Title: SEU-Hardened Storage Devices in a 0.15
1SEU-Hardened Storage Devices in a 0.15 µm
Antifuse FPGA RTAX-S
- J. J. Wang1, B. Cronquist1, J. McCollum1, R.
Gorgis1, R. Katz2, and I. Kleyner3 - 1 Actel Corporation2 NASA Office of Logic
Design3 Orbital Science, Greenbelt, MD20771
- The storage devices in the RTAX-S family are
SEU-hardened. The flip-flop is hardened by
hard-wired triple module redundancy, and the RAM
is hardened by software error-correcting code
(ECC), which is a shortened Hamming code. - These hardened storage devices are tested by
heavy ion beam, and their SEU cross sections are
extracted from test data for rate predictions in
a typical environment. Final results show that
both devices are hardened effectively, and the
measured upset errors are due to SET and noise.
3Triple Module Redundant Flip-Flop(K-Latch)
4TMR Flip-Flop Heavy Ion Beam Test
- Device under test
- RTAX2000-S
- Four pre-production devices
- Logic design
- Two 100-bit shift registers, SH1 and SH2, for SEU
measurement - Two user-level TMR shift registers for noise
monitoring - Checkerboard pattern running at 2 MHz during
irradiation - -10 VCC for SEU measurement, 10 VCC for SEL
and SEDR - Heavy ion beam
- BNL Tandem Van de Graaff
- Cl-35, Ni-58, Br-81, I-127
- Effective LET37.5 to 104 MeVcm2/mg
5Hard-wired TMR Flip-Flop Cross Section per bit
Weibull Fit
6TMR Flip-Flop SEU Rate Prediction
- Use Space Radiation 4.5 simulator
- Weibull parameters LET010MeVcm2/mg,
width35MeVcm2/mg, shape2, saturation
cross-section9x10-10cm2 - Active volume depth0.15µm, funnel depth0.3µm
- Environment GEO solar minimum
- Shielding 100mil Aluminum
- Upsets Rate
- 1.96x10-11 upsets/bitday
- Based on RTSX-S experiences, the measured upsets
are probably due to SET and testing noise
- Shortened Hamming code to detect 2 errors and
correct 1 error - S. Lin and D. J. Cosello, Jr., Error Control
Coding Fundamentals and Applications, Prentice
Hall, New Jersey, 1983 - http//www.actel.com/documents/EDAC_AN.pdf Using
EDAC RAM for RadTolerant RTAX-S FPGAs and
Axcelerator FPGAs - Scrubbing
- Reduce SEU rate for long-term storage
- User selects the scrubbing rate
- Word width
8ACTgen Creates EDAC-RAM
9EDAC-RAM Implementation
10EDAC-RAM Heavy Ion Beam Test
- Test logic designed by ACTgen macro
- Beam test uses very high fluxes (1x104-1x105
Ions/cm2/sec) - Have to turn on scrubbing during irradiation
- Test ports not used
- ECC and scrubbing are tested simultaneously
because scrubbing alone cannot reduce SEU
11EDAC-RAM BNL Test Data
12EDAC-RAM SEU Cross-Section per 8-bit Word
Weibull Fit
13RAM SEU Cross-Section per Single Bit
14EDAC-RAM SEU Rate Prediction
- Use Space Radiation 4.5 simulator
- Weibull parameters LET030MeVcm2/mg,
width10MeVcm2/mg, shape1.5, saturation
cross-section3.91x10-9cm2 - Active volume depth0.15µm, funnel depth0.3µm
- Environment GEO solar minimum
- Shielding 100mil Aluminum
- Upsets Rate Boundary
- 8-bit word is lt 2.55x10-11 upsets/wordday
- 16-bit word is lt 1.57x10-10 upsets/wordday
- 32-bit word is lt 4.18x10-10 upsets/wordday
16Scrubbing Rate Dependence
- Predicted upsets derived from single-bit-upset
cross section and probability theory - Prediction and Experiment match at high upsets
but not at low upsets - Low upsets in Experiment may be due to SET and
Clock Freq Refresh Period Exper Upset Predicted Upset
2 MHz 512 µs 1 0.00265
100 kHz 10 ms 2 0.0529
10 kHz 0.1 s 5 0.529
1 kHz 1 s 8 5.29
100 Hz 10 s 54 52.9
No Scrubbing 100 s 150 166
- Hard-wired TMR flip-flop is radiation hard.
- The measured upset errors in hardened flip-flops
are probably due to SET and noise. - EDAC-RAM is radiation hard, which means the ECC
scheme and scrubbing are performing as expected. - Low level upsets measured in EDAC-RAM are
probably due to SET and noise.