Title: todo
- Fix up motivation slides
- (?) Duality
- Single effective viewpoint constraint
- Demonstrate equivalence
- (?) Explain IAC
- Linearization of projection
- Include reconstruction ambiguity animations,
house - Dimension argument, how to make intuitive
- Essential harmonic transform
- SFM motion section
- Self-calibration
- Multiple view geometry
- Stereo rectification
- Differential case
- Estimation algorithms
- References slide
2Short Course onOmnidirectional
VisionInternational Conference on Computer
VisionOctober 10th, 2003
Dr. Christopher GeyerUniveristy of California,
Prof. Tomáš PajdlaCenter for Machine
PerceptionCzech Technical University
Prof. Kostas DaniilidisGRASP LabUniversity of
- Intro A tour of omnidirectional systems
- Part 1 Christopher Structure-from-motion with
parabolic mirrors - 10 minute break
- Part 3 Kostas Images as homogeneous spaces
- Part 4 Tomáš Panoramic and other non-central
cameras - Conclusion
- In this course we will take a detailed look at
omni-directional sensors for computer vision.
Omnidirectional sensors come in many varieties,
but by definition must have a wide field-of-view.
- Q Why are perspective systems insufficient and
why is field of view important? - A Perspective systems are one imaging modality
of many, we are interested in sensors better
suited to specific tasks. Sensor modality should
enter into design of computer vision
systems -
For example, perhaps for flight wide
field-of-view sensors are appropriate, and in
general useful for mobile robots.
6Which one?
From the Page of Omnidirectional Vision
7(Poly-)Dioptric solutions
One to two fish-eye cameras or many synchornized
Pros - High resolution per viewing angle
Cons- Bandwidth- Multiple cameras
8(Poly-)Dioptric solutions
One to two fish-eye cameras or many synchornized
Homebrewed polydioptric cameras are cheaper, but
require calibrating and synchronizing
commercial designs tend to be expensive
9Catadioptric solutions
Usually single camera combined with convex mirror
Cons- Blindspot- Low resolution
Pros - Single image
- Q What kind of sensor should one use?
- A Depends on your application.
- 1. If you are primarily concerned with
- resolution surveillance (coverage)
- and can afford the bandwidth expense,you
might stick with polydioptric solutions - 2. If you are concerned with
- bandwidth servoing, SFM
- investigate catadioptric or single wideFOV
dioptric solutions
11Other myths and hesitations
- Myth Catadioptric images are by necessity highly
distorted. - Truth Actually no parabolic mirrors induce no
distortion (perpendicular to the viewing
direction). - Myth Omnidirectional cameras are more
complicated than perspective cameras, and harder
to do SFM with. - Truth Actually no parabolic mirrors are easy to
model, calibrate and do SFM with. - Truth Omnidirectional systems have lower
resolution - Tradeoff Balance resolution and field of view
for your needs
12Goals for this part of the courseDemystifying
catadioptric cameras
- Simplify Catadioptric projections can be
described by simple, intuitive models - Revelations Modeling catadioptric projections
can actually give us insight into perspective
cameras - SFM
- To give a framework for studying
structure-from-motion in parabolic cameras
13Part IModeling centralcatadioptric cameras
14Outline of Part I
- Properties of arbitrary camera projections,
caustics - The fixed viewpoint constraint
- The central catadioptric projections
- Models of their projections
- A unifying model of central catadioptric
projection - Consequences of the model
- Application
15When is a catadioptric camera equivalent up
to distortion to a perspective one?
For what kinds of mirrors can the image be
warped by h into a perspective image?
Suppose we are given a catadioptric image
16Review The projection induced by a camera
The projection inducedby a camera is the
function from space to the image plane, e.g.
17Review The projection induced by a camera
The projection inducedby a camera is the
function from space to the image plane, e.g.
