Breakfast Meeting at the. Danish Thai Chamber of Commerce ... Vegetarians. Preference for fresh rather. than processed products. Retail sector is the key. ...
New Delhi: In the board meeting of Indo American Chamber of Commerce it was decided to have two more powerful events, which must be planned to project the challenges and opportunities in the fields of media and education. “I am working on two major international summits-Media Summit & Education Summit in association with International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry soon to highlight Indo American Relations in these fields” said Sandeep Marwah Chairperson of Education & Media And Entertainment Committee of Indo American Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Lalit Bhasin the president of North India Council of IACC who has been opted for Vice President for the National body also consented and appreciated the efforts of Sandeep Marwah.
New Delhi, 21st August, 2014: A group of policy makers, Industry Leaders, US Embassy Officials and other important people from different business group celebrated annual fellowship Nite organized by the Indo American Chamber of Commerce at Hotel Lalit in New Delhi.
Seaways are members of FORCE' Freight Organization of Related Cargo Experts ... Air. Container load FCL. Primemover. Rail. Coastal. Value Added Services ...
Organised a two-day conference on 'Education 'New Challenges in the Global ... Visit of Mr.Robert Blackwill, American Ambassador to India on 6th March 2002. at ...
AABSyS Information Technology Pvt. Ltd. ... STPI: Software Technology Parks of India. ESC: Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council ...
Mercedes-Benz India launched the dynamic and efficient B-Class diesel. The B 180 CDI Style comes with an efficient engine with maximized fuel efficiency. The B-Class Luxury Tourer combines the utility of an SUV, with the comfort of a sedan. For the test drive come at Akshaya Motors in Bangalore. For more details visit:
It´s instantly recognizable and it looks, feels and performs like nothing else. That's the E-Class magic. Bold Sport Sedans that proudly wear the Star in their grille. Luxury Sedans that are at equally elegant and exuberant. Take a test drive of the New Mercedes E-Class car today @ Akshaya Motors, fasterst growing Mercedes dealer in Bangalore: visit :
2004 Business Opportunities In Sri Lanka Presentation by Ambassador Devinda R. Subasinghe Sri Lanka s Ambassador to the US Sri Lanka: Overview Sri Lanka is an ...
AABSyS IT is a preferred mapping service provider for the leading global utility majors. With our GIS, remote sensing and computer aided design and drafting solutions to Electric and Gas Utility majors worldwide, AABSyS ensures continuity of business standards and relevance. AABSyS specializes in reliant and efficient GIS platforms including ArcFM, ArcFM UT, GE Smallworld, Ericsson Network Engineer, 3-GIS, AutoCAD, MicroStation and other industry-standard software for imparting end-to-end utility mapping services. View more:
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries WHO Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ. Business ... Mitsubishi Corporation. Market Research. Feasibility Studies. Industry Analysis ...
THE NEW WORLD; HOW TO DO BUSINESS EFFECTIVELY Hotel Baur au Lac Zurich 18.09.07 Programme 14.30 Registration & Coffee 15.00 Up-date from Intrust Group & its ...
“What a unique and different kind of festival. I am amazed by the energy in this campus when it comes to promotion of films, art and culture business is concerned” said H.E. Jaime Nualart Ambassador of Mexico on the inauguration of 8th International Festival of Cellphone Cinema at Noida Film City. “Sandeep Marwah efforts to establish film city in the North of India has brought colors to the whole nation. I would like to be the part of more activities of Marwah Studios” expressed Rekha Rani Social Worker & Municipal Councilor. “Promoting other arts like Tarrot reading, paintings and photography exhibition has broadened the size of the festival” said Chandani renowned Tarror Diviner “AAFT is pioneer film school and value addition to the regular studies develop the personality of the student par excellence” said Pritosh Tyagi IES Managing Trustee of IDC Foundation.