Trigeminal Neuralgia is when you experience sudden sharp pain in any part of the face. If this becomes a regular experience for you, you will need the help of a practitioner who specializes in neurosurgery in Kota.
What all questions do you have in mind regarding neurosurgery in Kota and neurosurgeons? This blog answers all questions related to the field – the education, the diagnoses, and the treatments.
When the brain is affected, it may lead to various kinds of issues, which if not treating at the earliest, could lead to depression and death. This is why neurosurgeons need to be approached immediately in such situations.
A general physician in Kota is your best choice if he has some of the basic qualities that a doctor must possess; for example, professionalism, dedication, compassion, and confidence.
Brain tumour can be a deadly ailment. But, if you catch it at the earliest with even the slightest symptoms, you can get rid of it easily. Here are some symptoms you need to watch out for.
Spinal conditions can cause great discomfort with the devastating pain that they bring along. Such conditions can be treated by medications or other nonsurgical procedures; or may require the consultation of a neuro surgeon
When it comes to electronic products or parts, it is vital that you partner with leading and reputed manufacturers or suppliers, so that you can be provided with genuine real parts to avoid any kinds of risks.
India’s neurosurgical field can face immense amounts of challenges with lack of resources, disorganized administration, and poor hygiene. However, with the rise of new technologies, neuro surgeons are breaking the barrier.
AVM is a neurological problem wherein the arteries and veins tangle together, without making use of the capillaries that otherwise form the connections between them. Learn more about the condition here.
Kidney stones have been a very common issue since the past that has been treated through medications and surgeries. But today, three new innovations have come up for faster, safer, and quicker treatment of the same.