Bioenergetics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Enthalpy. The first law of thermodynamics says total energy conserved: D U = q - w ... D H is the changes in enthalpy (ie. heat exchanged) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Bioenergetics

  • Bioenergetics
  • ATP is the basic energy currency'' of the
  • - Produced by energy-transducing membrane
  • Protons are first pumped across a cell membrane.
  • ATP-synthase harvests the proton concentration
    gradient to generate ATP from ADP Pi.
  • ATP pool able to perform work since its
    maintained away from
  • equilibrium.

  • Enthalpy
  • The first law of thermodynamics says total
    energy conserved
  • D U q - w
  • ie. the change in energy of a system is the heat
    absorbed by the system from the surroundings, q,
    minus the work done by the system on the
    surroundings, w.
  • Enthalpy defined as
  • H U PV
  • Convenient for biology since, under constant
    pressure (DP 0),
  • D H is measured as the heat produced or
  • D H D U P D V q - w P D V q
  • since at constant pressure w P D V.

  • Entropy
  • Thermodynamics describes the bulk behavior of
    reversible systems.
  • - Key concepts enthalphy Gibbs free energy
  • Entropy
  • S kB ln W
  • where kB is Boltzman's constant and W is the
    number of ways of arranging a system.
  • Systems adopt their most probably arrangement.
  • Corresponds to those with maximum entropy.
  • Example Ten gas molecules in a bulb with a
  • One way of having all ten in left bulb.
  • Ten ways of having nine in left and one in
  • And n!/l!(n-l)! 10!/(5! 5!) 252 ways
    of having five in left and five in right.

  • Gibbs Free Energy
  • Gibbs free energy defined as
  • G H - TS
  • T is the temperature, and S the entropy.
  • For constant temperature and pressure (D T 0,
    D P 0)
  • D G D H T D S
  • D H is the changes in enthalpy (ie. heat
  • Closed system implies constant temperature and
  • Typical experimental conditions.
  • Reactions are spontaneous if D G lt 0.

Reversible reactions The reaction ATP ? ADP
Pi can be considered as two simultaneous
reactions The consumption of ATP ATP ? ADP
Pi with a rate constant k1 - d/dt
ATP d/dt ADP k1 ATP
(2) in competition with the production of
ATP ADP Pi ? ATP with a rate constant k2
d/dt ATP k2
ADP Pi (3)
  • When at equilibrium (from Eqs. (2) and (3))
  • d/dt ATP k2 ADP Pi - k1 ATP 0
  • ie. rate of ATP production rate of ATP
    consumption hence
  • ADP Pi / ATP k1/k2 KATP
    hydrolysis (4)
  • which defines the equilibrium constant for ATP
  • The experimentally measured value is
  • KATP hydrolysis 105 M
  • In the presence of 10-2 M Pi and 10 -3 M ADP
    (approximate values for the mitochondrial
  • ATP 1/K ATP hydrolysis ADP Pi
  • 1/105 10-3 10-2 M 10-10 M
  • only one molecule of ATP per ten million of ADP
    if allowed to run down to equilibrium.

  • Gibbs free energy in solution
  • For the reaction
  • A ? B C
  • define the mass-action ratio
  • G B C / A
  • such that G Kequil at equilibrium.
  • From thermodynamics (ie. without proof), the
    change in Gibbs free energy for a reaction in
    solution is
  • D G - 2.3 R
    T log10 Kequil / G (6)
  • D G0 2.3 R T log10 G
  • R the gas constant (R 8.3 J/(mol K)).
  • T temperature in Kelvin (K).
  • G0' - 2.3 R T log10 Kequil and ' indicates pH 7
    (bio. convention).
  • At equilibrium G Kequil so DG 0.
  • A half-proof'' of how Eq. (6) is derived from
    Eq. (1) is given as an appendix to Chapter 3 of
    Biochemistry, Voet and Voet.

  • Example ATP hydrolysis reaction
  • Use Eq. (5) to determine D G as G is displaced
    from equilibrium.
  • G ADP Pi / ATP
  • and
  • KATP hydrolysis 105 M
  • Suppose in the cell Pi 10-2 M and is (more or
    less) constant.

