- Choose CleanFlorida for premier home cleaning services in Naples, FL, and nearby areas. We prioritize what matters most to you, emphasizing transparency and open communication. Get a quote today and let us handle all your cleaning needs efficiently! - CleanFlorida provides exceptional house cleaning & maid services in Naples, FL, and surrounding communities. Our teams are reliable, friendly, professional, and we always strive to make the cleaning process as stress-free as possible. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
The National Archaeological Museum of Naples (MANN) is an important Italian archaeological museum, particularly for ancient Roman remains. Its collection includes works from Greek, Roman and Renaissance times, and especially Roman artifacts from nearby Pompeii, Stabiae and Herculaneum. It was formerly the Real Museo Borbonico ("Royal Bourbon Museum“)
Just because a certain eco-friendly substance is an effective cleaner for use around the home, doesn’t mean that it can be automatically be mixed with another substance that shares similar properties, or any other cleaning solution, chemical or otherwise; in fact, some combinations can be downright hazardous.
Pets make a home complete, but the smell they leave behind is not quite as welcome! Fortunately, by following these 9 tips, you can keep your home clean, even with pets:
In a lot of multiple occupancy households, dishwashers are used at least once a day, and while they get our kitchen items shiny and clean, have you ever thought about how much grime and debris passes through them on every cycle?
Drains becoming blocked is an extremely common but often smelly and inconvenient problem for many households, and while we often turn to chemicals to fix the problem, this isn’t great for us, or the environment.
Dusting. Yuk. Nobody enjoys dusting, right? However, without taking some steps to eliminate dust, it will always be there, and could even start to affect your health if left to accumulate over time.
Nothing ruins a beautiful view through a window or reflection in a mirror, than streaks and stains. And nothing looks dirtier and more unhygienic than a glass cooktop covered in smears.
Stainless steel appliances are incredibly popular thanks to their heat, rust and damage resistant qualities, and when they’re cleaned properly and maintained well, they can look great sitting on a kitchen countertop. When they become grubby, stained and covered in smears and fingerprints, however, nothing can let a kitchen down more.
There’s nothing like the relaxing sensation of immersing yourself in a hot, steamy, bubbly tub, especially after a hard day at work, or if the kids have driven you crazy! However, bathtubs are notorious for attracting dirt and grime, mold, and filth, along with lasting stains created by hard water and rust.
Now, more than ever, you want your home to be smelling as fresh as possible. With pets and people staying inside more than ever before, your home can quickly play host to a wide range of unpleasant odours, but thankfully, eliminating them is easy, and here are some tips:
While your kids are at school, there are ample opportunities for them to pick up germs and bring them home with them, and in light of the ongoing COVID-19 health pandemic, more and more focus has shifted to disinfecting potentially contaminated items.
Clean tools really are the key to a clean home, and if you don’t clean your tools regularly, you could be making your home dirtier, not cleaner! To help you clean your home more effectively and hygienically, here are some simple tips for keeping your tools clean:
Even if you’re not particularly aware that your home is cluttered – or are aware and simply don’t care – it will inevitably be having an effect on your state of mind, and could mean that you’re living in an unclean home, too.
Arguments in the average household often center around cleaning: who hasn’t taken out the trash, which child hasn’t cleaned their room or whose turn is it to do the dishes, and it can cause a lot of stress! However, there are ways to stress less about cleaning, and to not have your entire household argue about it hour after hour, day after day.
The toilet. We can’t live without one, and we use it a lot, but keeping it clean is a task few of us relish. That said, it’s a task that we really must force ourselves to accomplish at least once a week, and more often depending on what has been going on inside it!
It can be all too easy to overlook the lighting fixtures in our homes during cleaning, but if you haven’t taken a good look at the lights in your home lately, you can bet they’re in need of a good clean.
Cats are wonderful creatures, and many of us love them and have them as pets, however, they can make your home smelly and cause issues with their pet dander. Just because you love your pet cats, doesn’t mean that you have to let them inadvertently spoil your home, so follow the below tips for keeping a clean home that is welcoming to both your pets, and visitors:
Every time you take a shower, hard water and soap scum will leave traces behind, and before you know it, your shower is anything but gleaming. With regular cleaning, however, you can get your shower doors looking as good as new, and here are some top tips for doing exactly that:
If you’re lucky enough to have a furry best friend or two sharing your home, then you’ll know all about the doggy aroma your canine companion can leave behind. Masking the smell is not the solution, although it may be the quickest in the short-term, so here are some tips for banishing the doggy aroma from your home for good:
Ovens can be a real drag to clean, but leave them dirty, and soon whatever you cook in it will taste tainted, not to mention the fact that the oven will be a real eyesore in your kitchen.
