Title: Adib Cure-Slow Ride
1Slow Ride
Cure-Penabad, Adib-Cure, Carie-Penabad,
Architecture-Miami, Latinamerican-Architecture,
Vernacularology, Architecture-University-Miami-sch
ool, AIA-MIAMI, Slow-Ride
2The underside of the Coconut Grove Metrorail
station was temporarily transformed by means of a
multi-sensory installation. A field of one
thousand, orange, coconut-scented, car,
air-fresheners were placed on thin posts to
create a micro-scaled artificial landscape. This
public act de-contextualizes an ordinary everyday
object associated with car culture and transforms
it into an extraordinary urban experience,
encouraging the passerby to consider the
Slow-Ride associated with walking or biking
through the city.
Cure-Penabad, Adib-Cure, Carie-Penabad,
Architecture-Miami, Latinamerican-Architecture,
Vernacularology, Architecture-University-Miami-sch
ool, AIA-MIAMI, Slow-Ride
3The project was installed on March 30, 2016 as
part of the University of Miami School of
Architecture USERVE day to bring awareness to the
Underline project, a new linear park and bike
trail for the City of Miami.
Cure-Penabad, Adib-Cure, Carie-Penabad,
Architecture-Miami, Latinamerican-Architecture,
Vernacularology, Architecture-University-Miami-sch
ool, AIA-MIAMI, Slow-Ride