Date and time of Winter Solstice 2016. This astronomical phenomenon is also known as December Solstice which marks shortest day and longest darkness of a year.
Last day of winter 2016 will arrive soon. We have compiled information of winter sunstead and its punctual date and time in other time zones of world.
Get the details of the first day of Autum, Summer, winter 2016 will reach is the time of the threshold of apostatize equinox and first day of become 2016.
Fall Equinox 2016 The Fall Equinox 2016 day and timings for Northern and Southern Hemisphere are plowshare here! Fall Equinox is also assumed as September Equinox or the first day of apostatize.
Celebrating Spring Equinox 2016. If you are an admirer of fervent overcome, you must be precisely looking agreement to distinguish when is first Time of spring 2016.
Brief overview of Vernal Equinox 2016 and its date and time in March month. Equinox is an astronomical occurrence natural event doubly in a year.
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The meteorological seasons is made of splitting the seasons into four periods composed of three months each. These seasons are split to coincide with your Gregorian calendar making it easier for meteorological observing and forecasting to compare and contrast seasonal and monthly statistics
1 AU (astronomical unit) = mean distance between the Sun and Earth 1.49x1011 m ... Angles are measured in degree ( ), arcmin ('), arcsec('); radians (rad, or no unit) ...
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