Title: SASI QDC3135 day reports 0607
1SASI QDC3/135 day reports 06-07
2Teacher File
- Guidance Counselors
- Use their original Teacher number
- Use their actual Social Security Number
- Use their actual license number
- Last Name, First Name
- Soc Sec Number
- License Number
- Email Address
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Tch Id
6There should be no empty sections active in the
Sections Atom.
7There should be no students with parenthesis
around a students name listed on the Student
List. This mean a student has been withdrawn
from school or from this class section but left
in the class.
8If you do not answer the question correctly as to
what to do with the student when you withdraw
them from school or a section, the student count
will never be correct and will always include the
student in the count. The student count
should be updated at least once a week or when
you have changed student schedules, enrolled, or
withdrawn students. To update counts click on
the menu bar and click Update Counts. After
updating this section the student count remained
the same because the student withdrawn from class
remained in the class count.
9To remove the student from the Student List and
student count for the section, double click on
the Student ID number to pull up the student
schedule. If this student has withdrawn from
school and has other sections listed, please
highlight the first section listed, click Data on
the menu bar and click Delete class.
10If the student had a schedule change, find out
the date the student withdrew from the class. If
the student withdrew from school, check the
withdrawal date. Enter the correct drop date.
Answer the question correctly. Move the section
being deleted to history. If this occurs at the
beginning of the school year and you do not need
a record of what section a student was withdrawn
from, then delete the class.
- 01 Mother
- 02 Father
- 03 Step Mother
- 04 Step Father
- 05 Foster Mother
- 06 Foster Father
- 13 Grandmother
- 14 - Grandfather
16Instructional Setting
17State ID Replaces Alt ID 1
18Things to check
- State Id Number
- Free Meals
- Birthdates
- Grid Code
- Permission to attend out of attendance zone.
- Providence field.
- Special Ed Students
- Instructional Setting
- Code Classification Weighting
- K Kindergarten 1.30
- P Primary 1.24
- EL Elementary
1.00 - HS High School 1.25
- TM Trainable Mentally Handicapped 2.04
- SP Speech Handicapped 1.90
- HO Homebound 2.10
- EH Emotionally Handicapped 2.04
- EM Educable Mentally Handicapped 1.74
- LD Learning Disabilities
1.74 - HH Hearing Handicapped 2.57
- VH Visually Handicapped
2.57 - OH Orthopedic ally Handicapped 2.04
- V1 Vocational (Grades 912) 1.29
- V2 Vocational (Grades 912) 1.29
- V3 Vocational (Grades 912) 1.29
20New Pupil Classifications
- OHI Other Health Impaired 1.74
- PMD Profoundly Mentally Disabled 2.04
- TBI Traumatic Brain Injury 2.04
- OHI is counted in LD
- PMD is counted in TM
- TBI is counted in OH
21Clean-up SASI
- Run Pre-code verification correct any errors
- Add Social Security Numbers to all teachers
- Add License Number for all teachers or 000000
- Add Area Code to Phone Numbers Work on this as
you can.
22Specific fields for SDE
- Student Id (PermNum)
- Mailing Address
- Parent/Guardian
- Birth Date
- Ethnic Code
- Enter Date and Code
- Leave Date and Code
- Advisor or Homeroom Teacher Number
- ESL (English Proficiency)
- Career Cluster
- Bus Transportation Needed
- Dropout Reason
23Enter Codes
- E First School this Year in SC
- E1 Enter/Re-enter Include on 35- day
report - EEi Ineligible for funding
- Only use E or E1 unless I know about it.
24Leave Codes
- W10 Transfer/In-District
- W20Withdrawn/UnknownStatus
- W21Graduated
- W22Transfer/Out of District
- W23Transfer/Adult Education
- W24Moved Out of District/School Unknown
- W25Withdrawn/Home Schooled
- W26Withdrawn/Health or Pregnancy
- W27Withdrawn/Tech School
- W28Withdrawn/4-Year College
- W29Withdrawn/Work
- W30Withdrawn/Military
- W31Withdrawn/Juvenile Corrections
- W32Withdrawn/AdultCorrections
- W33Withdrawn/Expulsion
- W34Withdrawn/Charter School
- W35Deceased
- W36Dropout
25Dropout Data Collection and Reporting
- New data collection procedures for reporting
dropouts for 2006-2007
26Student coded as a Dropout in SASI
27New Procedures for Collecting Dropout Data
- Data will be corrected in SASI and retransmitted
to SDE during scheduled collections - Reports will be posted by school.
