Title: Blotting and immunodetection
1Blotting and immunodetection
- MBV4020
- Dept. of Molecular Biosciences
- UiO
- Autumn 2005
- Winnie Eskild
2- Western technique analyses proteins after gel
fractionation and transfer to a membrane. - Advantage the proteins are fixed and accessible
for analysis, in this case using an antibody.
3Choices to be made
- Blotting
- Gel thicknes
- Wet/semi dry
- Membrane type
- Transfer conditions
- Buffer
- Immunodetection
- Blocking
- Buffer
- Incubation time
- Antibody
- Washing
- Detection method
4Blotting - wet or semi drydepends on protein
type and size
- Proteins are transferred from the gel to a
membrane by an electric field. - Proteins usually migrate towards the positive
electrode - Protein type determines choice of method
- Hydrophobic or large proteins (gt100 kDa) - wet
blotting - Transfer time up to 16 hours
- Hydrophilic or small proteins (lt100 kDa) - semi
dry blotting - Transfer time up to 2 hours
5Prepare gel for blotting
- Remove stacking gel
- Cut off a corner at the top of lane 1
- Soak the gel in transfer buffer
- Buffer contains methanol which makes the gel
swell a little - Increases elution of SDS from the gel
- Increases binding of proteins to the membrane
- Soak for 15 min. Too little may lead to poor
buffer equilibration Too much may lead to loss of
proteins due to diffusion - Here SDS is removed and methanol is introduced
into the gel - SDS helps protein migration out of the gel, but
inhibits binding to the membrane
6Protein migration from gel to membrane
- SDS-denaturation leads to net negative charge
- SDS-denatured proteins migrate more easily out of
the gel - SDS left in the gel migrates to the membrane and
binds to it gt competition with the protein - Methanol facilitates eluation of SDS from gel and
makes it swell a little - Methanol detaches SDS from the protein gt
increased binding of protein to the membrane - Methanol reduces transfer efficiency due to
renaturation of protein
7More preparation
- We need
- 1-2 membranes
- For wet blotting membranes should be 0.5 cm
longer and 0.5 cm wider than the gel. - For semi dry blotting the membrane must be same
size as gel or smaller. - 2-6 pcs filter paper (Whatman 3M)
- For wet blotting these should be slightly larger
than the membrane but not exceed the size of
blotting sponges. - If sponges are worn thin use more filter paper.
- A too short distance to blotting sandwich will
result in shadow pattern on the membrane. - For semi dry blotting the filter paper should be
slightly larger than the opening of the plastic
shielding without exceeding the size of the gel. - Blotting sponges/Scotch Brite
- Everything is soaked for min. 15 minutes.
8Choice of membrane
- Standard buffer Towbin buffer
- 25 mM TRIS base
- 192 mM Glycine
- 0 - 0,2 SDS
- Increases transfer of proteins gt 60 kDa
- Reduces binding to membrane
- Cannot be used for nylon membranes
- 0 - 20 methanol
- Reduces transfer effectiveness
- Increases binding to membrane
- Note
- This buffer has a pH of approx. 8,3 and must not
be adjusted - pH adjustment introduces free ions which increase
conductivity. Increased conductance ( mA) results
in increased heat and thus risk of denaturation
10Wet blotting
- Equilibrate gel in transfer buffer in separate
tray. - Equilibrate filters and sponges in transfer
buffer. Eliminate air bubbles. - PVDF membranes must be soaked in methanol, before
equilibration in transfer buffer. - Nitrocellulose membranes are soaked directly in
transfer buffer - The transfer sandwich is packed under buffer as
shown in the figure. - Roll a glass rod over each layer to remove air
bubbles (inhibit transfer of proteins) - Mount transfer sandwich in blotting chamber which
already contains transfer buffer
11Blotting conditions - wet transfer
- Here amperes and voltage are determined by gel
size - Mini gels (9X10 cm) 200 mA, approx. 50 V for 2
hrs at 15-20o C - or 400 mA, approx. 100 V for 1 hr at 15-20o C
- Large gel (15X21 cm) 1.0 A, approx. 100 V for
1-3 hrs at 15-20o C - Alternatively Overnight blotting at 15-25 V in
cold room - Place the blotting unit on a magnetic stirrer.
This will ensure even temperatures and effective
dissipation of heat.
