Title: Click to edit Master Title Author: AlexanderJ Last modified by: rk Created Date: 8/2/2004 6:08:07 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Title: Click to edit Master Title Author: EricksonB Last modified by: rk Created Date: 1/25/2005 4:51:08 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Verification of Moderate Complexity IP: Case Study, MIL-STD-1553B Interface Rod Barto NASA Office of Logic Design Goals of Paper Discuss the process by which IP was ...
Devices failed at 500 V MM ESD testing when GNDQ pins were zapped with respect to VCCDA pins ... Zap power domains GNDQ with respect to VCCDA at -500 V ...
State of the art in FPGA technology Jecel Assump o Jr LCR - ICMC - USP S o Carlos topics Xilinx vs Altera Bit players Rookies Alternatives Xilinx vs Altera First ...
Title: The Freja charging study: A perspective five years later Author: Anders Eriksson Description: Denna mall anv nds f r visning p sk rm eller med dataprojektor
Title: Slide 1 Author: Steve Parkes Last modified by: Chris McClements Created Date: 3/17/2002 12:42:36 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
High density FPGA devices are now large enough to support SOC design for space application ... Place and route design using Actel Designer, including the LEON3 ...
BT JPX RMLX PCUV AMLX ICVJP IBTWXVR CI M LMT'R PMTN, MTN YVCJX CDXV MWMBTRJ JPX ... haDe a Ahain oI WoGd aFoUt his neAH, and shaGG Fe the third rUGer in the HinWdoL. ...
VHDL and Verilog Simulation. SystemVerilog. SystemC Co-Verification. Server Farm Manager ... Based on STARC design rules, best practices for Verilog ...
Health externalities: smoking. Medical care. Sick leave. Fire. Social Security/pension plans. Second-hand smoke. Should we care about private costs to smokers? ...