Piazza della Santissima Annunziata in Florence is a square of great stylistic harmony, designed by some of the greatest Renaissance architects. The Basilica della Santissima Annunziata (Basilica of the Most Holy Annunciation) is a Roman Catholic minor basilica founded in 1250. The Spedale degli Innocenti dates back to the early fifteenth century. It was the first European orphanage, and represents the first building in Renaissance style
Set in the beautiful mountainous northwest corner of Tuscany, the medieval city of Barga is situated on a spur overlooking the mid-Serchio River Valley. Barga, in its heyday, was a stronghold of The Medici's Florence. Against the often fiercely independent republic of Lucca, and the Dukes of Este, or ubiquitous Visconti, it was known as Barga Fiorentina. This is still evident in its culture, language, art and architecture, and the proud Barghigiani continue to think of them as a cut above. Barga is nevertheless on the edge of the wilds of the Garfagnana, "land of wolves and outlaws" otherwise known for vast chestnut forests, wild boar, delicious pecorino cheeses and porcini mushrooms.
The Sorrento Coast is a jagged promontory that shores up the southern end of the Bay of Naples. This peninsula of hilly terrain ends abruptly at a cliff that plunges sheerly down to the Mediterranean Sea. Situated on the Bay of Naples Castellammare di Stabia lies next to the ancient Roman city of Stabiae which was destroyed by the Vesuvio eruption in A.D. 79.
The Bargello, also known as the Bargello Palace, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, or Palazzo del Popolo is a former barracks and prison, now an art museum. Florence is the capital city of the region of Tuscany and its rich historical, artistic and cultural heritage make it one of the main tourist destinations in Italy and Europe.
Onora il Padre con la nostra stessa vita, ora che sappiamo di Essere Luce. Francesco di Assisi il Cantico delle Creature. Altissimo, onnipotente buon Signore ...
Salerno is a city in Campania (southwestern Italy) and is the capital of the province of the same name. Salerno is located on the Gulf of Salerno on the Tyrrhenian Sea. Salerno hosted the oldest medical school in the world, the Schola Medica Salernitana, the most important source of medical knowledge in Europe in the early Middle Ages. It was closed in 1811 by Joachim Murat. Today Salerno is an important cultural centre in Campania and Italy.
Angri fa parte dell'agro nocerino sarnese, immediatamente a ridosso dell'area vesuviana, e costituisce insieme a Scafati l'estremo settentrionale della provincia di ...
Lecture 4 The Early Renaissance (1500 AD) Late Renaissance (1600 AD) Baroque (1700 AD) Sejarah Senibina Barat BAEA 2115 Naziaty Mohd Yaacob Renaissance 15th Century ...
L'IMAGING NELLA GESTIONE DEL TRAUMA CRANICO-MIDOLLARE Segreteria Organizzativa FARA CONGRESSI srl Via Santa Giulia, 80 10124 Torino Struttura Complessa Radiologia ...
Title: CORSO DI PRIMO SOCCORSO Author: Microsoft Corporation Last modified by: Fabio Montellanico Created Date: 3/25/1997 11:37:20 AM Document presentation format
L'IMAGING NELLA GESTIONE DEL TRAUMA CRANICO-MIDOLLARE Segreteria Organizzativa FARA CONGRESSI srl Via Santa Giulia, 80 10124 Torino Struttura Complessa Radiologia ...
LUISA aveva dieci o undici anni quando, per la mutata situazione familiare, il pap l affid ad una maestra abile e virtuosa dedita alla educazione del ceto ...
La Restaurazione Congresso di Vienna 1814-1815 Periodo della storia europea che va dalla fine del regime napoleonico all ... eccetto lo Stato della Chiesa, ...
Libert religiosa in Irlanda, Grecia, Portogallo Corso di Diritto Ecclesiastico Lezioni Erasmus Dott.ssa Federica Botti Ireland Constitution Adopted on: 1 July 1937 ...
Libert religiosa in Irlanda, Grecia, Portogallo Corso di Diritto Ecclesiastico Lezioni Erasmus Dott.ssa Federica Botti Ireland Constitution Adopted on: 1 July 1937 ...
Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint Author: Marco Bartoli Last modified by: Marco Bartoli Created Date: 3/12/2006 10:01:57 PM Document presentation format
Evoluzione del modello assistenziale nella gestione dell infezione da HIV A.P. Massetti HIV management: dalla scelta della terapia alla gestione integrata
There is a theory which says that the rate at which the size of one ... were 100 gun' ships and others like the Phoebe and the Sirius. had only 36 guns. ...
... un'attivit ' che contraddistingue Positano gi dalla fine degli anni Cinquanta quando grazie alla creazione del bikini, innovativo costume da bagno, ...
congresso di vienna santa alleanza l europa dopo il congresso il principe di metternich restaurazione la restaurazione in italia lo sviluppo europeo e la questione ...