Isam Mansour is professional with team-oriented management style coupled with excellent leadership skills and tenacious focus on delivering top-notch results.
Isam Mansour (Montreal) is a business-minded and performance-driven Director / Consultant with 20 years of progressive management experience and the ability to think strategically while driving tactical efficacy.
Isam Mansour (Dubai) founded his IT consultancy firm in 2015. He is providing services such as web design and development, branding and brand awareness, project management, and search engine optimization and more.
Isam Mansour is a business-minded and performance-driven Director / Consultant with 20 years of progressive management experience and the ability to think strategically while driving tactical efficacy.
Isam Mansour (Canada) has invested in, sold and managed multiple properties including commercial and residential properties in many countries around the world.
Isam Mansour (Dubai) has worked as a Chief Financial officer at SV Network for 4 years. His responsibilities included tracking cash flow and financial planning as well as analyzing the company's financial strengths and weaknesses and proposing corrective action.
Isam Mansour (Canada) has worked as a Chief Financial officer at SV Network for 4 years. His responsibilities included tracking cash flow and financial planning as well as analyzing the company's financial strengths and weaknesses and proposing corrective action.
Isam Mansour is professional with team-oriented management style coupled with excellent leadership skills and tenacious focus on delivering top-notch results.
Isam Mansour founded his IT consultancy firm in 2015. He is providing services such as web design and development, branding and brand awareness, project management, and search engine optimization and more.
Isam Mansour (Dubai) founded his IT consultancy firm in 2015. He is providing services such as web design and development, branding and brand awareness, project management, and search engine optimization and more.
Isam Mansour (Canada) has invested in, sold and managed multiple properties including commercial and residential properties in many countries around the world.
Isam Mansour is a business-minded and performance-driven Director / Consultant with 20 years of progressive management experience and the ability to think strategically while driving tactical efficacy.
Isam Mansour is a business-minded and performance-driven Director / Consultant with 20 years of progressive management experience and the ability to think strategically while driving tactical efficacy.
Allie Mansour builds partnerships and fosters consensus among important stakeholders with opposing objectives by utilizing excellent relationship skills.
Allie Mansour also took on the $18 million position of lead project manager for a digital transformation strategy that keeps the company's aircraft maintenance service centers running smoothly across the United States.
Allie Mansour est une leader visionnaire et motivée qui a dirigé des équipes interfonctionnelles pour atteindre des visions et des objectifs communs grâce à des programmes de formation et de développement.
The projects that Allie Mansour has worked on in these various fields contain installation and commissioning, desktop and mobile web development (digital channels), cloud and on-premise deployed applications, and customer relationship management (CRM) software.
Allie Mansour possède d'excellentes capacités de leadership, de négociation et de persuasion, ainsi que la capacité de changer la dynamique de groupe, qui sont utilisées pour faire avancer les initiatives.
Allie Mansour led and directed teams comprising business stakeholders, integration suppliers, and internal delivery teams. He also took on the $18 million post of lead project manager for a digital transformation initiative that maintains the company's aircraft maintenance service centers across the United States. Allie Mansour has also used SAP EWM and other applications to advance strategic warehousing logistics optimization.
Allie Mansour is also a certified project manager and scrum master. His extensive experience in digital transformation has also allowed him to deliver strategic and mission-critical digital transformation projects.
Mona Kassfy has also worked as an account executive at Christian Dior Cosmetics, California, the USA for 6 years. She is also doing volunteer work in Senses Centre, Dubai, UAE. She helped children with special needs in areas including playing sports and activities, reading, writing, and basic maths.
Mona Kassfy completed her education from Cal State Fullerton, California. She did a Bachelor in Arts. She has also completed online courses in Child Behavioral Management.
Mona Kassfy has more than 15 years of professional experience in teaching and business. She launched her own cosmetic line as well in 2007. She has worked at Helen’s Day Care Montreal, QC, Canada for a year. After that, she started working as an active member of the parent and teachers association in Gardenview Elementary School, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Allie Mansour has a deep interest in Math and Technology, and he pursued these interests of his to gain a degree in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. Furthermore, Allie has formal training and experience in leadership, negotiation, finance, and project management.
Allie Mansour a démontré sa capacité à diriger des équipes interfonctionnelles pour atteindre des visions et des objectifs communs en formant des équipes numériques aux approches de transformation et de gestion du changement.
Mona Kassfy completed her education from Cal State Fullerton, California. She did a Bachelor in Arts. She has also completed online courses in Child Behavioral Management.
Bombardier is one of Allie Mansour's most well-known aerospace clients. Allie supports the oversight of some of Bombardier's most significant digital transformation efforts by providing project and program management consulting services.
Allie Mansour has proven ability to lead cross-functional teams to accomplish common visions and goals by training digital teams in transformation and change management approaches.
Mona Kassfy is also doing volunteer work in Senses Centre, Dubai, UAE. She helped children with special needs in areas including playing sports and activities, reading, writing, and basic maths.
