Title: Support Surfaces for Pressure Ulcer Prevention
1Support Surfaces for Pressure Ulcer Prevention
John Bloomer, Livia Phillips, Justin Sword and
Lance Wheeler University of Oklahoma College of
Nursing EBP Symposium Spring 2009
2Pressure Ulcer Stages Normal and 1
(National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, 2007)
3Pressure Ulcer Stages 2 and 3
(National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, 2007)
4Pressure Ulcer Stages 4 and Unstageable
(National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, 2007)
5Problem Identification
- Incidence Rates
- 0.4 to 38 Acute Care
- 2.2 to 23.9 Long Term Care
- 0 to 17 Home Care
(Duncan, 2007)
6Problem Identification
- Patient Implications
- 2.5 Million treated
- 60,000 Deaths
(Ayella, 2007)
7Problem Identification
- Fiscal Implications
- 11 Billion
- Up to 70,000
- Medicare - October 1, 2008
(Duncan, 2007) (American Journal of Nursing,
- For patients at risk for developing pressure
ulcers, does a - static pressure relieving device compared to
dynamic pressure relieving surfaces - provide improved protection against pressure
ulcer development?
9- Static Surfaces
- Ex foam over-lay, gel-filled overlay, static
air overlay mattress - Dynamic Surfaces
- Ex alternating air-filled overlay mattresses,
- air-fluidized beds, low air loss beds
- Standard Surfaces
- Ex study specific
10Literature Review
- Support Surfaces for Pressure Ulcer Prevention
(Review) - McInnes, E., Bell-Syer, SEM, Dumville, JC,
Legood, R., Cullum, NA. (2008)
11Support Surfaces for Pressure Ulcer Prevention
- Sample Median size 100
- Settings Intensive care, orthopedic,
emergency, and medical/surgical settings - Independent Variable Alternating pressure
- Dependent Variable Constant low
pressure/ standard foam mattress
(McInnes, et al., 2008)
12Support Surfaces for Pressure Ulcer Prevention
- Findings
- 3 RCTs
- 2 Statistically Insignificant
- 1- Significant but unreliable
- Overall Study Implications
- AP mattresses were associated with a high
probability of reducing costs, resulting from a
delay in the formation of pressure ulcers, and a
reduction in the patients length of stay.
(McInnes, et al., 2008)
13Support Surfaces for Pressure Ulcer Prevention
- Threats to Validity
- Small sample sizes
- High attrition rates
- Type of AP device not defined
- AP settings not defined
- Not blinded
- Not independently verified
(McInnes, et al., 2008)
14Literature Review
- Preventing Pressure Ulcers A Systematic Review
- Reddy, M., Gill, S., Rochon, P. (2006)
15Preventing Pressure Ulcers A Systematic Review
- Sample
- Meta-analysis, 59 randomized, controlled trials.
- 14 studies were relevant to PICO
- Settings
- 67.9 were in acute care
- 17.1 were in long term care
- 2.4 in rehabilitation
- 12.6 in mixed settings
(Reddy, et al., 2006)
16Preventing Pressure Ulcers A Systematic Review
- Independent Variable
- Dynamic support surfaces
- Dependent Variable
- Static support surfaces
(Reddy, et al., 2006)
17Preventing Pressure Ulcers A Systematic Review
- Findings
- Only 3 trials found that dynamic support
surfaces were better than static support
surfaces and 1 of these trials did not report
statistical evidence.
(Reddy, et al., 2006)
18Preventing Pressure Ulcers A Systematic Review
- Implications
- Overall Preventive interventions should be
instituted because reducing or eliminating risk
factors can prevent pressure ulcer formation. - Specific to RCTs Due to the small number of
reliable studies there is a need for - well- designed RCTs that follow standard
criteria for reporting quantifiable data to
support conclusions.
