Title: Investment Opportunieties in The Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
1Investment Opportunieties in The Swietokrzyskie
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
2- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
3The Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship is situated in the
central-southern part of Poland. The Region is
surrounded by 6 other voivodeships with large
populations and the biggest urban agglomerations
in the country - Warsaw, Cracow, Katowice and
Lódz. The distance from the Voivodeships capital
-Kielce city - to the centers of the above
mentioned agglomerations runs from 120 to 180 km.
The Voivodeship is administratively divided into
14 poviats (districts), including one of a town
and 102 gminas (communes), including 5
municipal, 24 municipal-rural and 73 rural.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
Warsaw (180 km)
Lódz (143 km)
Lublin (167 km)
Katowice (156 km)
Rzeszów (163 km)
Cracow (114 km)
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
5Main information about the Region
- Total area of voivodeship 11 691 km²
- 14 poviats and 102 gminas
- Population in thous. 1 297,5
- 45,9 - urban population
- People in working age 779,1 thous.
- Employed persons 576,8 thous. (of which
excluding individual farmers) 289,8 thous.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
6Voivodeship against the background of Poland
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
7- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
8- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
9- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
10State owned enterprises included in the
privatization process in years 1990 2002
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
11Entities of the national economy recorded in the
REGON register
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
12Entities of the national economy recorded in the
REGON register
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
13Domestic trade
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
14Structure of retail sales of goods in trade units
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
15Sold production of industry and construction
(current prices)
A) Data concern economic entities employing more
than 9 persons
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
16Basic data on municipial infrastructure
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
17Natural resources
The Swietokrzyskie holds the leading position in
terms of gypsum production (almost 92 of the
national gypsum production), lime (41 ) and
cement (30). Moreover from the Region originates
39 of the national production of sulfur and 9
of construction crushed mineral stones. There are
338 mineral deposits on the territory of the
Voivodeship with total resources exceeding 8,829
milliard tons. The extraction exceeds 21 million
tons yearly which places the Region on the first
place in the country in terms of extractions of
minerals for cement industry, fire-proof
quartzite's and gypsum, and properly on the
second place regarding sulfur and stones for
construction purpose and roads.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
The Region is one of the ecologically cleanest in
the country, what is its undeniable advantage. It
is also relatively easy accessible for the
potential tourists.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
19- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
20Beautiful landscapes
The Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship can be
characterized by the great variety and wealth of
land forms, geological forms, soil structure,
climate and hydrological conditions, flora and
fauna. There are many areas of great natural
value, which are tourist attractions at the same
time. The natural wealth of the Region provides
very profitable conditions for the alternative
tourism, as well as eco-tourism.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
21Tourist accomodation establishments
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
22Health resorts
In the areas of Ponidzie and Niecka Solecka there
are mineral springs. This is the third area
covering mineral waters in Poland after the
Sudety and Karpaty. The most valuable springs are
the sulfur - saline ones, which are in Busko and
Solec as well as in some other neighboring places
such as Baranów, Gadawa, Owczary and some more.
Salt waters are famous for high concentration
(one of the biggest in Europe). Basing on these
supplies, two health resorts were established
Busko-Zdrój and Solec-Zdrój.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
23Lower costs
The Regions economy unquestioned asset is the
fact that it is competitive compared with
neighbouring regions. The costs of running a
business, which results from the prices of
labour, property, electricity and water-supply,
are much lower than, for example, in the
Mazowiecki or Malopolski.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
24Business support
The Swietokrzyskie has a lot of business support
institutions and organisations which facilitate
cash flow, the functioning of the market and
foster business development. These organisations
are chiefly concentrated in Kielce and,
increasingly, outside the capital. More than
fifty banks, brokerage houses and insurance
agencies help businesses to multiply their
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
25Business support
Among the centers providing counseling, training,
financial and information services there are also
organizations which belong to the National
Service System. There are five such institutions
operating in the Province Foundation Agency of
Voivodeshipal Development Starachowice, Koneckie
Association of Enterprise Development,
Staropolska Industrial-Trade Chamber in Kielce,
Swietokrzyska Agency of Voivodeship Development
Company Ltd. and Foundation Centre of Promotion
and Support of Agricultural Enterprise in
Sandomierz, which thanks to NSS possibilities can
help over Voivodeshipal scope.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
26The well known business environment units
- Regional Center for Innovation and Technology
Transfer - Local Development Agency Company Ltd.