- Report listing all students identified as
dropouts in SASI - Data validation reports listing errors by student
28New Procedures for Collecting Dropout Data
- Students with a Leave code of W36 or a valid
Drop Reason in the Student atom will be listed on
your Dropout report. - These students will appear on your districts
data validation report if any of their data is
29New Procedures for Collecting Dropout Data
- Students coded as dropouts in more than one
school, more than one district, or in both years
of data submitted, will appear on your validation
report as errors
30Listing of Students reported as Dropouts by School
31Dropout Data Error Listing
32Collection Schedule for Dropout Data
- September 11 13 Current year data only
- QDC 1 (45th day of Instruction)
- QDC 2/Precode (Jan 2 Jan 16)
- The Final collection date for all dropout data
- QDC 3 (135th day of Instruction)
33UMIRS Weapons Codes
780 - Weapons Type 0 Weapons other than
Firearms 781 - Weapons Type 1 Handguns 782
- Weapons Type 2 Rifles/Shotguns 783 -
Weapons Type 3 Other Firearms On the UMIRS
Suspension/Expulsion reports, the following codes
are rolled up into one category Weapons
Firearms Discipline codes 781, 782, and 783.
34UMIRS Discipline Disposition Codes for 2006-2007
35SUPX - New Disposition code
- Code a student with the disposition code SUPX
when first entering the offense in SASI - After the final outcome has been decided, ask
your SASI clerk to change the
disposition code to reflect the final disposition
of the incident. - For example, if the student is expelled, change
the disposition code for this incident to EXP.
36Why are my Sus/Exp Reports Incorrect?
The student that committed the offense does not
have the offense entered on his record in the
SASI Discipline atom My school does not use the
State-defined Discipline codes as directed An SUS
or EXP was not entered as the disposition code in
SASI for the recorded offense The final
disposition, for example Expulsion, was never
entered for the student in SASI
- Select South Carolina Briefcase from SASI Modules
Menu. - Select State Report Launcher.
- Choose SC06 Data Verification Report by clicking
on arrow next to Data Verification Report. - When Report Interface EX window appears, click on
down arrow next to type select MEMBERHIP
ATTENDANCE so that this appears in the window
next to type.
- Click on Setup button on bottom left of Report
Interface EX window, and change the orientation
from Portrait to Landscape by clicking the radial
button next to landscape, then click the OK
button. - Click the print button
- Correct any errors on this report and run step 3
again until no errors appear on report.
- Select SC09 Mem Attend Report. When Report
Interface EX window appears, click on the down
arrow next to process, select Report and Extract
(Ready for Transmission) so that this appears
next to process. - Type in 135 in the Day Number field verify
District Name is Newberry County School
District and Superintendents name as Mr.
Bennie Bennett
- Click on Setup button on bottom left of Report
Interface EX window, and change the orientation
from Portrait to Landscape by clicking the radial
button to Landscape, then click the OK button. - Click the Print button. When the process
finishes, you should have a hardcopy printout of
your report.
41Cumulative Class Report
- Choose SC06 Data Verification Report by clicking
on arrow next to Data Verification Report. - When Report Interface EX window appears, click on
down arrow next to type select Cumulative Class
Extract so that this appears in the window next
to type.
42Cumulative Class Report
- Click on Setup button on bottom left of Report
Interface EX window, and change the orientation
from Portrait to Landscape by clicking the radial
button next to landscape, then click the OK
button. - Click the print button
- Correct any errors on this report and run step 12
again until no errors appear on report.
43Cumulative Class Report
- Select SC02 Cumulative Class Report. When Report
Interface EX windows appears, click on the down
arrow next to process, select Report and Extract
(ready for Transmission) so that this appears
next to process. - Type in 135 in the Day Number field verify
District Name is Newberry County School
District and Superintendents name as Mr.
Bennie Bennett
44CATE Classes
- V1 One Class Period (50 minutes/day or 250
minutes/week) or a Cate class such as Computer
courses taught at the high schools. - V2 Two Class Periods (100 minutes /day or 500
- minutes/week)
- V3 Three Class Periods (150 minutes /day or 750
45(No Transcript)
46ESL English Proficiency
47ESL English Proficiency
48ESL English Proficiency
49(No Transcript)
50MIGRANT Migrant Status
51AltSchProg Alternative School Program
The student is or has been enrolled for a least
two weeks during this school year in an
alternative school program and is not placed
there due to an IEP.
52(No Transcript)
53HSAP Materials Field
- HSP High School Assessment Program (Spring 2007)
54Coding Instructions
- Go to Student Info
- Go to Student Serv Prog Atom
- Go to student you need to code
- Under Data choose Add Program
55(No Transcript)
56(No Transcript)
57(No Transcript)
58Add Service Program
- ESOL Under Level choose number of years served
- ELLI ESL Pull Out Class
- 21st Under Level number of years in program
- Homework Center Number of Days
59(No Transcript)
60(No Transcript)
61If the Student has a record from last Yr
62If the Student has a record from last Yr
- Take note of the Level and the Entry Date
- Entry Date should be first day of school last
year - Add a Exit Reason EY for End of Year
- Exit Date should be last day of School prior
63This Years Record
64If the Student has a record from last Yr
- New years entry Level should be increased by
one (in our example we went from A to B) - Entry Date will be first day of school current
year - Every student that is ESOL has to be coded
65(No Transcript)
66(No Transcript)
- The first day in membership in a school cannot
occur until the first day the pupil is present
and receives services. - DO NOT take attendance in E/C
- If you marked absences clear them out before the
135th day
68Leave Date Setting for Withdrawals
- The leave date setting MUST BE set to Leave date
is the last day of enrollment. - This is located on the Enrollment Tab in the
School Atom under System Setup
69Documents retained for 45th 135th day
- Membership Attendance Report
- Membership Attendance Report Worksheets
- Master Classification List (Alpha by Grade)
- Data Verification Report for Membership Extract
- Data Verification Report for Cumulative Extract
- Cumulative Class Report
- Cumulative Class List
- SASI Backup
- Daily attendance sheets (Blue Cards or Printout)
70Retention of Data
- The above items of documentation (both hard copy
and SASIxp data backup) must be retained for a
period of five years after the last day of the
fiscal year to which they apply.
71Deleting empty Sections
- According to Pearson, you can delete sections
from AMST if - 1- there are no students in the active or dropped
lists - 2- there is no attendance, grade, etc. history
for any students originally scheduled into this
section - Go to Classes go to history and Delete classes
for each student.
72Update Phase for Pre-code
- March 12 16, 2007
- During this time period you can add any new
students who have moved into your district or
make changes to demographic information for your
73Course Codes
- Middle School students taking High School classes
- Algebra 1 4111
- English 1 3011
- First 4 digits of course number
74SC Transportation
75(No Transcript)
76Special Needs Transportation requirement (SNT Req)
- SNT Req 01 Does implementation of the IEP
require special needs transportation across
school attendance lines? - Blank Dont Know default
- N No
- Y Yes
77Special Needs Transportation requirement (SNT Req)
- SNT Req 02 Does implementation of the IEP
require special needs transportation across
school district boundary lines? - Blank Dont Know default
- N No
- Y Yes
78Special Needs Transportation requirement (SNT Req)
- SNT Req 03 Does implementation of the IEP
require special needs transportation between
schools? - Blank Dont Know default
- N No
- Y Yes
79Special Needs Transportation requirement (SNT Req)
- SNT Req 04 Does implementation of the IEP
require special needs transportation to medical
services? - Blank Dont Know default
- N No
- Y Yes
80Special Needs Transportation requirement (SNT Req)
- SNT Req 05 Does implementation of the IEP
require special needs transportation on extra
curricular/field trips? - Blank Dont Know default
- N No
- Y Yes
81Special Needs Transportation requirement (SNT Req)
- SNT Req 06 Does implementation of the IEP
require special needs to support employment? - Blank Dont Know default
- N No
- Y Yes
82Special Needs Transportation requirement (SNT Req)
- SNT Req 07 Does implementation of the IEP
require special needs transportation in and
around school buildings? - Blank Dont Know default
- N No
- Y Yes
83Special Needs Transportation requirement (SNT Req)
- SNT Req 08 Does implementation of the IEP
require specialized equipment such as special
or adapted buses, lifts, seatbelts, safety seats,
safety harnesses, oxygen tank brackets, and
ramps? Please specify the exact equipment needed
in the Other Spec. Need Trans. Req. 1 and or 2
sections below - Blank Dont Know default
- N No
- Y Yes
84Special Needs Transportation requirement (SNT Req)
- SNT Req 09 Does implementation of the IEP
require an aide or shadow to accompany the child? - Blank Dont Know default
- N No
- Y Yes
85Special Needs Transportation requirement (SNT Req)
- SNT Req 10 Does implementation of the IEP
require a nurse to accompany the child? - Blank Dont Know default
- N No
- Y Yes
86(No Transcript)
87Other Spec. Need Trans. Req. 1
- Please specify the exact equipment needed from
SNT Req 08 - Examples
- Lifts
- Safety Seats
- Safety harnesses
- Ramps
- Etc.
88(No Transcript)
89Other Spec. Need Trans. Req. 2
- Please specify the exact equipment needed from
SNT Req 08 - Examples
- Lifts
- Safety Seats
- Safety harnesses
- Ramps
- Etc.
90(No Transcript)