Title: Personality Strength : A New Variable for OpinionAttitude Research
1Personality Strength A New Variable for
Opinion-Attitude Research
- Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- Friedrich Tennstaedt
2On the personality of opinion Leaders
- Goal measure the elusive concept of opinion
leadership - The concept Personality Strength ( PS )
- why some individuals influence public
31) How about individual personality traits
?2) Do they relate to opinion leadership ?
4Test to measure this personality syndrome
- What is the relationship between PS ans related
constructs ? - Do people who score high or low on PS differ in
terms of life goals ? - Do such differences hold independently of gender,
age and social class status ?
5The PS Scale
- Scale of 10 items
- Based on 3 important dimensions
- Self confidence
- Committment
- Leadership
6PS Scale Score
- The High PS 111- 149 ( 23)
- The High Average 91- 110 ( 30)
- Low Average 81- 91 ( 30)
- Low PS 75- 80 ( 17)
7Distribution of Personality Strength by
Demographic Factors
- Sex
- Men
- High PS 28
- Low PS 14
- Women
- High PS 19
- Low PS 20
- Age
- High PS 30 50
- Low PS over 70
8Relationship between Interviewers ratings and
respondents PS score
- 1) Whether the interviewer thought the
respondent radiated strength and energy as
opposed to being boring. - 2) Whether the respondent gave the impression of
being a model for others. - 3) Whether he (or she) appeared self-assured
during the interview.
9Life Goals of High and Low SES Respondents with
Different Levels of PS
- If PS reflects a generalized attitude towards
life, members of the High group should endorse a
different pattern of personal goals than members
of the Low group. - The results suggest that PS indeed makes a
difference in the kind of life-goals people
10Personality Strength and Rates of Participation
in Community Affairs
- 58 of High PS are members of political parties,
clubs, or associations. - 29 of Low PS
- Altruism and Soaciability
- Persons with strong personality and leadership
qualities might be self-centered, arrogant, or
uninterested in helping other people !
11Contribution of PS and Social Structural Factors
- Contribution to variations in responses to
Personal Goals, Community Participation, and
Sociability. - Generalized Linear Interactive Modelling (
GLIM ) - Most likely to report many friends are High PS,
younger, more affluent men.
- PS, measured by the PS Scale, is generalized
disposition to take a self-confident, active role
in life. - Persons with high PS are more strong and
self-assured, participate more in community
affairs and take positions of leadership in
social groups. - The PS score changes with the SES, age, sex or
social class.
13Main Question
- How does Personality Strength develop ?
14Thank you for your attention !