- Agency of Voivodeshipal Development Foundation
- Center of Promotion and Support of
Agricultural Enterprise - Agro-Gardening
Commodity Exchange of Sandomierski Land Company
Ltd. - Association of Enterprise Development -
Special Economic Zone "Starachowice" Company
Ltd.- Chamber of Commerce and Industry
"Staropolska" - Swietokrzyska Agency of
Voivodeship Development Company Ltd. -
Agricultural Chamber - Swietokrzyskie Office of
Voivodeship Development - Kielce Fairs Company
LLC.- Provincial Center of Agricultural
Counselling - EPRD Office of Economic Policy
and Voivodeshipal Development - Economic Forum
of Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship - Foundation of
Aid Programs for Agriculture "FAPA" Branch in
Kielce- Foundation of Local Democracy
Development - Foundation of Voivodeshipal
Development - Mikro Fund - Crafts Chamber -
Regional Economic Chamber - Society Employers
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
27External financing of SME
Small and medium enterprises - prevailing in
Swietokrzyskie Region and usually characterized
by low value of owned real estate - have often
limited access to commercial sources of financing
due to banks' restrictive criteria. Difficulties
in presenting demanded credible guarantees, high
commissions and fees and also lack of credit
history of a businessman are main obstacles for
SME in the process of applying for bank credit.
Meanwhile, the ever growing popularity of
loan funds confirms the need for low-interest
loans as forms of external financing. A good
example of that may be the funds operating within
the structure of Association of Enterprise
Development in Konskie and Foundation of Regional
Development Pierzchnica.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
28Loan Funds
In Konskie ventures which aims at creating new
workplaces for the unemployed are treated as
priority and actions taken by the unemployed and
graduates to start their own businesses are
supported. In the recent years the local Loan
Fund has expanded its activities in supporting
small and medium companies into the neighboring
provinces (Podkarpackie, Malopolskie,
Mazowieckie). A loan can be spent on purchase of
land, redecoration and modernization of dwelling
houses. Maximum period of loan payment is 48
months. Debtors are obliged to secure their own
contribution which cannot be lower than 25 of
the sum of applied loan. The height of commission
on granted loans is for starters - 1, for
businessmen - 2.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
29Loan Funds
In Pierzchnica the fund has been operating since
1996 thanks to the subsidy from foreign aid
programs. Units entitled to apply for a loan are
businessmen from SME sector. The Fund offers
preferential interest rate with maximum payment
period of 60 months. There are not any commission
or additional charges for granting the loan. The
loan can be allocated to finance current
activities and investments, creation of new
workplaces, starting business.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
30Fund of Credit Guarantees
Within the organizational structures of the
Foundation - Agency of Regional Development in
Starachowice operates the Fund of Credit
Guarantees and Financial Support FUNDSTAR - the
only fund of credit guarantees in the Province
which is one of the most important projects
realized within Local Initiative Program financed
by Phare. Its purpose is to aid small and medium
businessmen in getting access to external sources
of financing mainly credits and loans for
business activity offered by banks, financial
institutions and Employment Office. The fund
guarantees ventures realised exclusively by small
and medium enterprises (SME) in the area of the
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
31Special Economic Zone
A great chance for creation of advantageous
conditions to make investments and to create new
workplaces is Special Economic Zone in
Starachowice (SEZ).
The Zone occupies total area of 351,4 ha,
including subzones Starachowice -
156,1 ha Ostrowiec Sw. - 106,3 ha
Staporków- 38,4 ha
Skarzysko Kamienna - 5,2 ha Konskie -
33,3 ha Szydlowiec- 12,1 ha
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
32Special Economic Zone
The businessmen who run their companies in the
area of SEZ are entitled on the basis of the
permit to income tax relief on the amount they
pay on investment spending determined in the
permit - up to 50 or 65 of total investment
spending or the level of employment determined in
the permit - up to 50 or 65 of two-year work
expenses. The minimal level of investment
spending in the area of SEZ Starachowice amounts
to 100,000 Euro. In the strategic plans of SEZ
Starachowice for the nearest years it is
predicted to gain investments of about 11 million
Euro and creation of 300 new workplaces.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
33Economic Zones
The factor which determines the increase in
activity and competition of a region in
Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship is creation of
Economic Zones. The zone in Skarzysko-Kamienna
comprises around 143.6 ha. Its activity is based
on special conditions for investors created by
the Town Council. Taking into consideration the
existing in the town workforce potential,
investors in machinery, metal, electro-technical,
building, chemical and shoe industries are
expected in Skarzysko. This zone have been
supported by 1 mln pln from Regional Contract.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
34Economic Zones
Other economic zone is the area of "Stara Huta"
in Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski. Within the Phare
Program 2002 Social and Economic Coherence, have
been planned a project named Revitalization of
post-industrial areas in Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski
through modernization of communication system.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
35Range of special zones activities
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
36Enterprise incubators
Two enterprise incubators functioning in the
Voivodeship (in Starachowice and Ostrowiec