The least restrictive assumption that can be
made about any cameramodel is that the
inverseimage of a point is a line in space
18Review The projection induced by a camera
For many cameras, all such lines do not
necessarily intersect in a single point
19Some optics Caustics
For many cameras, all such lines do not
necessarily intersect in a single point
Their envelope is called a (dia-)caustic and
represents a locus of viewpoints
20Review Central projections
If all the lines intersectin a single point,
thenthe system has a singleeffective viewpoint
andit is a central projection
21Review Central projections
If all the lines intersectin a single point,
thenthe system has a singleeffective viewpoint
andit is a central projection
If a central projectiontakes any line in
spaceto a line in the plane,then it must be a
perspective projection
22When is a catadioptric camera equivalent up to
distortion to a perspective one?
If the projection induced by a catadioptric
camera is at most a scene independent
distortion of a perspective projection, then it
must at least be a central projection
23When is a catadioptric camera equivalent up to
distortion to a perspective one?
If the projection induced by a catadioptric
camera is at most a scene independent
distortion of a perspective projection, then it
must at least be a central projection
The lines in space along which the image is
constant intersect in a single effective
24When is a catadioptric camera equivalent up to
distortion to a perspective one?
Question Which combinations of mirrors and
cameras give rise to a system with a single
25Central catadioptric solutions
parabolic mirror orthographic camera
hyperbolic mirror perspective camera
elliptic mirror perspective camera
- Theorem Simon Baker Shree Nayar, CVPR 1998
- A catadioptic camera has a single effective
viewpoint if and only if the mirrors
cross-section is a conic section
26The fixed viewpoint constraint Baker
y f (x)
Suppose that the height of the mirror at x is f
(x) And the single effectiveviewpoint lies a
distance? from the camera focus
27The fixed viewpoint constraint
The condition that the aray emanating from
thefocus is reflected in adirection incident
withthe mirror focus can bedescribed by an ODE
28The fixed viewpoint constraint
The solutions to this ODEcan be shown to be
restrictedto conic sections, e.g.,
29Modeling a parabolic projection
space point
image point
30Modeling a hyperbolic projection
image point
space point
31Modeling an elliptic projection
image point
space point
32Questions about catadioptric projections
- Q What are the properties of the projections
induced by these types of sensors? - Q How can we extend a theory of
structure-from-motion and self-calibration for
uncalibrated catadioptric cameras? - Note there is no difference for calibrated
catadioptric cameras, since they can be warped to
calibrated perspective images - Q Are there simplified models for all
catadioptric projections?
33Abstracting catadioptric projections
- In each case the projection to one surface (the
mirror) followed by a projection to another
surface (the image plane). -
34Abstracting catadioptric projections
- In other words they can be written as the
composition of two functions - f? is a non-linear function (projection to a
quadric) and g is a linear function (projection
to a plane)
35Abstracting catadioptric projections
(projective linear)
- Can we commute the decomposition such that the
non-linear projection becomes independent of the
(non-linear parameterdependent)
(non-linear butparameterindependent)
37Decomposing catadioptric projections
- The general catadioptric projection can be
written - The result can be written in homogeneous
(non-linear butparameterindependent)
(homogeneous coordinates)
(linear projectivetransformation)
38Alternative decomposition
f centrally projects to the sphere it yields a
homogeneous point whose fourth coordinateis the
distance of the space point
39Alternative decomposition
g centrally projects to the image plane from a
point on the axis of the sphere, the height of
thepoint is determined by the eccentricity
40Consequences of this model (1 of 5)
1. Central catadioptric projections and
perspective projections are represented in one
41Consequences of this model (2 of 5)
2. (a) The projection of a line in space to the
sphere is a great circle (b) The central
projection of a great circle to the image plane
is a conic section
(c) Since stereographic projection sends great
circles to circles in the image, the parabolic
projection of a line is a circle
42Consequences of this model (3 of 5)
3. (a) The Jacobian fromthe viewing sphere to
theimage plane is easilycalculated
(b) The Jacobian for the para-bolic/stereographic
projection is proportional to a
rotationparabolic projection is locally
distortionless, i.e. conformal
43Consequences of this model (4 of 5)
4. (a) Height function
is not one-to-one (b) Satisfies
reciprocal eccentricities map to
the same height (c) Elliptical and hyperbolic
mirrors are indistinguishablefrom the
projections they induce
44Consequences of this model (5 of 5)
- Recall properties of
- perspective projection
- Domain (projective space)
- Range (the projective plane)
- a. Antipodal points have same image
- b. Equator projects to line at infinity
45Consequences of this model (5 of 5)
- Recall properties of
- perspective projection
- Domain (projective space)
- Range (the projective plane)
- a. Antipodal points have same image
- b. Equator projects to line at infinity
5. Parabolic projection Domain
(exclude plane at ?) Range
(extd real plane) a. Antipodal points have
inverted imgs b. Equator projects to circle
propor-tional to focal length
46- Modeling central catadiopric cameras
- Unifying model of central catadioptric cameras
- Line images are conics
- Conformality of stereographic projection
- Indistinguishability of elliptic and hyperbolic
projections - Inadequacy of projective plane for catadioptric
47End of Part IQuestions?
