Title: RV Professor Vodyanitskiy
1R/V Professor Vodyanitskiy
2Owner Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas
Operator Institute of Biology of the Southern
Seas Flag Ukraine Port of registration
3R/V Professor Vodyanitskiy was built in 1976 in
Turku, Finland In operation since 1976
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Mediterranean, 1982
Tropic Atlantic, 1989
Tropic Atlantic, 1984
Black Sea, 1986
Number of cruises per year
Only Black Sea cruises
8Complete renovation in 2007
Classification Shipping Register of
Ukraine Normal Complement 23 ship's crew 37
other (including 28 for guestscientists and
CIME/IBSS scientific crewtechnicians) Propulsion
Deutz RBV6M358 diesel engine, 2000 hp _at_ 315 rpm
driving KaMeWa props with combinator-constant
rpm change over valve Bow Thruster Janstrem
OZFNBH574, powered by electric 150 hp _at_ 1465 rpm
Siemence reversive 3-speed motor Generators (3)
315 hp _at_ 1500 rpm Poyaud UD-25L6, 200 kVA Ships
network 380/220 V, 50 Hz Stabilized network 220
V, 50 Hz, 25 kVA
9Special facilities Centralized air
conditioning/ventilation of berthing spacesLocal
heating of berthing spacesHeating of outer tanks
for potable water Navigation Equipment FURUNO
GP-80, GPS-500 Navigator satellite navigation
systems, NMEA outputSimrad LC Loran C, Decca
NavigatorPath findersNavigation mapper Plath
705 LNG(2) Furuno Radar Nayada-5 Radar
Magnetic Compass(2) Gyro CompassSimrad Doppler
Speed/Distance Log Communications Equipment Call
letters ENQTGMDSS ID 272004000, area ?1, ?2, ?3
10Deck Equipment A-frame on stern, 8 ton capacity
_at_ 3 meters outreach(2) Crane 3 ton capacity _at_
9.5 meters outreachCapstan at stern(2) Anchor
windlassWinches (2) 3 tons hydrographic with
current-collecting device for CTD (2100 meters
cable), towed instrumens (1800 meters cable)
etc., (2) 3 tons and 0.5 ton for nets or water
samplers, trawl 2?4 tons _at_ 0-120 meters/min rope
20 mm 3000 meters for geological sampling etc
11Laboratories 5 Dry labs (70.8 sq.
m.)Sedimentology (wet) lab (9.5 sq.
m.)Photographic (dark) lab (4.5 sq.
m.)Oceanographic lab (13.5 sq. m.)Video
Computer Lab (10 sq. m.)Acoustic Lab (10.5 sq.
m.)Radioisotopic Lab(11.5 sq. m.)Outdoor
Covered Deck Workarea (45 sq. m.)Briefing room
with VCR, TV, stereo (53 sq. m.)Distillator Room
12Scientific Equipment CTD/Fluorescence
instrument MARK-III NEIL BROWN coupled the
ROSETTE-system with 12x10L GoFlo-bottles TV
submersible vehicle MiniRover MK-IISearchlight
sonar FURUNO CH-16 coupled to NTSC VCRSimrad
EK-500 scientific echo-sounder with PC-based
softwareAutomatic liquid-scintillation beta
counters1209-Rack-Beta or 1410-Wallac BetaThe
photo-copy machineLaboratory double-distillated
water deviceFive laboratory exhausting
hoodsLaboratory freezers and refrigeratorsSeawat
er supply in all the laboratories
13- Scientific Equipment
- After the vessel reequipment the following
scientific equipment will be established - - Personal computers (PC) - 9 pieces
- - The station satellite Internet of communication
Nera Inmarsat Fleet F77, which has the Internet
speed of 64 kilobyte /second . At global scope of
a terrestrial surface is from 78 N Up to 78 S - - Echo sounder Furuno FCV-1200L with frequencies
50 kHz, 88 kHz and 200 kHz, with the range of
depths up to 4000 m, the structure analysis
opportunity and density of a ground - The underwater operated television camera (TV
submersible vehicle) Mini Rover MKII with depth
of immersing up to 65 m. - The meteorological information receiver Furuno
Navtex NX 700-A
14Thank you