Allie Mansour has worked in different industries like industrial, aerospace, pharmaceutical, higher education, banking, insurance, healthcare, engineering, and other non-profit and fundraising organizations.
Mona Kassfy (Canada) completed her education from Cal State Fullerton, California. She did a Bachelor in Arts. She has also completed online courses in Child Behavioral Management.
Mona Kassfy (Dubai) is a mother of 2 children ages 7 and 10 and she likes to work with young children to enhance their educational experience. She completed her education from Cal State Fullerton, California. She did a Bachelor in Arts. She has also completed online courses in Child Behavioral Management.
Allie Mansour a travaillé dans différentes industries telles que l'industrie, l'aérospatiale, la pharmacie, l'enseignement supérieur, la banque, l'assurance, la santé, l'ingénierie et d'autres organisations à but non lucratif et de collecte de fonds.
Allie Mansour a un profond intérêt pour les mathématiques et la technologie, et il a poursuivi ses intérêts pour obtenir un diplôme en génie électrique et mécanique. De plus, Allie possède une formation formelle et une expérience en leadership, négociation, finance et gestion de projet. Actuellement, Allie Mansour envisage d'ouvrir son cabinet de conseil avec ses co-fondateurs. Avec ses connaissances et son expertise approfondies et celles de son partenaire sur de nombreuses choses différentes, Allie prétend être ravi de voir ce que l'avenir lui réserve.
Allie Mansour construit des partenariats et favorise le consensus entre les parties prenantes importantes avec des objectifs opposés en utilisant d'excellentes compétences relationnelles.
Mona Kassfy (Montreal) is also doing volunteer work in Senses Centre, Dubai, UAE. She helped children with special needs in areas including playing sports and activities, reading, writing, and basic maths.
Allie Mansour has led enterprise-wide digital transformation projects for the Salesforce CRM program, logistics, production, sales, and other business areas. He's also led many groups, including internal delivery teams, integration suppliers, and business stakeholders.
Les projets sur lesquels Allie Mansour a travaillé dans ces divers domaines comprennent l'installation et la mise en service, le développement Web de bureau et mobile (canaux numériques), les applications déployées dans le cloud et sur site et les logiciels de gestion de la relation client (CRM).
Mona Kassfy is also doing volunteer work in Senses Centre, Dubai, UAE. She helped children with special needs in areas including playing sports and activities, reading, writing, and basic maths.
Allie Mansour a également assumé le poste de 18 millions de dollars de chef de projet principal pour une stratégie de transformation numérique qui assure le bon fonctionnement des centres de services de maintenance des avions de la société à travers les États-Unis.
Allie Mansour était fascinée par la technologie et a choisi de fréquenter l'Université McGill à Montréal pour étudier le génie électrique et informatique. Allie Mansour est une professionnelle de la gestion de projet et une scrum master.
Allie Mansour accepte la responsabilité et considère qu’il est responsable de la complétion du projet, faisant toujours de son mieux pour obtenir la meilleure performance de l’équipe de projet et en improvisant. En savoir plus sur lui sur son site officiel
Allie Mansour a dirigé des projets de transformation numérique à l'échelle de l'entreprise pour le programme Salesforce CRM, la logistique, la production, les ventes et d'autres domaines d'activité. Il a également dirigé de nombreux groupes, notamment des équipes de livraison internes, des fournisseurs d'intégration et des intervenants commerciaux.
Mona Kassfy (Montreal) has worked at Helen’s Day Care Montreal, QC, Canada for a year. After that, she started working as an active member of the parent and teachers association in Gardenview Elementary School, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Mona Kassfy has worked at Helen’s Day Care Montreal, QC, Canada for a year. After that, she started working as an active member of the parent and teachers association in Gardenview Elementary School, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Allie Mansour a dirigé et dirigé des équipes comprenant des intervenants commerciaux, des fournisseurs d'intégration et des équipes de livraison internes. Il a également assumé le poste de chef de projet principal de 18 millions de dollars pour une initiative de transformation numérique qui maintient les centres de service de maintenance d'avions de l'entreprise à travers les États-Unis. Allie Mansour a également utilisé SAP EWM et d'autres applications pour faire progresser l'optimisation stratégique de la logistique de l'entreposage.
Allie Mansour est également chef de projet certifié et scrum master. Sa vaste expérience en transformation numérique lui a également permis de mener à bien des projets de transformation numérique stratégiques et critiques. Tout au long de plus de 20 ans d'expérience d'Allie Mansours, il a entendu de nombreux éloges et approbations de son travail, mais il n'en est pas fier ; attend plutôt avec impatience de voir ce qu'il peut apprendre de plus et combien il peut encore s'améliorer.
Mansour Jabalameli has got many certifications from Cisco. He is a professional member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE Computer Society, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), British Computer Society (BCS), The Chartered Institute for IT, and other reputable worldwide IT communities.