When you plan a meeting, you want the food and beverages to be tasty and ... the cost of food, beverage, and other supplies (such as napery, dance floor, etc. ...
It is estimated that the average meeting planner's budget per person has dropped ... Avoid fancy napery and skirting. Cheese trays are wasteful; don't order too much. ...
... have enough time to schedule and complete the activities that support the events. ... If you book a one-week convention, and there are 15 meal, beverage, ...
Some catered events require much more than food and beverage service. ... Some ground transportation firms specialize in providing limousine service. ...
... head table for twelve people, plus a lectern, should be a minimum of 26 feet long. The rule of thumb is 2 feet per person, plus 2 feet for the lectern. ...
Customer satisfaction and repeat patronage are influenced primarily by food and ... As a result, major functions can go begging for adequate staff. ...
It is estimated that the average meeting planner's budget per person has dropped ... Avoid fancy napery and skirting. Cheese trays are wasteful; don't order too much. ...