Title: Take a Look InsideHGAC Transition Services and Programs
1Take a Look InsideHGAC Transition Services and
- Barbara Petersen
- Brenda Cover
- Stacie Andrews
- Ann Yurcisin
- Darlene Seals
2HGAC Our Mission
To provide comprehensive rehabilitative,
educational, and life skill services in a
focused environment which results in employment
for persons with disabilities.
3(No Transcript)
4Hiram G. Andrews Center offers comprehensive
vocational, educational and rehabilitation
5Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) Program
- Mission of PA OVR To expand and strengthen
employment outcomes, independence, and
specialized services for Pennsylvanians with
disabilities. - Within the Dept. of LI, OVR operates five
primary programs or bureaus. - Bureau of Central Operations
- Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- Bureau of Blindness Visual Services (BBVS)
- Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ODHH)
- Hiram G. Andrews Center (HGAC)
6HGAC 2006 Referral Sources
- 96.75 Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation
Services - 2.75 Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services
- ½ All other sources
- Other PA State Agencies
- Voc Rehab agencies outside of PA
- Direct application to HGACs admission office
- Private insurance companies
- Veterans Administration
7Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR)
- Eligibility Criteria
- Individual has a disability that creates a
barrier to employment - Individual wants to work, and
- Individual can benefit from VR services
(assumption of benefit for individuals receiving
SSDI and SSI). - Order of Selection
- Individuals with the most significant
disabilities have the highest priority - Financial Needs Test
- Required for all VR services except for
diagnostics, vocational guidance, counseling and
placement services.
8 HGAC Admission Information
- Individuals with disabilities served (most have
secondary disabilities as well) - 44.5 cognitive impairments (MR, LD, autism)
- 32.5 physical impairments
- 15.5 other mental impairments (psychosocial,
- drug/alcohol abuse)
- 4 deafness/hearing impairments
- 1.5 blindness or other visual impairments
- 1 communicative impairments
- 1 other/no disability listed
9 HGAC 2006 Admission Stats
- Age Groups of Individuals served
- Under 20 58
- 21 - 29 22
- 30 - 39 7.5
- 40 - 49 7
- 50 - up 5.5
10HGAC Transition Tools
- Center for Occupational Readiness
- Learning Support Services
- Driver Education
- Vocational Technical Educational Programs
- 4th Annual Career Transition Fair
- Vocational Evaluation
- Counseling
- Career Guidance Center
- Cognitive Skills Enhancement Program
- Residential Living
- Personal Growth and Development
- Assistive Technology
11HGAC Transition Tools
Vocational Evaluation Psychological Services
12- Vocational Evaluation
- Evaluation Tracks
- Group High Verbal
- Group Performance
- Individual
13- Vocational Evaluation
- Vocational Exploration
- May also include
- Situational Job Tryouts
- Psychological Testing
- Assistive Technology
- Speech and Hearing
- Occupational Therapy
14- Vocational Evaluation
- Staff trained by Dr. Jack Dial
- McCarron-Dial Systems (MDS)
- Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES)
15- Vocational Evaluation
- Comprehensive Vocational Evaluation System (CVES)
- Assessment Factors
- Verbal Spatial-Cognitive Factor
- Sensory Factor
- Motor Factor
- Emotional Factor
- Coping/Adaptive
- Behavior
16- Vocational Evaluation
- Evaluation Profile Analysis and
- Reporting System (EPARS)
- Recommends general vocational and residential
program levels for placement consideration. - Identifies overall factor strengths and
weaknesses and lists specific strengths and
weaknesses within each assessment factor.
17Vocational Evaluation Situational Job Tryouts
- General Office Clerk
- AST CulinaryArts
- ASB Medical Office Assistant
Business Enterprise Program 1 week evaluation
18Psychological Services
- Psychological, neuropsychological and psycho
educational evaluations can assess cognitive and
academic strengths and weaknesses.