While it might seem impossible to get to the stage where your fridge isn’t full, leaving it with as few items in as possible makes deep cleaning it far easier. With so many opportunities to make us sick – from poorly stored food products to bacteria growing in nooks and crannies – a hygienically clean refrigerator is essential, and by following these 5 simple steps, you could help keep your entire household healthy:
Keeping a clean and healthy home is necessary if we’re to keep ourselves clean and healthy, too, but with harsh chemicals often used, could we be doing more harm than good to ourselves and the environment?
Every time you take a shower, hard water and soap scum will leave traces behind, and before you know it, your shower is anything but gleaming. With regular cleaning, however, you can get your shower doors looking as good as new, and here are some top tips for doing exactly that:
For anyone with a property that they rent out to paying guests on vacation, this can be a profitable business venture or side hustle, but it doesn’t come without its responsibilities.
Every time you take a shower, hard water and soap scum will leave traces behind, and before you know it, your shower is anything but gleaming. With regular cleaning, however, you can get your shower doors looking as good as new, and here are some top tips for doing exactly that:
Some types of mold, such as Stachybotrys chartarum, better known as black mold, is toxic and can pose a serious health threat when found in the home. Here are some of the dangers that mold can present and how you can avoid them:
Did you know that indoor pollutants can be far higher than those found outside, sometimes up to 100 times higher! Much of the pollutants come from home decorating and cleaning products, so finding a way to make your home clean and green, really is the best way to achieve a healthy life, healthy home and happy environment.
It should come as no surprise to know that our floors are some of the dirtiest places in our homes, and sometimes, even when we think they look clean, they can still be harbouring many dangerous germs and bacteria that can be harmful for our health. Here are a few pointers for getting your floors really clean with minimal effort:
Keeping a clean and healthy home is necessary if we’re to keep ourselves clean and healthy, too, but with harsh chemicals often used, could we be doing more harm than good to ourselves and the environment?
As most of us already know, bathrooms can play host to a veritable bevy of bacteria and germs, but you might be surprised to learn just how many might be breeding in your bathroom as you read this!
The kitchen is the last place you want germs to be present, but unfortunately, it’s the one room in the home in which they’re most likely to be found. Even if you keep your kitchen clean and tidy, micro-organisms may still be present, especially as they’re invisible to the naked eye.
When we teach our kids to clean up after themselves, we’re helping to instill some important values in them, such as how to contribute to the family unit, how to keep a clean home ready for when they move out (eventually!) and understanding the importance of having responsibilities.
Many people who suffer from depression begin to find that keeping up with everyday chores and tasks such as cleaning, becomes increasingly difficult, and they lack the motivation and energy to really care about keeping their homes and living spaces clean and tidy. Sadly, not taking care of these things, serves only to exasperate the symptoms of depression, and it becomes a vicious cycle that can be harder and harder to get out of.
Bathrooms can get grubby quickly, especially if you have a large household with multiple occupants all using one bathroom. Mold and mildew can be a huge problem in many homes, particularly in bathrooms and if left to worsen, it can look unsightly and cause health issues, too. Knowing the best way to prevent mold and mildew from growing in your bathroom is the best way to keep it under control or eliminate it altogether:
As well as looking downright unsightly, hard water staining can tarnish glass and other items in your home, and cause permanent damage. The glass often becomes discolored, and unless the issue is tackled early on, it can prove impossible to remove. Unfortunately, hard water (water that has a high mineral content) is very common in certain areas of the country, and for a lot of homeowners, it’s difficult to avoid the staining that comes with it. However – as with many types of stains – treating it before it spreads is advisable.
While keeping a clean home is second nature to many of us, that doesn’t mean that we enjoy it or that it doesn’t get us down from time to time. For those living alone and who may be in a better position to control the cleanliness of their home, small daily tasks may be enough to keep things clean, tidy and hygienic. For those living in multi-person households, on the other hand, cleaning can become arduous and less easy to manage. Then there are those who simply feel that life is too short to spend cleaning and would rather do anything else.
