  • Ensure Power source is isolated prior to work on
    power tools

Learning From Incidents
LTI No 18 2009
22nd April
WHAT HAPPENED? The IP wanted to cross a small
pile of scaffolding planks that were temporarily
stored on the ground ready for erection of a new
scaffold. He placed his foot on the unstable
pile, tripped, fell on his outstretched hand.
  • Broken wrist
  • Restricted access/egress
  • Poor general house keeping in the work area.

Learning From Incidents
22nd April
LTI No 19 2009
WHAT HAPPENED? While connecting 9 5/8" casing ,
the circulating hose along with the chiksan
swivel connection (weight 40Kg) got unscrewed and
fell down approx 14mts causing a glancing blow on
the IP on his helmet. The IP fell down on his
back on top of a single joint elevator on the
  • Fracture some ribs
  • Life saving rules
  • Supervisors shall ensure work at height is safe.
  • All persons working above 2 metres will use a
    safety harness, unless working on a flatbed
  • Supervisors are responsible for 100 tie-off
  • Supervisors shall ensure fixed barriers are
    placed around openings where a potential fall is
    more than 2 meters
  • Supervisor shall ensure that scaffolding is
    certified prior to any worker working on it.
  • Always secure with a safety sling

Learning From Incidents
13TH May
LTI No 20 2009
WHAT HAPPENED?While he was off loading a lube
oil pump from the vehicle, the pump slipped,
trapping his right index finger between the pump
and the edge of the Pick-up Truck back door.
  • Fracture right index finger
  • Lack of job safety awareness

Learning From Incidents
22nd May
LTI No 21 2009
WHAT HAPPENED? (Engineer and PDO WHM) crew
members (IP) were working to replace rubber seals
on the stem of 5 1/8" 10K actuator/Xmas tree. The
actuator operating spring opened suddenly,
pushing the retainer plate (5 kg) out of the
actuator cylinder. The noise and movement
resulted in panic and fall of both the FMC
Engineer and IP from scaffolding/working platform
(height of about 1meter). The IP landed on the
ground with his back while the FMC Engineer
landed on his side hurt his back
  • Life saving rules
  • Supervisors shall ensure work at height is safe.
  • All persons working above 2 metres will use a
    safety harness, unless working on a flatbed
  • Supervisors are responsible for 100 tie-off
  • Supervisors shall ensure fixed barriers are
    placed around openings where a potential fall is
    more than 2 meters
  • Supervisor shall ensure that scaffolding is
    certified prior to any worker working on it.
  • Fractured 3 ribs
  • Lack of job safety awareness

Learning From Incidents
22nd May
LTI No 22 2009
WHAT HAPPENED? Mechanic was trying to do remedy
work underneath a logging truck injured his inner
left arm side when the razor slipped off the high
pressure pipe he was trying to cut.
  • Partial tear of the muscles and their covering
  • Use the right tools for the job

Learning From Incidents
23th May
LTI No 23 -24 2009
WHAT HAPPENED? Prime Mover Trailer with skid
mounted clean crude tank (loaded), on the way to
Rig 79 rolled-over, crushing the driver and the
helper was also trapped in the cabin. with
severe leg injuries.
  • Death of the driver
  • Helper with severe leg injuries
  • Drive to the conditions of the road and your load
  • Life saving rules
  • While driving, no one shall use mobile phones,
    including hands-free/blue tooth GSM or two-way
  • Drivers shall never exceed posted speed limits.
  • Drivers shall never overtake in a dust cloud nor
    tamper with a vehicles safety devices.

Learning From Incidents
2nd June
LTI No 25 2009
WHAT HAPPENED? The IP was attempting to lower 3
1/2" tubing into the Mouse hole being picked up
by the winch from V door. The winch operator was
standing with right foot on the ground and left
foot resting on the winch frame. He lost his
balance and inadvertently his hand hit the
lowering handle of the winch. The tubing rested
on IPs
  • Right foot and injured his big foot through the
    safety boot.
  • Work area should be clear of tripping hazard.
  • Risk management should be reviewed in regular

Learning From Incidents
6th June
LTI No 26 2009
WHAT HAPPENED? The IP was latching the Manual
rig Make-up tong onto the drill pipe. While
closing the latch, his left hand little finger
which was in the wrong position came in between
the locking latch and the other face of the
  • Crushed the little finger
  • Always hold safe/green handles while operating
    manual tongs.

Learning From Incidents
9th June
LTI No 27 2009
WHAT HAPPENED? The IP, along with a passenger,
were travelling from Qarn Alam to Fahud in a
water tanker. As the IP was negotiating the road
through the Fahud Jebal he failed to safely
negotiate a bend which resulted in the water
tanker rolling over.
  • The IP suffered crush injury and multiple
    fractures on his left arm.
  • Check your vehicle cab for loose items and store
    them securely, dont forget the fire extinguisher.
  • Life saving rules
  • While driving, no one shall use mobile phones,
    including hands-free/blue tooth GSM or two-way
  • Drivers shall never exceed posted speed limits.
  • Drivers shall never overtake in a dust cloud nor
    tamper with a vehicles safety devices.

Learning From Incidents
27th June
LTI No 28 2009
WHAT HAPPENED? The operation at the time of the
incident was picking the kelly out of the rat
hole to break circulation while Running In Hole.
As the kelly was being picked up, the IP was
adjusting the pull back line to hold the kelly
from swinging to the rotary table, by operating
the winch with his left hand and manually
adjusting the pull line with his right hand.The
line came under tension resulted from having the
Kelly moving fast toward the rotary table. This
action moved the IPs hand along with the cable
to the cable pulley.
  • Fingers being trapped, causing crush injuries to
    the index, middle and ring fingers of his right
  • Keep hands and fingers clear of pinch points!
  • Operate the Winch from the correct position!

Learning From Incidents
4th July
LTI No 29 2009
WHAT HAPPENED? The IP, along with two other
workers, were manually pushing the stacked pipes
on the stand for safe keeping. On the stand they
were already four 6 inch pipes and one having a
welded flange which was resting on top of another
pipe. While pulling one of the pipes, the flanged
pipe slipped and rolled trapping the IPs left
thumb between the flange and other pipes on the
  • Crush injury on his left thumb.
  • Will be available after investigation

Learning From Incidents
15th July
LTI No 30 2009
WHAT HAPPENED?While walking from the car parking
area to the Hoist carrier the IP tripped over a
stone and fell down on the ground. He landed on
his left hand,
  • Causing injury to his left arm and bruises to his
    left knee
  • Will be available after investigation

Learning From Incidents
24th August
LTI No 31 2009
WHAT HAPPENED? After finishing a repair job on
the wall at Qarn Alam Airport terminal, SOCAT
mason (IP), slipped off the ladder steps while he
was descending and fell down to the ground. He
sustained injury on the left hand and left knee.
  • Fracture of the left forearm bones and left lower
    leg (tibia).
  • Life saving rules
  • Supervisors shall ensure work at height is safe.
  • All persons working above 2 metres will use a
    safety harness, unless working on a flatbed
  • Supervisors are responsible for 100 tie-off
  • Supervisors shall ensure fixed barriers are
    placed around openings where a potential fall is
    more than 2 meters
  • Supervisor shall ensure that scaffolding is
    certified prior to any worker working on it.
  • Will be available after investigation

Learning From Incidents
30th August
LTI No 32 2009
WHAT HAPPENED? An NCC mechanic working under an
NCC tanker whilst using a pneumatic wrench. The
tanker was raised up by a hydraulic jack to allow
the mechanic to place his fingers between the end
of the wrench handle and the concrete floor.  At
some point during the operation the jack slipped
pinning his fingers between the wrench handle and
the concrete floor
RESULT chip fracture on the tip of his middle
finger, with a deep wound and loss of skin on his
index finger
  • Will be available after investigation

Learning From Incidents
7th Sept.
LTI No 33 2009
WHAT HAPPENED? A crane operator (IP) went up the
flat bed trailer to help in hooking up slings to
a transportation skid in order to offload a
received production tree. While attempting to go
down from the flat bed, the crane operator placed
his right leg on the toolbox of the trailer while
his left leg was still on top of the flat bed. At
this point, his coveralls got caught by peg
holders causing the IP to loose balance and fell
  • Swelling, tenderness and pain in the left wrist
  • Life saving rules
  • Supervisors shall ensure work at height is safe
  • All persons working above 2 metres will use a
    safety harness, unless working on a flatbed
  • Supervisors are responsible for 100 tie-off
  • Supervisors shall ensure fixed barriers are
    placed around openings where a potential fall is
    more than 2 meters
  • Supervisor shall ensure that scaffolding is
    certified prior to any worker working on it.
  • Will be available after investigation

Learning From Incidents
14th Sept
LTI No 34/35 2009
WHAT HAPPENED? Two Weatherford Casing Services
technicians were travelling in a pick up truck
from Muscat to Rig-83 in Saih Rawl. The driver
reports failing asleep at the wheel for a few
seconds. On awakening he found himself about to
collide with the rear of a heavy goods vehicle
travelling in his lane and in an attempt to avoid
the collision, he swerved his vehicle to the left
into the path of an oncoming third party vehicle
(Taxi). A head on collision.
  •   Taxi, (driver and passenger) were killed.
  • STOP DRIVING if your tired / fatigued your
    life is very important
  • Life saving rules
  • While driving, no one shall use mobile phones,
    including hands-free/blue tooth GSM or two-way
  • Drivers shall never exceed posted speed limits.
  • Drivers shall never overtake in a dust cloud nor
    tamper with a vehicles safety devices.

