Irrelevant and confusing search outcomes have become commonplace even on leading search engines. This calls for specificity of search results without crowding of spam messages and advertisements.
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The search results generated by the search engine blekko allow users more quickly get to great sources of information. The search engine is amongst the top four companies that actively index the entire web and offers a unique user tailored experience allowing you to categorize your search in unique, vertical categories. q
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Time is a precious resource. Looking for something on the net and being directed to a worthless site with irrelevant contents can be an extremely frustrating experience. Blekko, launched in 2007, gets for you the most relevant results from the most trusted sites.
Imagine your frustration when you wish to find some information about your recurring back pain and you are directed to a sham website that is selling some shady slimming pills. Blekko, the internet search engine, made its entry into the market in 2010.
Internet surfing was never so search specific until Blekko was launched. This new search engine guarantees amazingly rich search experience with categorized results.