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Internal Transport Barriers and Rotational Shear P.C. de Vries JET-EFDA Culham Science Centre Abingdon OX14 3DB UK Introduction Why Internal Transport Barriers?
2) EURATOM/UKAEA Fusion Association, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, OX14 3DB, UK ... SCENE predicts the very high paramagnetic effect so the total magnetic field ...
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Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: Catherine Gater Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles
Tom Williams1 trnw500@york.ac.uk Acknowledgments: Roddy Vann1 , Martin O Brien2 , Vladimir Shevchenko2 , Simon Freethy2, Alf K hn3 1York Plasma Institute ...
Codes in reflectometry Numerical Schemes and limitations S. Heuraux , M Schubert , F. da Silva conjointement avec F. Clairet , R. Sabot , S. Hacquin , A ...
Netcen is responsible for coordinating QA/QC activities ... Quality Management System (i) ... Time - Spreadsheets and database population take longer ...
Plasma current sustainment without central solenoid ... P. Hirshman PoF. 29 790 (1986) 3S. C. Jardin Nucl. Fus. 40 1101 (2000) 1O. Mitarai Fus.Sc.&Tech. ...
... St. Petersburg, 7-11 July, 2003. M. B coulet. 1 /32. 30thEPS, St. ... (1) Association Euratom-CEA, CE Cadarache, F-13108 St. Paul-lez-Durance, France. ...
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First Experiments with Galvanomagnetic Instrumentation on the Tore Supra ... Experiments with GI on TORE SUPRA, Cadarache (France) Experiments with GI on JET, ...
... Steady State Operation and Energetic Particles, St Petersburg (Russia) July 2003 ... 2Euratom-CEA Association, CEA-Cadarache, 13108, St Paul lez Durance, France ...
Y Liang (FZ J lich), JET-EFDA contributors. 13th European Fusion ... Y. Liang1, H. R. Koslowski1, S. Jachmich2, A. Alfier3, C. G. ... of ergodic edge ...
Long Pulse Operation with the ITER-Relevant LHCD Antenna in Tore Supra A Ekedahl1, L Delpech1, M Goniche1, D Guilhem1, J Hillairet1, M Preynas1, PK Sharma2, J Achard1 ...
the ions follow the evolution of the perturbation and ... In order to model the ... [2] R. Balescu, M. Vlad and F. Spineanu, Physical Review E 58, 951 (1998) ...
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