48Part IIFocus on Parabolic Mirrors
49Outline of Part II
- Point, circle and line image representation
- The image of the absolute conic
- Lorentz transformations and their conformality
- Infinitessimal generators of Lorentz
transformations - Comparison of Lorentz transformations and
rotations - Complex representation estimation
- Linearization of the parabolic projection
50Projective geometryA framework for perspective
Linear projection formula because of the use of
homogeneous coordinates If
and then where and K
is the calibration matrix
51Projective geometryA framework for perspective
Linear projection formula because of the use of
homogeneous coordinates If
and then where and K
is the calibration matrix
Where, for example, the line between two points
can be represented by the cross product of two
points Lines lie in the dual space
52Projective geometryA framework for perspective
- Some things maybe we take for granted
- Representation of lines points
- Condition that a line coincide with a point
- Construction of the point coinciding with two
lines - Dually, construction of the line between two
points - Conditions for the coincidence of three lines
- Dually, conditions for the collinearity of three
points - Homographies and the invariance of the
cross-ratio - Absolute conic and all that jazz
53Projective geometryA framework for perspective
- Over 2 decades this framework has been used to
derive - Multiview geometry multilinear constraints in
multiple views - E.g., fundamental matrices in two views
- Theories of self-calibration
- Simplifications for special motions
homographies, etc. - Q How can we extend these results to
catadioptric cameras? - A Like the perspective theory, start with a
framework for the representation of features
54But what about non-linearity?
- It seems an obstacle to this vision is the
non-linearity of the projection equation - Recall though that the perspective projection is
also non-linear
(projection mapping induced by a parabolic
catadioptric camera)
55Representation of circles
Start with a circle in the image planethis
sphere is not necessarily calibrated
56Representation of circles
The inverse stereographic projection of a circle
is a circle
57Representation of circles
Through this circle there passes a unique plane
all such planes are in 1-to-1 correspondence with
circles in the image plane
58Representation of circles
This plane is in 1-to-1 correspondence with its
polethe vertex of the cone tangent to the
sphere at the circle
59Representation of circles
This plane is in 1-to-1 correspondence with its
polethe vertex of the cone tangent to the
sphere at the circle
60Representation of circles
The circles center is collinear with the
representation and the north pole, the radius
varies with position along the line
61Representation of circles
Easy Solve for u, v and r
Given the position in space, determine the circle
center and radius
62Representation of circles
imaginary locus, r imaginary
zero radius, r 0
Three cases a. inside sphereb. on spherec.
outside sphere
real locus, r gt 0
63Partition of feature space
Point features and circles have point
representations in the same space recall in
projective plane, dual space reqd
64Representation of image points
So now we have a repre-sentation of image
points For if then
65Representation of image points
Recall that the sphere is the locus of points
which satisfy the equation
In projective space this is the set of points
lying on the quadratic surfacegiven by a
quadratic form
66Partition of feature space
67Coincidence condition
ax by c 0
p (x,y)
What is the condition thatp lies on a circle of
radius r and center (x,y)?
p (x,y)
68Coincidence condition
We want with some algebra one finds
69Angle of intersection
Hence, circles orthogonal iff
70Meets and joins
Projective plane
Parabolic plane
Circle through two points not unique In space
there is only one line through two pointsWhy
isnt this true of their projection?