  • In healthy cells ATP 10-2 M and ADP 10-5
    M, such that
  • G 10-5 10-2 / 10-2 10-5 10-10 KATP
  • Hence
  • D G -2.3 R T log10 KATP hydrolysis / G
  • -2.3 8.3 J/(mol K) 298 K 10 - 57 kJ/mol
  • The reaction is so displaced from equilibrium
    that in consuming one mol of ATP 57 kJ of work
    can be performed.

  • The standard free energy (25oC pH 7) of
    phosphate hydrolysis of ATP to ADP is DG0 '
    -30.5 kJ/mol.
  • Free energy of a pure elements in their standard
    state (25oC, 1 atm) and most stable form (eg. O2)
    is defined as zero.
  • Free energy of formation of another substance is
    the change in free energy accompanying the
    formation of one mol of that substance under
    standard conditions.
  • - DG 0 ' is the difference between the free
    energies of formation of ATP versus ATD and Pi
    under '' standard'' conditions.
  • Since 57 kJ/mol gt 30.5 kJ/mol is there a
  • - It is the displacement of G from equilibrium
    which gives the cell its ability to do work!
  • When ATP is displaced 10 orders of magnitude
    from equilibrium it can do more work than that
    associated with phosphate bond hydrolysis under
    standard conditions.
  • Entropy the driving force for gas molecules to be
    in both bulbs
  • An entropy advantage of having a mixture of ATP,
    ADP, AMP etc. ie. more disordered'' if not a
    pure species.

  • Compare with
  • DG0 2.3 R T log10 Kequil
  • 2.3 8.3 J/(mol K) 298 K 5
  • 28 kJ/mol.
  • Difference between 30.5 kJ/mol and 28 kJ/mol is
    round-off error (eg. Kequil accurate to only one
    decimal place).

  • Measuring the Gibbs free energy across a membrane
  • The Gibbs free energy across a membrane is given
  • D G - F Dy - 2.3 RT log10 (HP /
    HN) (7)
  • - F is Faraday's constant 0.097 kJ/(mol mV).
  • - Dy electric potential difference either side
    of the membrane.
  • - HP proton concentration on the positive
  • - HN proton concentration on the negative
  • The first term is the energy of the stored
    electrostatic potential (ie. like a capacitor).
  • The second term Gibbs free energy for the
    reaction HP ? HN
  • ie. the pH gradient is a displacement from
    equilibrium (Eq. 5).

  • Measuring D pH
  • A weak acid obeys
  • HA ? H A-
  • with Equilibrium constant
  • Ka H A- / HA (8)
  • Since HA is neutral it will freely permeate the
  • - Either side of the membrane HAN HAP
  • We know HP ? HN due to D pH.
  • - Therefore A-P ? A-N at equilibrium.

Note for a weak acid HA gtgt H, A-, so
picture is just illustrative, don't take
  • Measuring DpH done by
  • Growing organelle's with physiological pH
    gradient (A).
  • Adding A- to the incubation medium (B).
  • Stop respiration (eg. rapidly separate organelle
    from incubation medium).
  • Monitoring the fall of A- outside the organelle
    (C to D) since HA will diffuse through the
    organelle's membrane.
  • Alternatively use a spectral indicator for A-
    as it accumulates inside the organelle (D).
  • Amount of HA found inside the organelle closely
    related to
  • (almost matching) the excess of H outside the
    organelle when
  • A- added.

(No Transcript)
  • Measuring D y
  • Measure the electrostatic potential difference
    by having an ion (eg. X) which can freely
    permeate the membrane
  • - Requires a rapid transporter of X.
  • Allow X to equilibrate either side of the
    membrane as the organelle functions.
  • - Dy will drive a concentration gradient for X.
  • At equilibrium
  • DG - F Dy - 2.3 RT log10
    (XP / XN) 0. (9)

  • Solving Eq. (8) for Dy gives
  • Dy - 2.3 RT / F log10 (XP /
    XN) (10)
  • Measuring the fall in X outside the
    organelle, or increase inside, gives Dy directly.
  • Must know internal volume of organelle.
  • Must have only one rapid transport mechanism of
  • X should not disturb pH gradient (ie. X must
    be low).
  • Need a good indicator for X.