12Semi dry blotting
- Equilibrate gel in transfer buffer in separate
tray - Six filters pr gel are soaked in transfer
buffer - PVDF membranes must first be soaked in methanol,
before equilibration in transfer buffer. - Nitrocellulose membranes may be soaked in
transfer buffer directly - Place plastic shielding on lower electrode ()
with opening in the centre
- Pack sandwich as shown in the figure
- Roll a glass rod over each layer to remove
air-bubbles - The whole sandwich should be saturated with
buffer - Place upper electrode (-). Ensure good contact
over the transfer area
13Blotting conditions - semidry blotting
- Never use more than 0.8 mA/cm2. Calculation of
this is based on the opening area in the plastic
shielding, which is slightly smaller than the
gel. - Blotting should not exceed 2 hrs. Heat production
dries the filter.
14Control of transfer
- Gel stainingIncubate approx. 2 hrs in Coomassie
Blue staining solution and destain for 1 hr - Large proteins are difficult to transfer.
- Always some residues left in gel
- Western technique analyses proteins after gel
fractionation and transfer to a membrane. - Advantage the proteins are fixed and accessible
for analysis, in this case using an antibody.
16Control of transferMembrane staining Several
methods which vary with regard to sensitivity and
- Blocking reduces nonspesific binding of antibody
(primary or secondary) to protein or membrane - Too little gt high background
- Too much reduces the signal
- Incubation time
- 1-2 hrs at RT with shaking
- Many different blocking agents
- Fat free dry milk
- Tween 20
- Bovin serum albumin
- Casein
- Gelatin
- Hemoglobin
- Ovalbumin
- Buffer
- PBS, phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.5-8.0
- TBS, TRIS-buffered saline, pH 7.5
18Incubation with primary antibody
- Polyclonal (serum, IgG, affinity purified
antibody) - or monoclonal (ascites, cell supernatant,
affinity purified antibody) may be used. - Buffer is often the same as for blocking or even
just PBS w/Tween 20 or TBS w/Tween 20 - Incubation time must be determined in each case
- Varies from 5 min at RT to ON at 4oC
- Dilution must be determined individually in each
case - Depends on titer and system sensitivity
- Normal dilution for polyclonal 11,000 -
150,000 - Amplification of signal 2-10 times with
- Buffer PBS w/Tween 20 or TBS w/Tween 20
- TW20 concentration must be determined for each
antibody and antigen - Usually 0.01-0.2
- Time Number of washes and duration of each wash
must be determined in each case - Usually 3X5 min 3X15 min
- Use large buffer volume 50-100 ml for 8X10 cm
membrane - Incubation with vigorous shaking
20Incubation with secondary antibody
- Secondary antibody specificly recognizes IgG from
the species where primary antibody was produced - Buffer same as for primary antibody
- Dilution must be determined in each case
- Usually 11,000 - 1100,000
- Incubation time must be determined in each case
- Varies from 5 min to 2 hrs
21Detection Direct, indirect or with
biotin-streptavidin amplification
- Direct detection
- Enzyme alkaline phosphatase, horse radish
peroxidase - Gray-black precipitate or chemiluminiscence
- Radioactive ligand 125I
- is coupled to the primary antibody.
- Almost direct detection
- Biotin binds streptavidin coupled to enzyme (AP,
HRP) - is coupled to the primary antibody.
- Advantages Quick, low background
- Disadvantages Lower sensitivity, more work to
purify and label antibody
22Detection Indirect
- Indirect detection Here we use a secondary
antibody directed against IgG from the species
where the primary antibody was made - Secondary antibody carries a label radioactive
ligand, biotin or enzyme (AP, HRP) - Advantages same secondary antibody for all
primary antibodies from one species, increased
sensitivity - Disadvantages Somewhat higher background, takes
a little longer
23Detection With biotin-streptavidin amplification
- Biotin-streptavidin amplification Here a biotin
molecule is coupled to the secondary antibody. A
complex of streptavidin and enzyme is added. This
method results in many more enzyme molecules pr
secondary antibody molecule - Advantage Very high sensitivity
- Disadvantage More time consuming
Background or loss of signal!!
25Stripping and reprobing of Western filterThree
- Incubate membrane for 30 min in 2 SDS, 100 mM
TRIS pH 7.4, 100 mM ?-mercapto ethanol at 70oC. - Wash in H2O, incubate for 5 min in 0.2 M NaOH at
RT. Wash in H2O and transfer to PBS. - Incubate for 10 min in 7 M guanidine-HCl at
RT.Wash 3 times in TBS w/0.1 Tween 20