(Reddy, et al., 2006)
19Preventing Pressure Ulcers A Systematic Review
- Threats to Validity
- Small sample size
- Inadequate blinding
- Lack of statistical evidence to support a change
- of practice
(Reddy, et al., 2006)
20Literature Review
- Randomized Clinical Trial
- Comparing 2 Support Surfaces
- Results of the Prevention of
- Pressure Ulcers Study
- Russell, L., Reynolds, T., Park, C., Rithalia,
S., Gonsalkorale, M., Birch, J., et al. (2003)
21Randomized Clinical Trial
- Sample
- 1168 Pts aged 65 or older with a score of
- 15-20 on the Waterlow assessment
- Settings
- Acute elderly, rehabilitation, and
- orthopedic wards
(Russell, et al., 2003)
22Randomized Clinical Trial
- Independent Variable
- 562 Pts on a visco-elastic foam mattress
- Dependent Variable
- 604 Pts on Standard hospital mattresses
- 2 Patients removed
(Russell, et al., 2003)
23Randomized Clinical Trial
- Findings
- Statistical significance was found for
prevention of blanching erythema. - Significance was not achieved for nonblanching
erythema. -
(Russell, et al., 2003)
24Randomized Clinical Trial
- Implications
- While the experimental equipment did show a
statistical difference in reducing blanching
erythema we must remember that statistical
significance ? - clinical significance
(Russell, et al., 2006)
25Randomized Clinical Trial
- Threats to Validity
- Identifying blanching and nonblanching erythema
is difficult. - The technique for identifying blanching erythema
is not standardized. - Eliminating the risk of bias is impossible
because it was impossible to blind the research
nurses to mattress assignment
(Russell, et al., 2003)
26Literature Review
- Pressure Ulcer Prevention in Intensive Care-a
Randomised Control Trial of Two - Pressure-Relieving Devices
- Theaker, C., Kuper, M., Soni, N. (2005)
27Pressure Ulcer Prevention in
- Sample
- 62 high risk patients, over 18 admitted
without current pressure sores - Setting
- Intensive Care
(Theaker, et al., 2005)
28Pressure Ulcer Prevention in
- Independent Variable
- 30 Pts on KCI TheraPulse bed
- Dependent Variable
- 32 Pts on Hill-Rom Duo mattress
(Theaker, et al., 2005)
29Pressure Ulcer Prevention in
- Findings
- 3 pts on KCI TheraPulse developed a PU
- 6 pts on Hill-Rom Duo developed a PU
- No significant difference was found between the
surface types.
(Theaker, et al., 2005)
30Pressure Ulcer Prevention in
- Implications
- These results do not have a significant
implication for practice. - A study using a greater number of
participants may possibly yield a significant
difference. - Additional research is be needed to say for
certain if one of the two pressure relieving
devices is better at preventing pressure ulcers. -
(Theaker, et al., 2005)
31Pressure Ulcer Prevention in
- Threats to Validity
- Small Sample Size
- Nursing care may have been influenced by
awareness of research
(Theaker, et al., 2005)
32Recommendations for Further Study
- More Independent Studies using RCTs
- Larger Sample Sizes
- Blind Trials
- Standardized Inclusion Criteria
- Domestic Studies
33Unaddressed Questions
- Why hasnt more research been conducted on
pressure relieving surfaces? - Why hasnt research been conducted in the US?
34Recommended Interventions
- Increase frequency of assessment for PU presence
and risk - Universal technique for pressure ulcer risk
evaluation - Turning schedule pressure relieving surface
- American Journal of Nursing (2009). On October 1,
2008, Medicare Stopped Paying Hospitals. - American Journal of Nursing. 109(1), 22.
- Ayella, E. (2007). Protecting patients from harm
preventing pressure ulcers. Nursing , 36-40. - Duncan, K. (2007). 5 Million Lives Campaign.
Preventing pressure ulcers the goal is zero.
Joint Commission Journal of Quality and Patient
Safety, 33(10), 605-610. Retrieved March 8,
2009 from CINHAL Plus with Full Text database. -
- McInnes, E., Bell-Syer, SEM, Dumville, JC,
Legood, R., Cullum, NA. (2008). Support
surfaces for - pressure ulcer prevention (Review). Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews, 4(3). - National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel. (2007).
Updated Staging System. Retrieved April 15,
2009, from National Pressure Ulcer Advisory
Panel http//www.npuap.org/resources.htm - Reddy, M., Gill, S., Rochon, P. (2006).
Preventing pressure ulcers A systematic review.
The Journal of the American Medical Association,
296, 974-948. - Russell, L., Reynolds, T., Park, C., Rithalia,
S., Gonsalkorale, M., Birch, J., et al. (2003).
Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing 2 Support
Surfaces Results of the Prevention of Pressure
Ulcers Study. Advances in Skin Wound Care ,
317-327. - Theaker, C., Kuper, M., Soni, N. (2005).
Pressure ulcer prevention in intensive care-a
randomised control trial of two
pressure-relieving devices. Anaesthesia ,