Title: Recent Audit Developments: The SuperCircular
1Recent Audit DevelopmentsThe SuperCircular
- Michael Brustein, Esq.
- mbrustein_at_bruman.com
- Brustein Manasevit, PLLC
- www.bruman.com
- Spring Forum 2013
2Super Circular NPRM
ARRA (101 billion Cash Infusion)
NCLB Provides Statutory Base to CAROI
Risk Management (High Risk Designations)
Birth of CAROI (FL / PA)
Federal Education Audit Resolution Key Events
Rewrite of A-87
Appeal of New York (Equitable Remedies)
GEPA Amended (Due Process / OALJ)
Appeal of California (Tydings / Linkage)
Single Audit Act
U.S. Education Department Established
Inspector General Act
3Why Supercircular???
- Greater simplicity
- Greater consistency
- Obama Executive Order on Regulatory Review
4- Greater simplicity means elimination of several
compliance elements in the Compliance Supplement - 14 requirements reduced to 7, eliminating
- Equipment Management
- MOE/Ear-Marking
- Procurement
- Program Income
5- The elimination of the compliance requirements
from A-133 will place the burden on
Pass-Through agencies
6Key Requirements Retained
- Allowable Costs
- Eligibility
- Cash Management
- Reporting
- Subrecipient Monitoring
7What is covered?
- Administrative Requirements (A-102, A-110)
- Cost Principles (A-87, A-21, A-122)
- Audit Requirements (A-133)
8Who is covered?
- All non-federal entities expending federal awards
9When is it effective?
- NPRM 2/1/13
- Close of comment period 06/02/13
- Analysis of public comment
- Final regulation (2 CFR) not likely before
1/1/14 - EDGAR revisions within one year of final
regulation ? - Effective date of 7/1/14 is doubtful
10Might EDGAR be inconsistent with Supercircular?
- Yes, but federal agencies applying more
restrictive requirements need OMB approval
Section _.108
11- Agencies can request special tests for A-133
items removed (e.g., equipment management, period
of availability of funds)
12If program statute differs from Supercircular,
statute governs
Section _.106
13So what is new?
14Federal agencies must evaluate risks to the
program posed by each applicantFocus now on risk!
- Financial stability
- Management system
- History of performance
- Generally available information
- Single audits
- Capacity to implement programs
Section _.205
15Following risk analysis, agencies may impose
conditions on grantee
Section _.205
16Performance Expectations
- Agencies must include in the award indication of
timing and scope of expected performance as
related to outcomes intended to be achieved by
the program
Section _.404
17Pass-Through Agency may impose supplemental
Section _.501(c)(4)
18Pass-Through Monitoring shall include
- Analyzing financial and programmatic reports
- Ensure subrecipients take timely and appropriate
corrective action - Issue management decision on A-133 finding at
subgrantee level
Section _.501(c)(5)
19Monitoring Tools of Pass-Through
- On-site reviews
- Provide training and technical assistance
- Arrange for Agreed Upon Procedures
Section _.501(c)(5)
20Risk Factors for Pass-Through Monitoring
- Results of previous audits
- New subrecipients
- New personnel or substantially changed system
- Extent of federal monitoring
Section _.501(c)(6)
21Cash Management
- Recipients shall maintain advances of federal
funds in interest bearing accounts unless - Recipient receives less than 120,000 in federal
per year - Interest will not exceed 500
- Bank requires minimum balance
Section _.502(e)(3)(k)
22Inventory Management
- Equipment definition same
- Acquisition cost of 5,000
- Useful life greater than one year
Section _.503(d)
23Inventory Management
- Use/Management/Disposition
- Same as EDGAR 80.32
Section _.503(d)
24 Costs of Computing Devices Supplies
- But
- When no longer needed for any other federally
sponsored project, recipient may - Retain them
- Sell them
- But compensate federal government if per unit
value exceeds 5000 - But
- Conflicts with C-31(6) total aggregate value of
5000 (unused)
Section _.503(e) and Section _ .620
25Cost Shifting
- Grantee cannot shift cost from one award to
another to overcome shortfall, unless costs are
allowable under both awards
Section _.607(c)
26Cost Allocation Cost Sharing
- If a cost benefits two or more projects in a
proportion that can be easily determined, then
cost should be allocated on the proportional
Section _.607(d)
27Cost Allocation Cost Sharing
- If proportion cannot be easily determined then
allocate on any reasonable documented basis
Section _.607(d)
- If program statute contains reserves or
limitations, amount not used cannot be charged to
other federal awards
Section _.611
29Administrative Costs Direct Charging of
