Title: SCAJ Issue
1SCA/J Issue 8Concurrency Model for Service
Reference Instances
Henning Blohm
2Issue Statement
- TARGET Java Common Annotations and APIs
specification, section "Java API" /
"ComponentContext", "ServiceReference" and
section "Asynchronous and Conversational
Programming". - DESCRIPTION While the current text says that a
service reference represents a single
conversation, it is not clear how a
multi-threaded client should protect a
non-conversational service reference's
configuration (conversation id, callback, etc) so
that it stays unmodified by other threads until
an actual invocation is executed. Consider the
following code snippet for example class
AComponent _at_Reference ItemCheckerService
srv void goCheckItem(long ticket, String
itemId) ServiceReference sr
(ServiceReference) srv sr.setConversatio
nID(ticket) srv.check(itemId)
A simple synchronization may lead to strict
serialization of remote calls which is generally
3Previous Proposals
- P1 A service reference instance is actually a
thread local proxy to the real reference - () Foolproof for the simple cases
- (-) Cannot share conversation config between
threads - P2 A single service reference represents exactly
one actual or potential conversation. Each call
to ComponentContext.getService (and similar
methods) returns a new instance of
ServiceReference. - () Still simple
- () Clear rule how to get to a new conversation
and how to configure it (see sample below) - (-) Injection not applicable for configurable
refs - Proposal Accept P2.
4Sample 1
One conversation per call public interface
ItemChecker void check(String
id) public class AComponent _at_Context
ComponentContext ctx void goCheckItem(long
ticket, String itemId)
ServiceReferenceltItemCheckergt sr
"checker") sr.setConversationID(ticket)
5Sample 2
Conversation initiated once and used
often public class BComponent _at_Reference
ServiceReferenceltItemCheckergt checker
_at_Context ComponentContext ctx private
boolean configured public void
setTicket(long ticket) synchronized
(this) checker.setConversationID(ticket) this.c
onfiguredtrue void
goCheckItem(String itemId) synchronized
(this) if (!this.configured)
throw new IllegalStateException("not
configured missing ticket!")
6Sample 3
It could be nice to have one more method on
ServiceReference public class CComponent
_at_Reference ServiceReferenceltItemCheckergt
checker void goCheckItem(long ticket,
String itemId) ServiceReferenceltItemChec
kergt sr checker.createNew()