71Images of lines in space
All lines intersect the fronto-parallel
horizon(projection of the equator) antipodally
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73image center
twice focal length
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75Line image constraint
When taking into account image center and circle
center, the constraint becomes
76Line image constraint
When taking into account image center and circle
center, the constraint becomes
and can be written as
? represents an imaginary circle
77Line image constraint
78Line image constraint
Implies calibration by fitting plane to circle
79Interpretation Absolute and calibrating conics
absolute conic
calibrating conic
80Summary up to now
- We have a system of representation for
- Image features
- Real radii circles
- Imaginary radii circles
- Conditions for coincidence
- Formula for angle of intersection
- Condition that a circle be a line image,absolute
81Summary up to now
- We have a system of representation for
- Image features
- Real radii circles
- Imaginary radii circles
- Conditions for coincidence
- Formula for angle of intersection
- Condition that a circle be a line image,absolute
82Uncalibrated cameras
83Why should it be linear?
Choose an arbitrary circle and find its inverse
stereographic image
84Why should it be linear?
Translate the circle find the inversestereograph
ic image of the translated circle
85Why should it be linear?
The translation in the plane induces a
trans-formation of the sphere which preserves
86Uncalibrated cameras
This argument applies to scaling, rotation and
translation Thus a similarity transformation in
the plane induces some projective linear
transformation A of circle space
It also sends any point satisfying to some
point satisfying
87Sphere preserving transformations
The set of all such matrices is closed under
matrix multi-plication, inversion and contains
the identity it is a group
88Lorentz and orthogonal groups
The set of all such matrices is closed under
matrix multi-plication, inversion and contains
the identity it is a group
Lorentz group
Orthogonal group (in 4-dimensions)
89The Lorentz group
90The Lorentz group
91The Lorentz Lie group
Suppose we have a curve satisfying
A(0) I
92The Lorentz Lie group
Differentiate both sides of
to obtain
93The Lorentz Lie group
94The Lorentz Lie group
For any matrix Lie group, a local one-to-one map
from its Lie algebra back to the Lie group is
given by the exponential map.
95Infinitessimal generators of the Lorentz group
Rotations aboutthe x-axis
Generated by skew-symmetric matrices
96Infinitessimal generators of the Lorentz group
Translations alongthe x-axis
Scaling aboutthe origin
Generated by
97Lorentz group consistently transforms circle
One last property of Lorentz transformationsis
that they transform representations of
circlesconsistent with the transformations of
image points
98Lorentz group consistently transforms circle
One last property of Lorentz transformationsis
that they transform representations of
circlesconsistent with the transformations of
image points
99Inverting the projection
With insight into properties of parabolic
projections, lets reconsider the problem of
inverting an uncalibrated projection
Recall that we can decompose the parabolic
projection as
s is stereographic projection n is projection
to the sphere
100Inverting the projection
With insight into properties of parabolic
projections, lets reconsider the problem of
inverting an uncalibrated projection
Recall that we can decompose the parabolic
projection as
k is a calibration transformation
101Inverting the projection
However we now know that there exists some
projective linear k such that s ? k k ? s
102Inverting the projection
We have the points in the plane and their
inverse stereographic images
103Inverting the projection
Problem obtain s-1(x) as a linear
transformation of s-1(k(x)).
We have the points in the plane and their
inverse stereographic images
104Inverting the projection
Problem obtain s-1(x) as a linear
transformation of s-1(k(x)).
