Title: Kickback and Stark Compliance: Challenges and Liabilities
1- Kickback and Stark Compliance Challenges and
www.onlinecompliancepanel.com 510-857-5896
2- Instructor Profile
- Bob Wade is the Chair of the
firm's Health Care Practice Group. He
concentrates his practice in representing
healthcare clients, including large health
systems, hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers,
physician groups, physicians and other medical
providers. His experience includes representing
clients with respect to the Stark Act,
Anti-Kickback Statute, False Claims Act, and
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor
Act. Bob is also nationally recognized
in all aspects of healthcare compliance,
including developing, monitoring and
documentation of an effective compliance program.
He currently serves as the Compliance Expert to
the Board of Commissioners of Halifax Health,
advising the hospital on all aspects of their
Corporate Integrity Agreement.
www.onlinecompliancepanel.com 510-857-5896
3- Description
- The presentation is intended to
provide a general and broad understanding of the
Stark Law, including most of the commonly used
exceptions. The presentation is geared toward
attorneys, compliance officers, and executives
who are responsible for implementing and
monitoring physician financial arrangements that
implicate the Stark Law. The participants will
have a working understanding of the Stark Law and
commonly-used exceptions. - Why Should you Attend
- To improve knowledge and obtain
the most - current information regarding Stark
www.onlinecompliancepanel.com 510-857-5896
4- Objectives of the Presentation
- The objectives of the presentation are to
teach and discuss about General Stark Law
Prohibitions - What arrangements implicate the Stark Law?
- Key Stark Law definitions
- Ownership exceptions explained
- Compensation exceptions explained
- Who can Benefit
- Attorneys
- Compliance Officers and Executives who are
responsible for implementing and monitoring
physician financial arrangements with designated
health service entities.
www.onlinecompliancepanel.com 510-857-5896
5- Live Session - How it works
- Username and Password will be sent to you 24
hours prior to the webinar - Presentation handouts in pdf formate will be
mailed to you - Login to the session using the username and
password provided to you - Get answer to your queries through interactive
QA sessions via chat - Please let us know your thoughts and views at the
end of webinar, your valuable feedback will help
us improve - Get certification of attendance.
- Recorded Session - How it works
- A link will be provided to you upon purchase of
the recorded session - Please click on the link to access the session
- Presentation handouts in pdf formate will be
mailed to you - Get certification of attendance.
www.onlinecompliancepanel.com 510-857-5896
www.onlinecompliancepanel.com 510-857-5896