Swietokrzyski), which deal in support for local
enterprise by aiding new firms in establishing
independent position on the market. Within the
Phare Program actions have been taken to secure
further expanding and modernization of the two
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
37Phare ESC
SME from the Region can use grants and donations
offered within Phare 2001, 2002 and 2003 Economic
and Social Cohesion for e.g. new investments and
development.Only this year there are over 1 640
thous. EURO only for fund of investment grants.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
38Trade exchange
Nearly 98 of companies operating in the area of
Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship belong to the sector
of small and medium ones. Among them only 16
carry trade exchange with foreign partners on
their own. The structure of export is an
important factor which shows that small
businesses employing up to 9 workers are
unquestionably in the lead.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
39The greatest investors
Rich minerals supplies caused that among the
greatest investors in the region can be found
companies which are considered to be world
leaders on the market of mineral industry and
building materials production, among others
German Dyckerhoff in Nowiny, Belgium Group Lhoist
in Bukowa, French Lafarge Cement Polska Company
Ltd. in Malogoszcz, Austrian Rigips Austria GmbH
in Stawiany.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
40Foreign investors
Good business is also done in the region by
companies connected with glass production
(Pilkington Sandoglass from Great Britain
investing in Sandomierz), energy industry
(Tractabel Company Ltd. from Belgium investing in
power plant in Polaniec), car industry
(Mettalurgica Assemblaggi Carpenterie (MAC) SpA
and Delfo SpA having shares in FSS "SHL" Company
Ltd. in Kielce - both firms are from Italy),
paper production and printing (Dawid S. Smith
Packaging from Great Britain), food and brewing
production (Epstein Plant Aquisition from USA,
investing in Starachowice CONSTAR Company Ltd.,
Belgium Palm who are the main shareholder of
Browar Belgia) or machinery and metal industry
(NSK-RHP Europe Ltd. from Japan and Schmidt
Holland BV from Holland).
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
41Foreign capital
There are 460 trade join-venture companies
operating in the province which makes almost 15
of all trade companies in the region. The
dynamics of the growth of their number between
1999-2001 in the province was higher by 3.9
points from the national average. Most companies
are with German capital (69), Dutch (17), Italian
(16) and American (14). 27 companies have
invested more than 1 million of American dollars
in the province, of which 453,4 million the
Belgians, 274 million the Dutchmen, 174,9 million
the Germans, 70 million the Swedes and 61,7
million the Austrians.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
42International cooperation
The Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship is open to
cooperation with foreign partners, both in
initiating and maintaining economic cooperation
as well as cultural exchange and common
enterprises in various fields. International
cooperation has been written down in the
Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship Development Strategy
where the priorities have been stated as 1.
Development of cooperation with foreign
partners.2. Preparing the inhabitants to the
integration processes.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
43Internetional cooperation
The Swietokrzyskie Region belongs to the Assembly
of European Regions, where it is possible to
utilize programmes, gain experience and use it in
its own development. The Swietokrzyskie
Voivodeship is also counted among eleven
voivodeships in which a twinning project has been
implemented. Within the project the local
government together with the regional and local
self-government, social and economic partners
have set up a direct cooperation with the South
West twin region in Great Britain.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
44Investor Assistance Center
This is a unit of the Marshals Office of the
Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship engaged to promoting
the Swietokrzyskie Region as an outstanding place
in Poland for investing in industry, constructing
industry, agriculture, tourism and the others.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
45Investor Assistance Center
The main activities of the Center providing
all necessary information for potential
investors, searching for investors and
supporting them, collecting and processing
information about investment possibilities in our
region, co-operation with poviats and gminas in
our region in helping to establish trade contacts
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
46Why investing in Swietokrzyskie?- good location
- easy access to national and international
routes- big potential market - large supply of
labour - qualified staff in many branches-
investment in business infrastructure- old
industrial tradition - rock mining and
metallurgical industry- developed science
back-up - variety of mineral resources - rich
healing springs and health spa Busko-Zdrój,
Solec-Zdrój- wonderful place for tourists- one
of the cleanest and scenic region in Poland.
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
47Investment offer
There is also many areas designated for different
kind investments, owned by communes and the State
in the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship. At present in
the investment offers base there are over 75 of
them (also including buildings, offices and
warehouse surfaces).
- Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship
48Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie
Voivodeship Department of Regional Development
and International Cooperation Al. IX Wieków Kielc
3, 25 516 Kielce, Poland Tel. (48 41) 342 15
85, 342 16 04 Fax (48 41) 362 55 99 E-mail
gajewski_at_sejmik.kielce.pl baniak_at_sejmik.kielce.pl
Marshals Office of the Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship