Title: Evolu ia re elelor de calculatoare i a protocoalelor de comunica ie Author: valentin Last modified by: Stefan Created Date: 2/29/2004 1:13:54 AM
Title: Evolu ia re elelor de calculatoare i a protocoalelor de comunica ie Author: valentin Last modified by: Stefan Created Date: 2/29/2004 1:13:54 AM
Simul m o re ea de birou cu zon utilizat de 35m*15m.Urm toarea figur prezint un model de re ea OPNET wireless cu un punct de acces i 30 de sta ii wireless.
Title: Evolu ia re elelor de calculatoare i a protocoalelor de comunica ie Author: valentin Last modified by: bianca Created Date: 2/29/2004 1:13:54 AM
Proiectarea retelelor de calculatoare - bibliografie-1 Douglas E. Comer Internetworking with TCP/IP Prentice Hall 1995 Stephen A. Thomas Ipng and the TCP/IP Protocols ...
SISTEME INFORMATICE MEDICALE Eviden a Electronic a Datelor de S n tate M suri de protec ie a datelor M suri de protec ie fizic Instruirea personalului ...
Proiectarea re elelor de calculatoare - bibliografie-1 Douglas E. Comer Internetworking with TCP/IP Prentice Hall 1995 Stephen A. Thomas Ipng and the TCP/IP ...
William Stallings Data and Computer Communications Capitolul 11 Asynchronous Transfer Mode i Frame Relay Arhitectura Protocolului Asem n ri ntre ATM i ...
Title: Slide 1 Author: val Last modified by: Computer Created Date: 7/14/2004 8:29:10 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company: fii Other titles