Are you planning a bathroom renovation or remodel and want the space to be as easy to clean as possible? Well, with the following tips, you could achieve exactly that:
Food poisoning is a very real risk if spillages, mold and bacteria aren’t quickly cleaned away when found in your refrigerator. It can be tempting to minimize cleaning of the fridge, especially when it’s chock full of food and getting to all the nooks and crannies, means taking everything out and having to put it all back in again. Minimal fridge cleaning is perfectly fine, provided it’s clean enough and food is stored hygienically inside, but if you see spillages or food items that have fallen from the shelves or are smeared over the sides, then they should be cleaned up as soon as possible.
You’d be surprised at just how quickly mold can accumulate in a refrigerator, even if you make an effort to keep it clean. However, while it might be common, mold is always unwelcome, and here are 6 tips for making sure your refrigerator doesn’t play host to any potentially dangerous contaminants and furry green or black things!
Dust and dirt can wreak havoc even in those homes that are cleaned regularly, and doesn’t take long to build up. However, with dust in particular having the potential to aggravate allergies and respiratory illnesses, it’s important to try your best to keep it out of your home as much as you can.
As well as looking downright unsightly, hard water staining can tarnish glass and other items in your home, and cause permanent damage. The glass often becomes discolored, and unless the issue is tackled early on, it can prove impossible to remove. Unfortunately, hard water (water that has a high mineral content) is very common in certain areas of the country, and for a lot of homeowners, it’s difficult to avoid the staining that comes with it. However – as with many types of stains – treating it before it spreads is advisable.
For anyone with a dust allergy, keeping their home free from dust can help minimize their symptoms and make the air inside, much cleaner to breathe. But, dust can be hard enough to keep to a minimum, let alone eliminate altogether, and the amount of dust you have in your home can depend on a number of factors, such as whether you have pets, frequently open your windows or don’t clean very often.
Keeping your washing machine clean and well maintained will work wonders for preventing for a buildup of mold, mildew, dust, dirt and soap deposits, and don’t forget that these can be harmful not only to your laundry, but to your health, too.
Most of us will agree that one of the first things that we notice when we enter someone else’s home, is the aroma, whether it be pleasant or not so pleasant. Doubtless we notice smells when we enter our own homes too, and a pleasing aroma can certainly influence the way you feel about your home, or someone else’s.
Cleaning your home can be an unforgiving task, and one that you probably don’t relish, however, there are a few simple steps you can follow to get the job done quickly and efficiently:
Since a washing machine is there to wash our dirty laundry, it can be easy to forget – or not even realise – that the machine itself should be cleaned, too. However, despite the fact that we use detergents to keep our clothes clean, these can in fact build up over time inside the machine, causing a combination of soap residue and minerals to clog it up and prevent it from washing as efficiently as it should.
Most homes will have experienced problems with hard water staining at some point, and if you don’t keep these areas clean and stay on top of them, they can quickly spread throughout the home and not only make the place look unsightly and dirty, but can begin to smell, too.
It can be all too easy to neglect cleaning your refrigerator; it’s always full and so the task can seem daunting, or you may not even think it necessary. However, since you’re storing food items in it, it should be hygienically clean at all times, which usually involves cleaning it at least once a month depending on its condition.
It can be hard to keep your bathroom smelling fresh all year round, or even all day, for that matter! Even if you alone use your bathroom, or a family of ten, it can quickly begin smelling grotty, and since some of the smelliest activities in the home take place in it, it really is little surprise. There are the lingering odours of toilet activities, and then there are the other aroma’s that build up over time, and which are no less easy to eliminate.
Are you guilty of leaving your home in a mess and of not cleaning up after yourself? If your home is often in a mess and looks and feels unclean, then it could be that it’s making you sick. Here are some common messy areas of your home which when left uncleaned, can make you feel unwell:
Keeping your home spick and span when you lead a busy life and have a hectic schedule can be tough, and some folks prefer to leave it all for a spring clean. However, even if your home is small, a spring clean can take up a lot of time and energy, and you may not be able to get it all done in a day. Breaking your spring cleaning tasks down into more manageable ones is a great idea, and while you won’t get your entire home clean in one day, you should be able to achieve good results over a few days, and certainly less than a week.
The reality is that germs are everywhere and are impossible to avoid entirely, and they are often present in homes. While most of these bacteria won’t harm you, some can be quite dangerous and it’s these you want to prevent from breeding in the sanctity of your home. Here are a few ways in which you can fight household bacteria and prevent you or any other members of your household from becoming sick: