Title: Windevaporation feedback
1Wind-evaporation feedback the abrupt onset of
- William Boos January 3, 2008
- MIT Monsoon Institute, Honolulu
- ... with thanks to Kerry Emanuel
- Monsoon onset in axisymmetric models
- Observations
- Summary / conclusions
- Monsoon onset in axisymmetric models
- Observations
- Summary / conclusions
4Zonal-mean climatological circulation
90 S 0 90
N latitude (degrees)
90 S 0 90
N latitude (degrees)
5Solsticial OLR
- Ascent occurs primarily in monsoon regions,
with possible exception of Pacific
6Central question
- Why does the tropospheric overturning circulation
on Earth respond nonlinearly to the seasonal
cycle of solar forcing? -
- ... or equivalently, why is monsoon onset
7Central hypothesis
- Meridional circulation and zonal winds intensify
abruptly due to WISHE (Wind-Induced Surface Heat
8WISHE convective quasi-equilibrium
A traditional view
condensation level
9Aquaplanet model (MITgcm)
- Axisymmetric (latitude-height) partial sphere,
64º N - 64º S - resolution 1º horizontal, 25 hPa vertical
- LW SW radiation scheme
- No moisture-radiation feedbacks
- moist convection (Emanuel 1991)
- aquaplanet, prescribed SST
? similar to Pauluis and Emanuel (2004)
10Phase diagram, moist GCM
weak SST forcing
11Model state during onset
? circulation does not reach highly nonlinear,
angular momentum conserving regime
? ? -?yM
SST max
- surface heat fluxes are strongly influenced by
the circulation
- Idealized, axisymmetric models
- WISHE can produce an abrupt onset of solsticial
flow for weak thermal forcings - Response for strong thermal forcings involves
consideration of angular momentum conserving
dynamics... another talk
- Monsoon onset in axisymmetric models
- Observations
- Summary / conclusions
14(No Transcript)
15Seasonal evolution of jet
Following Krishnamurti et al. (1981), define
at 850 hPa over Arabian Sea
data NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis, 1979-2005
16Moist static energy budget
- Moist static energy budget
- h cpT Lvq gz
- If we neglect horizontal advection and time
tendency of h (can test a posteriori) - where Qnet
17Composite moist static energy source(vertically
integrated, atm. only)
data NCEP Reanalysis (1979-2005)
18Change in Q compared to change in ?
data NCEP Reanalysis (1979-2005)
19Time evolution of mean Q and ?
- Idealized, axisymmetric models
- WISHE can produce an abrupt onset of solsticial
flow for weak thermal forcings - Response for strong thermal forcings involves
consideration of angular momentum conserving
dynamics... another talk - Observations
- Changes in baroclinic flow during abrupt onset of
Somali jet are consistent with WISHE feedback - Changes in stratification and/or h advection may
be important for weaker changes seen over land