Knowns k(x) Unknowns x, k Non-linear in
unknown s-1(x) s-1(k-1(k(x)))
We have the points in the plane and their
inverse stereographic images
105Inverting the projection
Ks-1(x) s-1(k(x))
k and K commute about s-1
106Inverting the projection
s-1(x) K-1 s-1(k(x))
Ks-1(x) s-1(k(x))
Therefore the calibrated point is a linear
transformation of the lifting of the uncalibrated
107Inverting the projection
s-1(x) K-1 s-1(k(x))
Ks-1(x) s-1(k(x))
Linear in unknown s-1(x) K-1 s-1(k(x))
Therefore the calibrated point is a linear
transformation of the lifting of the uncalibrated
108Linearization of the inverse projection
PK-1 s-1(k(x))
Then the ray (in P2), as a function of the
uncalibrated image point is, is a linear
transformation of the lifting
109Linearization of the inverse projection
PK-1 s-1(k(x)) is equivalent to the perspective
projection of the space point
PK-1 s-1(k(x))
Then the ray (in P2), as a function of the
uncalibrated image point is, is a linear
transformation of the lifting
110Linearization of the inverse projection
K-1 is and unknown but linear transformation(and
can be absorbed into linear constraints) s-1(x)
is a non-linear but known transformation
PK-1 s-1(k(x))
Then the ray (in P2), as a function of the
uncalibrated image point is, is a linear
transformation of the lifting
111uncalibrated rays
We do not claim that there is a linear
trans-formation fromuncalibrated RAYS (i.e.
elements of P2)to calibrated RAYS (elements of
calibrated rays
112uncalibrated points
Instead, we claim that there is a linear
trans-formation fromuncalibrated liftedimage
points (i.e. elements of P3)to calibrated
RAYS (elements of P2)
calibrated rays
113Calibration transformation
114Calibration transformation on the absolute conic
115Calibration transformation on the absolute conic
The point ? is sent to the origin (0,0,0,1) in
P3 in The origin is in the null-space of the
projection P Hence PK-1 ? 0
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117End of Part IIQuestions?
118Outline of Part III
- The parabolic catadioptric fundamental matrix
- Self-calibration
- Kruppa equations trivially satisfied
- Planar homographies self-calibration
- Multiple view geometry
- Infinitessimal motions
- Conformal rectification
119Deriving the parabolic epipolar constraint
Suppose two views are separated by a rotation R
and translation t. Given a point X in space,
what constraint must the image points p1 and p2
120Deriving the parabolic epipolar constraint
If we know the calibrated rays, then they are
known to satisfy the epipolar constraint for
perspective cameras (C. Longuet-Higgins)
121Deriving the parabolic epipolar constraint
If the image points are uncalibrated, then we
know that the calibrated rays are
linearlyrelated to the uncalibrated liftings
122Deriving the parabolic epipolar constraint
(4?4 parabolic fundamental matrix)
123Deriving the parabolic epipolar constraint
Consequently lifted image points satisfy a
bilinear epipolar constraint
To each view there is associated an IAC which are
represented by ?1 and ?2
They are in the nullspaces of PKi-1 and so in
the nullspacesof F and FT
If ? ?1 ?2 i.e., the intrinsic parameters
are the same, then ? can be uniquely recovered
from the intersection of the nullspaces
Unless in whichcase
126A characterization of parabolicfundamental
- Recall that a 3?3 matrix E is an essential
matrix if and only if - for some U, V in SO(3)
- Claim A 4?4 matrix F is a parabolic fundamental
matrix if and only if - for some U, V in SO(3,1)
127Simple proof
128Simple proof
- Because we have a bilinear constraint (and in
general multilinear constraints) many methods
that apply to the estimation of structure and
motion from multiple perspective images apply,
with some exceptions, to parabolic cameras. - Normalized epipolar constraint can be minimized
- Unfortunately no equivalent to the 8/7-point
algorithm(averaging Lorentzian singular values
does not minimize Frobenius norm) - RANSAC and other robust methods apply
- Structure estimation identical to perspective
case once calibrated - Robust to modest deviations from ideal
assumptions (e.g., non-aligned mirror,
non-parabolic mirrors, etc.)
130Two view example
- Given these two views with corresponding points
estimate the parabolic fundamental matrix
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133epipolar circle
two epipoles
?(?1 , ?2)
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- A consequence of this is that the epipolar
geometry is completely determined by the two
epipoles in each imageand the angle ? - Therefore the epipolar geometry has 9 parameters
whereas the motion (5) and intrinsics for each
view (6) total 11. 2-parameter ambiguity.
