Ginsburg-Landau Theory of Solids and Supersolids Jinwu Ye Penn State University Outline of the talk: Introduction: the experiment, broken symmetries ..
Anomaly appears in the 'longitudinal' sound in a single crystal. Should appear in both longitudinal and transverse sound in polycrystalline samples. ...
Breaking electrons apart in condensed matter physics T. Senthil (MIT) Group at MIT Predrag Nikolic Dinesh Raut O. Motrunich (now at KITP) A. Vishwanath
N.Prokofiev & coworkers (2005) STM images of Ca(2-x)NaxCuO2Cl2 ... M. Boninsegni, N. Prokofiev (2005) Bosons on the Triangular Lattice. Phase Diagram ...
BEC dans des syst mes en interaction forte: h lium liquide et h lium solide S bastien Balibar Laboratoire de Physique Statistique Ecole Normale Sup rieure, Paris
on the structure of a world (which may be) described by quantum mechanics. a. what do we know on the basis of already performed experiments? chsh inequality:
Current Hot Areas of Research in Physics Mature Physics and Hot Physics Cold atom physics (Bose-Einstein condensation and degenerate Fermi gases), Condensed ...
... ground states with density wave order at carrier density ... Boson-vortex duality. Hofstadter spectrum of the quantum vortex 'particle' j. Boson-vortex duality ...
cond-mat/0502002, cond-mat/0511298. Leon Balents (UCSB) Lorenz Bartosch ... Effect of nodal quasiparticles on vortex dynamics is relatively innocuous. Outline ...
Hitomi Yoshimura. Yoshiyuki Shibayama. Keiya Shirahama. Keio University, Yokohama, Japan ... Support: Grand-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Area ' ...
... be seen in inelastic X-ray scattering measurements if charge ... Tunneling near a vortex state in the slave boson picture. Open issues. Spin physics? ...
KIAS Workshop on 'Emergent Quantum Phases in Strongly Correlated Electronic ... extensively degenerate classical antiferromagnetic ground state Hilbert space ...
Looking Forward to QFS2007 in Kazan. To find information on any ... How does anisotropy in Aerogel effect superfluid 3He? Behavior of the PCP is not agreed on. ...
The code is open source, free, and has been released to the wider community ... we calculate whether solid Helium has the properties expected of a supersolid. ...
Persistent Current Gyroscope. Persistent Current Gyroscope. Persistent Current Gyroscope. Persistent Current Gyroscope. Persistent Superfluid Currents ...
... Normal-Supersolid transition accompanied by Commensurate-incommensurate transition Change in local density profile Dai Xi, ... class first order ... rotational ...
How to construct and validate an ab initio EDF? Given a many body Hamiltonian determine the properties of . the infinite homogeneous system as a function of density
Molekulske sile i agregatna stanja Osobine Molekulskih sila Interakcije izmedju molekula su elektromagnetne prirode. Ono to nas interesuje da li su te sile ...
Supported by the National Science Foundation, the CRDF and ... We utilize this fact and create a symmetric sandwich: Solid Helium. Liquid Helium in Vycor ...
0. Basic motivations: why a q-sim is more feasible than a q-comp? ... a supersolid phase (i.e. both diag & off-diag order) With long-range charge term ...
He: a superatom Superfluid helium Supersonic helium A surface superprobe Helium clusters Flying refrigerators From fountains to geygers Supersolid helium
Rev. B 63, 134510 (2001) S. Sachdev and K. Park, Annals of Physics, 298, 58 (2002) ... of charge carriers is more fundamental, and (weak) density wave order emerges ...
Larmor precession and dipolar interactions. Roton ... in the presence of fast Larmor precession ... by precession. Only need to check whether spins are parallel ...
Sean Hartnoll (KITP), Christopher Herzog (Washington), Pavel Kovtun (KITP) ... Y. Kohsaka, C. Taylor, K. Fujita, A. Schmidt, C. Lupien, T. Hanaguri, M. Azuma, ...
My guess is that dark energy is positive zero ... UFO Warp Drive ... The evidence is seen in the UFO phenomena. Star Gate. Weightless Warp Drive. References ...
... in the electron-doped high-transition-temperature superconductor Nd2-xCexCuO4. E. M. Motoyama, G. Yu, I. M. Vishik, O. P. Vajk, P. K. Mang and M. Greven ...
initial spiral spin winding. Instabilities of F=1 spinor condensates due to ... a non-uniform spiral winding. Conclusions. Dipolar interactions crucial for ...
Momentum is imparted to an atom when it scatters light from a laser. ... superfluid.(PRA 66,013606,2002), supersolid and checkerboard states (PRL 88, 170406, 2002) ...
Superfluid-Insuator transitions of Bosons on a Kagome lattice at non-integer fillings ... QMC for Kagome Lattice. Explains the absence of Sz ordering for XXZ ...