19HGAC Transition Tools cont.
Counseling Services Career Guidance Center
20Counseling Services
- Case Management Services
- Counseling
- Advocacy
- Referral
- Consultation
21Career Guidance Center
Job Preparedness
- From School to Work
- Creating a Career Portfolio
- How to Complete a Job Application
- Lifetime Resume Service
- Finding Job Leads
- Interview Skills
- Inside Track to Government Jobs
- Pennsylvania CareerLink
22Career Guidance Center
Job Preparedness
- Employment Success Skills Seminars
- Orientation to the PA State Civil Service Exam
- Social Security Work Incentive Seminar
- Secrets to Job Fair Success
23HGAC Transition Tools cont.
- Cognitive Skills Enhancement Program (CSEP)
24Cognitive Skills Enhancement Program A
Rehabilitation Partnership Serving Persons with
Cognitive Disabilities
25CSEP A collaboration between the University of
Pittsburgh, Department of Rehabilitation Science
and Technology and the Hiram G. Andrews
Center Coordinator Deb Endres, M.S. Project
Director Michael McCue, PhD, CRC Co-Director
Michael Pramuka, PhD Director of Student
Services Jill Moriconi, M.S., CRC
26Cognitive Skills Enhancement Program(CSEP)
- An intensive 15-week program, designed to assist
persons with cognitive disabilities through - Group and cognitive enhancement therapy
- Assistive technology screening and training
- Group counseling
- Identification of compensatory strategies and
practice using them in vocational settings
27- CSEP emphasizes
- Behavioral accountability
- Development of social awareness skills
- Improving self-esteem
28What CSEP Involves
- Focus on increasing awareness of strengths and
weaknesses and development of strategies - Class size 15
- Participants diagnosed
- with cognitive disabilities
29CSEP Admission Criteria Exclusions
- Prospective participants should
- Have an interest and willingness to participate
- Have a documented cognitive disability
- Demonstrate the ability to reason and participate
in an abstract discussion or exercise - Have a presenting problem that is cognitive
- Primary problems or limitations should not be
attributable to intellectual, psychiatric, or
behavioral conditions or to substance abuse.
30CSEP Goals
- Understand strengths and weaknesses and the
effect these have on being successful in training
and on the job - Understand disability, its effects, and
strategies for overcoming the effects of
disability - Experience real work and community demands
- Set sound personal and vocational goals
- Function as an effective problem solver
31CSEP Goals cont
- Communicate effectively to satisfy employers
- Direct the management of education, training, and
vocational rehabilitation pursuits - Possess knowledge of work demands and practice
effective work habits - Strive towards effective self-advocacy
32What We Do
- Provide a safe atmosphere where students feel
comfortable accepting each others strengths and
weaknesses - Required involvement in term projects and
presentations - Develop awareness of social interactions and how
to improve communication skills
- Develop awareness of
- social interactions and
- how to improve
- communication skills
33What We Do cont
- Provide a framework that helps develop
compensatory strategies/accommodations to meet
organizational and planning needs - Encourage and support to realize full potential
- Use assistive technology devices and master
functional computer skills
34HGAC Transition Tools cont.
- Campus Dormitory Living
- Dorm Counseling
- Recreation
- Personal Growth Development
35Recreation Sports Art Crafts Hiking Fishing Bicycl
ing Horseback Riding Cultural Events Dances Person
al Growth Development
36HGAC Transition Tools cont.
- Allied Health Services
- Center for Assistive and Rehabilitative
Technology - Assistive Technology Lending Library
37Allied Health Services
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Wheelchair Repair
38Center for Assistive and Rehabilitative Technology
- Computer Access
- Activities of Daily Living
- Environmental Control Units
- Augmentative Communication
- Home/Worksite Modifications
- Mobility/Positioning
- Custom Devices
- Devices for Visual/Hearing Loss
- Driver Evaluation
- Vehicle Modification
39Pennsylvanias Assistive Technology Lending
Library www.temple.edu/inst_disabilities/atlend
- Free Program
- Any Pennsylvanian with a disability may borrow
To offer quality individualized post-secondary
education which provides career opportunities and
independent life skills.