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143What is the ambiguity?
- We showed that the the epipolar geometry is
determined by nine parameters, and the motion and
camera parameters by eleven, demonstrating that
there is a two-parameter ambiguity. Meaning for
any two images there is a two-parameter family of
possible reconstructions giving rise to the
images. What is this family? Is it closed under
some subset of projective transformations?
144This is your house
145This is your house on a parabolic mirror
146This is your house on drugs
i.e. this is the ambiguity in the reconstruction
of a house the ambiguity is not projective
147End of Part IIIQuestions?
148Outline of Part IV
- Group-theoretic analysis of the parabolic
fundamental matrix - Quotient spaces of bilinear forms (parabolic
fundamental matrices and essential matrices) - Essential harmonic transform
149The space of parabolicfundamental matrices
What is its structure? Is it a manifold? How many
degrees-of-freedom does it have? What
ambiguities are there in motion estimation?
parabolic fundamental matrices
150Group theoretic analysis of bilinear constraints
- Lets examine the LSVD characterization of
parabolic fundamental matrices - implies fundamental matrices are closed under
left or right multiplication by Lorentz
transformations, i.e. - is also a parabolic fundamental matrix.Note
the same reasoning applies to essential matrices.
151- Thus SO(3,1) ? SO(3,1) acts upon the set of
fundamental matrices
parabolic fundamental matrices
SO(3,1) ? SO(3,1)
152The identity of the group induces the identity map
e (I, I)
153- The action is associative
g (U1,V1)
h (U2,V2)
g h (U1U2,V1V2)
154- The action is (left) associative
g (U1,V1)
h (U2,V2)
g h (U1U2,V1V2)
155The action is transitive for every F1 F2
there exists some g taking F1 to F2
156With the action ? , SO(3,1) ? SO(3,1)parameteriz
157Because of transitivity,the parameterization
issurjective (onto) there is a g mapping F to
158Since SO(3) is itselfparameterized by
???????????? is parameterized by
159In fact since ???????????????is surjective in
SO(3,1), so then is the parameterization of ????
160Parameterization not one-to-one
The paramaterizationmay be redundante.g., more
than one groupelement may map F to F
161The set HF
So what elements leave F invariant? Call it HF
162The set HF
At the very least it contains the identity
163The set HF
Also HF is closed under (i) composition
164The set HF
Also HF is closed underand (ii) inversion
165The isotropy subgroup
Hence HF is a subgroupIt is called the isotropy
166Cosets of the isotropy subgroup
Multiply every elementof HF by an element g
167Cosets of the isotropy subgroup
What we obtain is atranslation of HF by ga
coset of HF
168Cosets of the isotropy subgroup
Claim any two elementsof the coset g ? HF map
Fto the same fundamentalmatrix
Claim F1 F2
169Cosets of the isotropy subgroup
Since h1 is in HF and bythe associativity of
theaction, g and g h1 bothsend F to the same
170Cosets of the isotropy subgroup
The same reasoning applies to h2 and so F1 F2
171Cosets of the isotropy subgroup
The same reasoning applies to h2 and so F1 F2
172Cosets of the isotropy subgroup
Consequently every coset is in one-to-onecorrespo
ndence witha fundamental matrix
173Cosets of HF partition SO(3,1) ? SO(3,1)
The cosets are pairwise disjoint and their union
is all of SO(3,1) ? SO(3,1) they form a
174Quotient spaces
The partition of a group into its cosets is
calledthe quotient space
175The set of fundamental matrices form a quotient
Because of its one-to-one correspondence, the set
of fundamental matrices inherits the structure of
a quotient space
176Quotient of Lie algebras are automatically
The dimension of the quotient space is the
difference in the dimensions of the Lie groups
177Quotient of Lie algebras are automatically
The dimension of the quotient space is the
difference in the dimensions of the Lie groups
178Quotient of Lie algebras are automatically
The dimension of the quotient space is the
difference in the dimensions of the Lie groups
179All of these results also apply to essential
Instead, SO(3) ? SO(3) acts on the set of
SO(3) ? SO(3)
180Harmonic analysis of bilinear forms
- Is it just a novelty that essential matrices and
parabolic fundamental matrices are quotient
spaces? - In other words, who cares?
