A Lesson on Rhetorical Devices: Ethos, Pathos, Logos Marsh9thEnglish.wordpress.com What is Rhetoric? Rhetoric (n) - the art of speaking or writing effectively ...
Subject Verb Agreement Why do subjects and verbs have to agree? After all, they are only words! What s wrong with these sentences? There is too many pictures on ...
Romeo and Juliet Monologue vs. Soliloquy MONOLOGUE a speech by one character in a play; intended to be heard by other characters SOLILOQUY a long speech expressing ...
The Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connell Tema Fodje, Sam Wilson, Mary Kelly Coughlin, Charlotte Britt The Most dangerous Game (1932) Starring: Leslie Banks as ...
short story unit test define the following terms setting mood tone theme plot point of view (perspective) narrator protagonist antagonist foreshadowing setting the ...
LITERARY DEVICES ONOMATOPOEIA Literary device where the word s sound is reflective of its definition. Example: pop, bang, whoosh, swish HYPERBOLE Exaggeration for ...
parts of speech nouns person place thing idea pronouns a word used in place of a noun i, you,she, he, it we, you, they action verbs shows action links subject to ...
Characterization: Marsh9thEnglish.wordpress.com How do authors describe and develop a character? What is direct characterization? Indirect? How can characterization ...