Learning From Incidents
24th August
LTI No 36 2009
WHAT HAPPENED? A contracted LCC driver (IP) was
driving a Halliburton cement bulk prime-mover
with 660 bulk tank trailer with 11 ton of cement
on board. He was going to deliver cement to rig
33. The IP was driving the vehicle along a graded
road along the side of a small hill side which
had a bend to the left. It is assumed he was
driving too fast for the road conditions
(estimated 70-80kph) when he lost control of the
vehicle and it rolled over to the left side.
  • Depressed fracture of the left knee
  • Life saving rules
  • While driving, no one shall use mobile phones,
    including hands-free/blue tooth GSM or two-way
  • Drivers shall never exceed posted speed limits.
  • Drivers shall never overtake in a dust cloud nor
    tamper with a vehicles safety devices.
  • Will be available after investigation

Learning From Incidents
1st October
LTI No 37 2009
WHAT HAPPENED? The operator lost his footing
whilst exiting the cab of his 100 tonne mobile
crane, and fell approximately 1.6 meters landing
on a concrete hard-standing area below.
  • Damage to his back and foot.
  • Life saving rules
  • Supervisors shall ensure work at height is safe
  • All persons working above 2 metres will use a
    safety harness, unless working on a flatbed
  • Supervisors are responsible for 100 tie-off
  • Supervisors shall ensure fixed barriers are
    placed around openings where a potential fall is
    more than 2 meters
  • Supervisor shall ensure that scaffolding is
    certified prior to any worker working on it.
  • Will be available after investigation

Learning From Incidents
21ST August
LTI No 38 2009
WHAT HAPPENED?A vehicle belonging to Al-Ghalbi
Trading Services approached Saih Rawl T-junction
and, without seeing the oncoming vehicle, entered
the Qarn Alam-Barik blacktop road. The Al-Ghalbi
vehicle was hit in the rear by a vehicle,
belonging to BG International, which was
travelling towards Barik.
  • Back seat passengers (IP) suffered neck injuries
  • Driver shall obey traffic signs
  • Life saving rules
  • While driving, no one shall use mobile phones,
    including hands-free/blue tooth GSM or two-way
  • Drivers shall never exceed posted speed limits.
  • Drivers shall never overtake in a dust cloud nor
    tamper with a vehicles safety devices.

Learning From Incidents
2nd November
LTI No 39 2009
WHAT HAPPENED?Whilst picking up and racking back
2 7/8 PAC drill pipe, a joint slipped through
the elevators. This joint was positioned between
the rotary and edge of the V door. The joint hit
the drill floor, bounced, then slid down the V
door and along the catwalk where the IP was
preparing the next pipe to be picked up. The
falling joint of drill pipe hit his foot knocking
him over.
  • He sustained head injury 
  • Be aware of surrounding hazards
  • Risk management should be reviewed in regular

Learning From Incidents
10th November
LTI No 40 2009
WHAT HAPPENED?While trying to arrange bit
breakers in the bit storage bin, the Petroleum
Engineer (IP) while stepping down, slipped and
fell from a height of 1m..
  • He sustained injuries to his left leg  
  • Take precaution while working at height

Learning From Incidents
5th November
LTI No 41 2009
WHAT HAPPENED?During running in hole 3 1/8"
Drill collar, one floorman was hammering the
spanner in an attempt to tighten the nut while
the second floor man, (IP), was holding the
spanner. The hammer slipped from the first
floormans hands and the head of the hammer
touched the little finger of the IP. He sustained
a cut on his little finger.
  • He sustained a cut on his little finger 
  • Be aware of hazards

Learning From Incidents
20th November
LTI No 42 2009
WHAT HAPPENED?The IP was manually lifting a
substructure beam, approximate weight 60 kg, with
the assistance from Foreman during rig
maintenance (mud tank farm change out). The beam
slipped out of his hands and dropped on his left
foot. He felt no immediate pain continued with
the job. The IP later visited the Rig Medic and
local examination of his left foot revealed mild
swelling and was treated conservatively. After
ten days, on 30 Nov, the IP complained of pain,
swelling and difficulty in walking.
  • He sustained fracture on the left foot 
  • Incorrect manual lifting and position

Learning From Incidents
25th November
LTI No 43 2009
WHAT HAPPENED?While running 7 casing on MB
Petroleum Rig 38 in Amal-108, a Crane Operator
(IP) assisting on the rig floor was attempting to
open the gate of the power tong. Concurrently,
the Assistant Driller released the restraining
hook of the tong, trapping the IPs finger
between the casing and the tong.
  • He sustained fracture on the right middle finger.
  • Keep hands and fingers clear of pinch points!

Learning From Incidents
18th December
LTI No 44 2009
WHAT HAPPENED?The drilling crew was preparing to
lay down a Schlumberger logging tool. During the
operation, the acting floorman operated the air
winch to lift the logging tool (length 5m,
weight 83kg). Two Floormen and a Derrick man
(IP) were holding the logging tool, assisting to
push it out to the V-door area. The tool suddenly
moved towards the V-door post (on the rig floor),
trapping the IPs left little finger between the
post and the logging tool.
  • Left little finger got amputated
  • Keep hands and fingers clear of pinch points!

Learning From Incidents
18th December
LTI No 45 2009
WHAT HAPPENED?While the IP was disconnecting a
3-inch treating iron, he got his right little
finger pinched between the temporary piping
connection (1502 WECO wing) and the concrete
ground when the pipe dropped about 4 inches after
  • Fracture on the right little finger
  • Lack of job safety awareness
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