  • First measurements of transmembrane Gibbs free
  • Mitchell and Moyle (1969) employed pH and K
    specific electrodes in anaerobic, low K
  • Valinomycin used to transport K.
  • Dy determined by K uptake during an O2 pulse.
  • Used mitochondrial respiratory chain.
  • DpH estimated by simultaneous proton extrusion.
  • A value of 228 mV for Dy.
  • - Equates to 22 kJ/mol.
  • In the mitochondria DpH only makes a small
    contribution to total Gibbs free energy.
  • - Buffer effects protect enzymes from pH
  • In chloroplasts DpH makes a larger contribution.
  • - Have very pH robust enzymes in these

  • Does it Add Up?
  • First success of the theory was it explained why
    charge transporters
  • (eg. valinomycin, which transports K) kill
  • Mitchell and Moyle found Dy 228 mV in
  • - Equates to 22 kJ/mol.
  • Know the mitochondria maintains the ATP ? ADP
    Pi reaction ten orders of magnitude from
  • - Equates to 57 kJ/mol energy storage by ATP.
  • Believed that 3 to 4 H are pumped in the
    mitochondria per ATP molecule synthesized.
  • - Between 66 and 88 kJ/mol of energy available
    for each 57kJ/mol ATP molecule generated.
  • - Surprisingly efficient!
  • This finding crucial, since if DG did not add
    up the whole theory would need to be abandoned.

  • Proton pumping
  • Established that energy transduction proceeds by
    proton pumping.
  • Proton motive potential then harvested by
  • How can it possibly work in detail?
  • - Demands structural information.

  • Classical proton pump
  • A binding site for a proton.
  • Resting state has very high proton affinity.
  • A proton taken up.
  • Upon the input of energy
  • Conformational change.
  • Switches accessibility to the other side of the
  • Dramatically reduces proton affinity of binding
  • A proton is released.
  • Net translocation of a proton.
  • - Basic model Jardetzky, Nature 211, 969-970

  • Redox coupled proton pump
  • Contain two redox chemistry sites.
  • - One either side of the membrane.
  • Oxidation of substrate S1
  • Reduces the enzyme.
  • Electrons flow to second redox site.
  • Protons released to one side of membrane.
  • Reduction of substrate S2
  • - Protons taken up from other side of the
  • Net translocation of a proton.
  • - Basic model Mitchell, Nature 191, 144-148

  • Electron proton movements
  • Electrons (or protons) sit within potential
    energy wells.
  • Have specific quantum mechanical''
  • Energy of wavefunction hn (n oscillation
  • Neighboring potential energy wells always
  • eg. an electron may move to a neighboring
  • eg. a proton may move to a neighboring
    residue/water molecule.
  • To be probable that the electron/proton moves
  • For a given set of nuclear coordinates the total
    potential energy of reactants and products must
  • Efficient quantum-mechanical wavefunction
    coupling If hnreactants hnproducts

  • Rate constants of transfer
  • Rates for electron (proton) transfer depend on
  • centre-to-centre distance of reactants and
  • As distance increases energy barrier goes up!
  • Probability of fluctuations providing this
    energy goes down.
  • Transfer probability of crossing from one
    surface to another depends on extent of
    wavefunction overlap.
  • - eg. Certain angles favored for H-bonds.
  • - eg. Electron wavefunctions have structure and
  • overlap better at favored orientations.
  • - Proteins carefully arranges cofactor positions
    and orientations.

  • Tunneling
  • May expect that proteins provide pathways
    between electron donors and acceptors.
  • - In practice not so.
  • Electrons pass from one centre to another by
  • There is a finite probability that the electron
    is already in the product's potential well.
  • - Diagnostic for tunneling is insensitivity to
    temperature changes.

  • Proton Exchange
  • Have hydrogen bond partners.
  • - If distance and angles favorable have very
    rapid exchange of a proton.
  • - Imagine the forward and reverse reaction
    happening continuously.
  • H-bond networks of charged side chains and water
    molecules serve as proton wires''.