41HGAC Transition Tools cont.
- Commonwealth Technical Institute _at_ Hiram G.
Andrews Center - Center for Occupational Readiness
- Learning Support Services
- Driver Education
- Center for Occupational Readiness
- Reading
- Math
- English
- GED Prep
- Enrichment Classes
- Center for Occupational Readiness
- Team Teaching
- Culinary Arts
- Nursing Assistant
- Building Maintenance
- Auto Technology
- Printing Technology
- Center for Occupational Readiness
- Enrichment Classes
- Deaf Awareness
- Cultural Disability
- Diversity
- Career Orientation
- Study Skills
- Center for Occupational Readiness
- Enrichment Classes
- Library Orientation
- Introduction to Keyboarding
- Basic Literacy
- Leisure Skills
- Learning Support Services
- Professional Peer Tutoring
- Note Taking
- Test Writing/Reading
- Assistive Technology
- Workshops
Driver Education
- Classroom
- Behind the Wheel
48HGAC Transition Tools cont.
Commonwealth Technical Institute _at_ Hiram G.
Andrews Center
Degree Programs Diploma Programs
The Basics Diploma or Associate Degree will be
issued from CTI Three terms per year, no summers
off, 1 week between terms Programs vary in length
from 1 - 5 terms, 4 months per term HS diploma or
GED is required for admission to associate degree
programs 300 students Small class size- 15 is
maximum in most classes Focus - hands on learning
and practical application of skills
- Associate Degree Programs
- AST Architectural Drafting
- AST Mechanical Drafting
- ASB Accounting
- AST Computer Servicing Technology
- AST Culinary Arts
- AST Dental Laboratory Technology
- ASB Medical Office Assistant
- Diploma Programs
- Culinary Arts/Kitchen Helper
- Automotive Technology
- Small Engine and Equipment Repair
- Business Retail Management
- Retail Distribution
- Building Trades
- Building Maintenance
- Diploma Programs cont.
- Materials Management and Distribution
- Commercial Cleaning
- Dental Assisting
- Nursing Assistant
- Printing Technology
- Jewelry Technology
- General Office Clerk
53Randolph-Shepherd Act Business Enterprise
Program Assists persons in the operation of food
service businesses in commercial, industrial, or
governmental locations.
54- Business Enterprise Program
- Referrals through BBVS
- 8 month training program
- Business ranges
- Vending operations to large cafeteria
- Program provides
- Business sites
- Equipment
- Ongoing support from BBVS
- Business Agent
55HGAC Career Transition Fair October 24,25
26, 2007
- Tour HGAC
- Dorm Room
- Training Areas
- Recreation
- Visit Exhibits and Classroom Demonstrations
56HGAC Transition Tools
- Vocational Evaluation
- Counseling
- Career Guidance Center
- Cognitive Skills Enhancement Program
- Residential Living
- Personal Growth and Development
- Assistive Technology
- Center for Occupational Readiness
- Learning Support Services
- Driver Education
- Vocational Technical Educational Programs
- Career Transition Day
57HGAC Partnerships
- National Consortium of State Operated
Comprehensive Rehabilitation Centers (SOCRC) - Center of Excellence for Remote and Medically
Underserved Areas (CERMUSA) - National Telerehabilitation Services System
(NTSS) - Pennsylvania Association for Individuals
w/Disabilities (PAiD) - University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)
- Temple University Institute on Disabilities
- Veterans Leadership Program/Veteran Community
58Hiram G. Andrews Center 727 Goucher
St. Johnstown, PA 15905 800-762-4211
Voice/TTY 814-255-8200 Visit us on the
Web! www.hgac.org