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Out of area acute treatment. CAMHS and tertiary provision. Specialist Learning ... Community Paediatrics. Children's Continuing Care. LAC Health Assessments ...
El m todo de lentes gravitacionales se basa en el principio de GR de que la luz, ... luz , adem s de la presencia de 3 peaks, es consistente con una c ustica para un ...
7 known planets: HD 209458, TrES-1, OGLE-TR-10, 56, 111, 113, and 132 ... TrES-1. Model test results. Fit Parameters. Equations. 4 unknowns: M1, R1, M2, and R2 ...
Healthy Worker Effect (HWE): William Ogle, 1885 Identified two major difficulties in occupational mortality studies: some occupations may be of necessity recruited ...
X-ray Spectroscopy of the Radio Galaxy 3C 120. Patrick Ogle (JPL) et al. 120 ks XMM-Newton observation. Contemporaneous radio, mm, optical, and UV observations. ...
for the MicroFUN, OGLE, MOA and PLANET collaborations. MicroFUN. Microlensing ... The OGLE and MOA projects survey many 10s of millions of ... by OGLE & MOA ...
We have developed a pipeline for systematically identifying and analyzing ... Binary Light curve fitter (DEBiL), which rapidly fits large numbers of light ...
... Joel Sachs, Pavan Reddivari, Vishal Doshi, Rong Pan, Li Ding, and Drew Ogle. Partial research support was provided by DARPA contract F30602-00-0591 and by ...
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The Fundamentals of Playing the French Horn By: Mr. Ogle Instrumental Music Grade: 6 Learning Objectives After completing the tutorial you will have the skills ...
INFN Sezione di Napoli & INAF Sezione di Napoli. Also from talks with C. ... Finalized OGLE, MACHO, SLOTT-AGAPE (optical) Solar system patrols (optical) ...
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November 19 and 20, 2004; Barry Fortner, PhD, Christian Baldwin, & John Ogle, CPA. ... Robbins, Stephen. Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 8th Edition, ...
Gas gun (up to 0.8 Mbar only) Pulsed ... matches Gas gun & Pulsed current (Z-machine) results ... the case of OGLE-TR-132b high-Z and large core needed ? ...
Estimating the Peak Magnification of a Microlensing Event. Michael Albrow ... In the majority of cases these events turn out to be low magnification. OGLE-2003-BUL-331 ...
MoANA was founded in 1935 by 15 charter members, including Helen Lamb of St. Louis. ... Helen Lamb, CRNA. Dean Hayden, CRNA. Helen Ogle, CRNA. The program ...
... stellar populations of the Milky Way (MACHO, EROS, OGLE collaborations) ... EROS-2: 17.5 million stars toward LMC for 2 yr 2 events ( 2 events from EROS-1) ...
The testimator method essentially breaks the data into small groups, ordered ... We applied this method to the V band LMC Cepheid data obtained by the OGLE project. ...
... time-series survey datasets (e.g. OGLE, MACHO, TrES, HAT, and many others) ... TrES employs a network of 3 automated telescopes to survey 6 x 6 fields-of ...
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fertile sectors self-pollinate. C1 (2n=2x 6x=56) S. A. strigosa CI6954SP X A. sativa cv. ... fertile sectors self-pollinate. C1 (2n=2x 6x=56) X A. sativa cv. ...
Eric Jackson, J. Anderson, M. Carson, D. Obert, G. Hu, and M. Bonman. Polymorphic 3/6 3/6 3/6 5/6 4/6 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/6 2/6 3/6 2/6. Ogle1040. TAM O-301. Ogle157 ...
Ai: three routes: use Sumi's Ri (or other value), use clump measured magnitude ... Third route: use near-infrared extinction maps, but which ratio E(V-I)/Aks ? ...
Learning outcome Knowledge of the observed P-L-relations for AGB stars Knowledge of the ... LMC P-L and amplitude Sequence E Sequence D LPVs in Clusters Linear ...
To explore the possibility of different eccentricity. To be ready for our own observational data ... Eccentricity. 1.26 ( 0.07) RJ. Radius. 84.5( 0.6) deg. ...
Acknowledgements North American Carbon Program Office Peter Griffith Carla Evans Amy Morrell Lisa Wilcox Beth Nelson University of Colorado Julie McKie
the spectroscope and lightcurve data. Spectroscopic observations ... the spectroscope and lightcurve data. Rc / R = 0.114 0.008. f(m) = 6.73 0.19 x 10-4 ...
Selenium in diving ducks exceeded risk assessment thresholds for people who hunt ... in San Francisco Bay diving duck tissue selenium concentrations over time. ...
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Title: Slajd 1 Author: Leszek B aszkiewicz Last modified by: leszekb Created Date: 4/26/2005 7:53:38 AM Document presentation format: Pokaz na ekranie (4:3)