Title: Miller, Schlaufman, and LaughlinUCSC Astronomy FLASH 4132007
1Miller, Schlaufman, and Laughlin UCSC
Astronomy FLASH 4/13/2007
2Miller, Schlaufman, and Laughlin UCSC
Astronomy FLASH 4/13/2007
3Miller, Schlaufman, and Laughlin UCSC
Astronomy FLASH 4/13/2007
4Miller, Schlaufman, and Laughlin UCSC
Astronomy FLASH 4/13/2007
5Miller, Schlaufman, and Laughlin UCSC
Astronomy FLASH 4/13/2007
6We use the 2D hydrodynamics code described in
Laughlin et al. (1996)
Miller, Schlaufman, and Laughlin UCSC
Astronomy FLASH 4/13/2007
7Miller, Schlaufman, and Laughlin UCSC
Astronomy FLASH 4/13/2007
8Miller, Schlaufman, and Laughlin UCSC
Astronomy FLASH 4/13/2007
9Miller, Schlaufman, and Laughlin UCSC
Astronomy FLASH 4/13/2007
10Angular momentum is transfered as the mode moves
Miller, Schlaufman, and Laughlin UCSC
Astronomy FLASH 4/13/2007
11Net angular impulse transfer for undamped and
damped modes depends on angle with respect to the
Average Impulse is -0.0026 and -0.0029
Miller, Schlaufman, and Laughlin UCSC
Astronomy FLASH 4/13/2007
12Miller, Schlaufman, and Laughlin UCSC
Astronomy FLASH 4/13/2007
13Miller, Schlaufman, and Laughlin UCSC
Astronomy FLASH 4/13/2007
14(No Transcript)