Example: print a newspaper photograph (the printing press only uses black' ink) How can we transform' color photos into black-and-white format (shades of gray) ...
Simple objects from the world around us can be depicted as 'wire-frame models' ... The wire-frame model can be moved (or the viewer's eye can be moved) to show an ...
Text, images, video. Black & white and color. Specialized processor chip ... Interlacing: In the early video display the full image could not be refreshed ...
Expansion cards Unit objectives Define the common drive interfaces, and install a drive controller Describe video adapters and standards, and install a video adapter
Mode texte uniquement 80x25 caract res 50Hz. Port imprimante. CGA. HGC ... Manque de r solution pour bureautique. HGC. CGA. EGA. VGA. SVGA. Standard: ...
Scan conversion. Geometric objects possess implicit parameters. Example: A circle has a center' and a ... In computer graphics it's called scan conversion ...