Title: WWA District 3 RACES Region3 http:www.wwadistrict3ares.org
1WWA District 3/ RACES Region3http//www.wwa-distr
- January 8, 2005
- South Bend, WA
- Introductions
- Agenda Review
- County Review and 2004 Plans
- Thurston Tom, KA4VVA
- Grays Harbor - Doyle
- Lewis Bill, AC7SR
- Mason Jean, AA7JK
- Pacific Bob, N7CVW
- District 3 Review
3Agenda contd
- 2005 Training
- Incident Command System
- Public Service Events (Eventing)
- Section Wide Drills
- Quarterly EOC Exercises
- Communications Academy 2005
- EmComm West
- Field Day
- Other ARRL ECC, WA State EMD, FEMA, Red Cross,
4Agenda contd
- SET 2004
- District 3 Communications
- Voice
- Data
- Other Business
- Medical Services
- Adjournment of District 3 Meeting
5Thurston County, WATom Dennis, KA4VVA EC/RO
6Grays Harbor County, WADoyle Wenzrl, N7UJK EC/RO
7Lewis County, WABill Harwell, AC7SR EC/RO
8Mason County, WAJean Kroum, AA7JK ECDave
Brooks, N7HT RO
9Pacific County, WABob Cline, N7CVW EC/RO
10Pac. Co. ARES 2005 GOALS
11- Recruit Members to Support
- Hospital Ocean Beach, Ilwaco
- Fire Dept. Ocean Park
- Red Cross
- Scrub member List
- If Grant Obtained for new radios and antennas
- Design, plan, procure and coordinate installation
of new antennas
- Participate in EOC-EOC Exercises and SET, if
12- Maintain Generator and test monthly
- Participate in Field Day and Lighthouse weekend
as training exercises
- Conduct EOC training class and develop NCS
training class
- EC to take Level I ARES course
- Be ready for any emergency that affects Pac. Co.
13District 3 2004 ARES Accumulated Public Service
Time - YTD Total Hours 11,762 (_at_
3250/Hour 382,265) Total Miles
38,781 (_at_ 0.375/Mile 14,542.88) Tot
al Value to Customers 396,808
Total Net Sessions 367
Total Events 52 Emergency Operations
19 Members 173
- 2005 Training
- Incident Management
- Incident Command System (ICS) Required by WAC
and Department of Homeland Security IS-195 Basic
Incident Command System
- National Incident Management SystemIS-700
National Incident Management System (NIMS)
- National Response PlanIS-800 National Response
Plan (NRP), an Introduction
15Training contd
- Nets
- Local (check into your neighbors net)
- District 3 Net (1915 local every Sunday)
- WSEN (Mondays 1830 Local Saturday 0900
Local 3985 kHz)
- Take a turn as Net Control
- Local Exercises (Road Rallys, Marathons,
Parades, Walks, Bicycle Races, etc.) They also
give your unit visibility
- District 3
- Quarterly EOC Exercises 5th Saturday of every
16Training contd
- Communications Academy 2005, April 2-3, Shoreline
Conference Centerhttp//www.commacademy.org/
- EmComm West 2005, May 14-15, Reno,
- SEA-PAC 2005, June 17-19, Seaside,
- ARRL Field Day, June 25-29Start Planning now!!
- ARRL SET 2005, Oct. 1, A statewide exercise!
Stay tuned for more information
17Training contd
- Other
- ARRL ECC Classes ARRL Members are reimbursed
upon completion
- WA State EMD Classes
- FEMA Emergency Management Institute Independent
- American Red Cross
- NOAA SkyWarn Weather Spotter
- Local or District Training
18SET 2004
- First Section Wide Exercise in several years
- First Activation of District 3 Net
- District 3 passed more traffic than any other
District in the Section
- 100 Participation from the District
- State RACES Plan needs to be reviewed
andpossibly modified
19Radio Networks
- Voice
- Capitol Peak 145.47
- District wide some holes in coverage
- Now is IRLP Node
- Beach Net
- Excellent Coverage on Coast
- Remote Base into Capitol Peak
- Good Inland Coverage
- Working on Remote Base to link into Beach Net
- OARS Beach Net would provide alternate to
Capitol Peak
20(No Transcript)
21Radio Networks contd
- Data
- EOC Network 145.63MHz
- Existing AX25 Network
- Manual Routing
- Specialized Packet Software
- Works in both DOS and Window Environment
- Exist Network
- Short Messages Only
22Radio Networks contd
- WinLink 2000
- Selected by ARRL as new system
- Uses Standard Email Software
- Automatic Routing
- Requires Microsoft .NET Framework
- Email sent to PMBOs not user
- Supports Tactical Call Signs
- Uses expensive PACTOR III HF Modem
- Sound Card HF Modem under development
- We always need new members
- Less than 10 of the Hams are members of an
organized emergency services organization
- We do not have the resources to allow rivalries
- Emergents must be planned for and recruited after
an event.
- It takes 4.5 persons for a single position for a
24 hour shift with breaks. How Many Shifts can
Your Unit Cover?
24Training contd
- Other Business
- Medical Services
- Marina Zuetell, N7LSL on 1 year contract to get
equipment installed in WWA Hospitals
- Survey by end of March and then Order
- Rumors of State Wide Hospital Exercise
- District Exercise?
- Need District 3 Medical Services Coordinator
- Other Business????
25Adjournment Have a Great 2005!!