- We believe the description as a quotient space
is important for the following reasons - Simple unifying geometric description of bilinear
- Global (surjective) nowhere-singular
parameterization - These spaces are now endowed with Fourier
181The rotational harmonic transform
- Recall that the Fourier transform is a
projection of functions on L2(0,?) - Similarly the rotational harmonic transform
(RHT) is a projection of square integrable
functions on SO(3) denoted L2(SO(3)) onto an
orthonormal basis
182The rotational harmonic transform
- Recall that the Fourier transform is a
projection of functions on L2(0,?) - Similarly the rotational harmonic transform
(RHT) is a projection of square integrable
functions on SO(3) denoted L2(SO(3)) onto an
orthonormal basis
Wigner d-coefficients
Rotation invariantmeasure on SO(3)
183The rotational harmonic transform
- The rotational harmonic transform obeys a number
of properties some of which are - Limit of partial sums converge to function
- Parseval equality
- Shift theorem
- Convolution theorem
184Functions on the quotient space
- To define a function on the space of essential
matrices we take some function on SO(3)?? SO(3)
and require that it be constant on cosets of HE.
Alternatively f equals its average over all
cosets. - Recall that the subgroup
- and the cosets are
g HE
185The essential harmonic transform
- The essential harmonic transform is a projection
of such a function onto the bi-rotational
harmonics of SO(3)?? SO(3) - and because it is constant over the cosets it
- Q What can we do with an essential harmonic
transform? - A Fast convolutions.
- Might it be possible to estimate an essential
matrix via a convolution of two signals to obtain
a kind of correlation value for all possible
essential matrices? - Is it possible to unite signal processing and
geometry? - To be continued
187 Given two parabolic catad-ioptric cameras,
rectify the stereo pair, i.e., transform both
images so that corresp-onding points lie on the
same scanline.
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192- Both Möbius transformations and the equivalent to
homographies must preserve line images (circles)
and are therefore insufficient - What transformations can perform the
193Bipolar coordinate system
195r1 / r2 constant
This is analytic (i.e., differentiable) and
therefore conformal
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200End of Part IVQuestions?
201- Two-view geometry of catadioptric cameras
- Geyer Daniilidis, Mirrors in Motion ICCV 2003
- Single-view geometry of catadioptric cameras
- Geyer Daniilidis, Catadioptric Projective
Geometry IJCV Dec. 2001 - Epipolar geometry of central catadioptric cameras
- Pajdla Svoboda, IJCV 2002
- Theory of Catadioptric Image Formation
- Baker Nayar, IJCV
- Complex analysis inversive geometry
- Geometry of Complex Numbers by Hans
Schwerdtfeger, Dover - Visual Complex Analysis by Tristan
Needham, Oxford University Press - Inversion Theory and Conformal Mapping
by David Blair, AMS
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204Deriving the fixed viewpoint constraint
( x, f (x) )
205Deriving the fixed viewpoint constraint
( x, f (x) )
206Deriving the fixed viewpoint constraint
207Deriving the fixed viewpoint constraint
208Deriving the fixed viewpoint constraint
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214 Any questions?
215- Two-view geometry of catadioptric cameras
- Geyer Daniilidis, Mirrors in Motion ICCV 2003
- Single-view geometry of catadioptric cameras
- Geyer Daniilidis, Catadioptric Projective
Geometry IJCV Dec. 2001 - Epipolar geometry of central catadioptric cameras
- Pajdla Svoboda, IJCV 2002
- Theory of Catadioptric Image Formation
- Baker Nayar, IJCV
- Omnidirectional vision in general
- Baker Nayar, Panoramic Vision
- Relating to complex geometry
- Hans Schwerdtfeger Geometry of Complex Numbers,
Dover - Tristan Needham, Visual Complex Analysis, Oxford
University Press - David Blair, Inversion Theory and Conformal
Mapping, AMS
2165 minute break