Title: No Slide Title Author: Matt Hamlyn Description: email mhamlyn@jessamine.k12.ky.us Last modified by: Steven Zindman Created Date: 10/7/1999 5:16:48 PM
Becoming a World Power Unit 23 (1876-1916) American Nation Textbook Pages 614-639 President Theodore Roosevelt Powerpoint by Mr. Zindman * The Panama Canal
Industrial Growth (1865-1914) American Nation textbook, pages 572-595 Powerpoint by Mr. Zindman * * The factories of 1800 drew workers from many different backgrounds.
The leading woman in the national labor movement. Mario Molina ... Jennifer Lopez. Singer. C sar Romero. Actor. Alex Rodriguez. New York Yankee baseball player ...
People to settle in the Americas? How many people built the Great Wall of China? ... artifacts: an object made by human beings long ago. the Roman Coliseum ...
During the colonial era, many American Protestants believed in predestination. According to this idea, God decided in advance who would attain salvation after death.
Chapter 3 As the colonies grew in the 1600 s and 1700 s, they became the home to people of many lands. These people brought their own customs and traditions.
By the 1700's, hunting replaced farming as the basis of life for many plains people. ... Indians were dependent on the Buffalo for food, clothing, and shelter. ...
Becoming a World Power Unit 23 (1876-1916) American Nation Textbook Pages 614-639 President Theodore Roosevelt Powerpoint by Mr. Zindman * The Panama Canal