  • What determines where protons lie?
  • Define the pKa of a residue/cofactor/water HA
  • pKa - log10 (HA- / HA)
  • where the reaction is HA ? H A-.
  • Low pKa means relatively high H.
  • High pKa means relatively low H (ie.
    relatively high OH-).
  • A number of residues have a pKa in the region
    where their
  • protonation states can change
  • - Aspartate (pKa 3.9), Glutamate (pKa 4.1),
    Histidine (pKa 6.0), Lysine (pKa 10.5),
    Arginine (pKa 12.5), Tyrosine (pKa 10.5),
    Cysteine (pKa 10.7).
  • If two residues in H-bond contact (or linked via
    water molecules) the proton will lie on that with
    highest pKa.
  • Several factors perturb the pKa of residues
  • Number of H-bonds.
  • Distribution of charges (eg. nearby positively
    charges can stablilse a negative charge on a
    residue and vice versa).
  • How hydrophobic/hydrophilic the local
    environment is.

  • Classical proton pump
  • Resting state has a high affinity proton binding
  • - H-bonds/local charges etc. stabilise its high
  • Conformational change.
  • Switches accessibility to the other side of the
    membrane (eg. opens and closes entry/exit
  • pKa of proton binding site drops significantly.
  • - Loss of H-bonds, movements of charges etc.
  • A proton is released.

  • Flow of electrons
  • Similar structural/energy barrier considerations
    to proton transfer.
  • Electron flow faster since e- 1000 times lighter
    than H.
  • Can also have significant tunneling'' through
  • - It is the Oxidation-Reduction (Redox) potential
    which is relevant.
  • General reaction is
  • Oxidised ne- m H ? Reduced
  • An Oxidised/Reduced pair is called a redox
  • In the case of a metal and its salt
  • Two half cells of metal electrode and its salt
    versus a standard.
  • Link them by a salt bridge and measure the
    potential difference.

  • The metal electrode which gives up electrons has
    the lower electro-potential.
  • Standard electro potentials defined against a
    H2/Pt electrode _at_ 1Mol concentration H (ie. pH
    0) and 25oC.
  • Normal biological convention defines
    electropotentials _at_ pH7.
  • Mid-point potential is that when Oxidised
  • The actual redox potential at pH x is
  • Eh,pHx Em, pH x ((2.3 R T)/(n F))
    log10(ox / red)
  • Where Em, pH x is the mid-point potential at pH
  • Note the energy term arising as Oxidised and
  • change, related to earlier expressions!

Some mid-point potentials _at_ pH 7 Oxidised ne-
m H ? Reduced
  • Common redox groups in biology
  • Most enzymes use relatively few redox cofactors.
  • Cu centres.
  • Single Cu dinuclear (two Cu) centres binuclear
    (one Cu, one Fe) centres.
  • Fe/S complexes.
  • - Two Fe2 and two S2-.
  • Heme.
  • - Normally Fe2 within a porphyrin ring.
  • Chlorophyll.
  • - Like heme but with Mg2 rather than Fe2.
  • Pheophytin.
  • - Like heme but with 2H rather than Fe2.
  • Quinone/Quinol.
  • Redox potentials modified by subtle structural

  • Redox coupled proton pump
  • Contain two redox chemistry sites.
  • Oxidation of substrate S1
  • - Has a relatively negative electro-potential.
  • - Electrons flow to second redox site.
  • Reduction of substrate S2
  • - Has a relatively positive electro-potential.
  • Net translocation of a proton.

  • Structural methods
  • To understand these processes need structural
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
  • - Has a relatively low upper size limit.
  • Electron microscopy.
  • - Quite successful for membrane proteins but low
  • Electron microscopy structure of Ca2-ATPase.
  • X-ray diffraction.
  • - The most successful and high resolution.
  • - Difficult to get crystals.

  • The X-ray approach
  • Grow crystals.
  • Travel to synchrotrons.
  • Collect X-ray diffraction data.
  • Interpret electron density.

  • Summary Lecture 2
  • Thermodynamics determines Gibbs free energy of
  • - A reaction spontaneous if DG is negative.
  • Measurements of proton gradients consistent with
    the energy content of ATP within the cell.
  • Two types of proton pump
  • - For classical proton pumps must consider pKa
  • - For redox coupled pumps electropotentials the
    central idea.
  • X-ray diffraction the most promising method for
    elucidating structural details.
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