Administrative Costs
- Salaries of administrative and clerical staff
should be treated as indirect, unless - Services are integral to project, and
- Individuals can be specifically identified, and
- Costs are explicitly set out in budget, and
- Costs not recovered as indirect
Section _.615(d)
30Indirect Costs
- A federally approved negotiated rate shall be
accepted by all federal agencies
Section _.616(c)(1)
31Indirect Costs
- Pass-through entities must abide by the federally
recognized indirect cost rate negotiated between
the federal agency and subrecipient - (restricted vs. unrestricted)
Section _.501(c)(1)(D)
32Indirect Costs
- But if no such rate exists, the pass-through must
negotiate the rate, or a de minimis indirect cost
rate equal to 10 of total modified direct costs
to small entities. (But what about restricted
rates? Most LEAs have restricted rates in single
Section _.616(e)
33Time and Effort Management
- Eliminate reference to PARs
- Now Certified Reports
- Reports may be electronic
- Semi-Annual for single cost objective - same
Section _.621 C-10(9)
34Time and Effort Management
- After the fact, unless mutually satisfactory
alternative approved by awarding agency - Certification periods cannot exceed 12 months
- Activities may be expressed as percentages
Section _.621 C-10(9)
35Time and Effort Management
- Certified Reports on 2 or more cost objectives
certified by employee or individual responsible
for verification
Section _.621 C-10(9)
36Time and Effort Management
- No additional support other than certification is
Section _.621 C-10(9)
37Time and Effort Management
- Substitute systems may be used if approved by
cognizant agency - Federal agencies are encouraged to approve
alternative proposals based on outcomes
Section _.621 C-10(9)(F)
38Time and Effort Management
- Awarding agencies may approve blended funding
where multiple programs involved, and
performance-oriented metrics are used
Section _.621 C-10(9)(F)
39Cost Principles Changes
- Costs for services of counsel (in-house or
Bruman) for administrative proceedings (OALJ) may
not be charged if the ALJ imposes a monetary
penalty. Legal expenses are allowable if the
proceeding is resolved by consent or compromise.
Section _.621 C-14(2)
40Cost Principles Changes
- Cost of Meetings
- Costs from meetings and conferences beyond the
recipient entity are allowable
Section _.621 C-32
41Cost Principles Changes
- Travel Costs
- Grantee must retain documentation
- Participation of individual is necessary to the
federal award - Costs are reasonable and consistent with entitys
established travel policy
Section _.621 C-53(2)
42Cost Principles Changes
- Travel
- If no institutional travel policy, GSA rates
apply - - 48 CFR 31.205-46(a)
Section _.621 C-53(2)(C)
43Single Audits
- Single Audit threshold is raised from 500,000 in
federal annual expenditures to 750,000
Section _.701(a)
44Audit Follow-Up
- Federal awarding agencies shall use cooperative
audit resolution mechanisms to improve federal
program outcomes through better audit resolution,
follow-up and corrective action
Section _.713(c)(5)
45Cooperative Audit Resolution
- Improve communication, foster collaboration,
promote trust, and develop understanding between
auditor and auditee
Appendix I - Definitions
46Cooperative Audit Resolution
- This approach is based upon Federal agencies
offering appropriate amnesty for past
noncompliance when audits show prompt corrective
Appendix I - Definitions
47Agency Determination Letters
- The federal agency or pass-through entity may
request additional information from auditee as a
way of mitigating disallowed costs
Section _.714(a)
48Time Requirements
- The federal agency or pass-through shall make the
determination within six months of the acceptance
of the audit report
Section _.714(d)
49Audit Findings
- Revises definition of major program to focus
audits on material issues - The auditor shall report known questioned costs
greater than 25,000 for major programs - If not a major program (auditor normally will not
find questioned costs) but if auditor becomes
aware of questioned costs greater than 25,000
for non-major programs must report
Section _.714(a)
50- Disclaimer
- This presentation is intended solely to provide
general information and does not constitute legal
advice. Attendance at the presentation or later
review of these printed materials does not create
an attorney-client relationship with Brustein
Manasevit, PLLC. You should not take any action
based upon any information in this presentation
without first consulting legal counsel familiar
with your particular circumstances.