Title: Welcome to the PittFSAUG
1Welcome to the PittFSAUG
August 17th 2006 Meeting
210 Sweet Years
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10Flash Trivia
11Flash Trivia
12Flash Trivia
13Flash Trivia
14Flash Trivia
15What is the Minimum Frame Rate of a Movie?
160.01 FPS
17What is the Maximum Frame Rate of a Movie?
18120 FPS
19How do you create a comment on the timeline?
20Frame label with a //
21How can you send ActionScript commands to a
nested MC in Flash 4? (Method Name)
23How would you create a function that executes
like and onEnterFrame event in Flash 4?
24MC with two frames and gotoAndPlay script.
25What is the name of the Text Rendering Engine
used in Flash 8?
27When an external swf is imported into another
swf, which swfs frame rate is used?
28The Parent SWF
29In what version of Flash could you change the MCs
Frame Rate with ActionScript?
30Flash 9
31Flash 8 Filters can be applied to what two types
of items in Flash 8?
32Movie Clips and Text
33Flash 8 Filters can be applied to what two types
of items in Flash 8?
34Movie Clips and Text
35What version of Flash introduced the Library?
36Flash 2
37What version of Flash introduced the Movie Clip?
38Flash 3
39What existed before components were introduced
and in what version of Flash?
40Smart Clips. Flash 5.
41What existed before components were introduced
and in what version of Flash?
42Smart Clips. Flash 5.