HansenWWII- Unit One Bingo Review Names_________________ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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HansenWWII- Unit One Bingo Review Names_________________


After the 1st century AD, the Jews were a Diaspora. Explain. __Scattered- No Homeland_____ The idea that WWI was a war of people not of governments ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: HansenWWII- Unit One Bingo Review Names_________________

Hansen WWII- Unit One Bingo Review
After the 1st century AD, the Jews were a Diaspora. Explain. __Scattered- No Homeland____________________ The idea that WWI was a war of people not of governments would best be summed up by the vocab term ___total war____ Why didnt Churchill think that Germans would rally behind the Weimar Republic? ___imposed by foreigners, not traditional style_ Give an example of the humiliation dished out as part of the 1870 war between Germany and France? __animal crackers (from real animals), crowning of Kaiser in Versailles_ Why was there such a fear of Communism in Europe after WWI? __called for annihilation of the rich and their property_ What was the mandate system developed after WWI? (at least, in theory) __colonies free when time is right__ Why did the French want to own the Rhineland after WWI? ___physical defensive border (river)___ Give two reasons that the League of Nations was pointless from the beginning. __no military, U.S. didnt join___
Name two things the Germans had to agree to under the Treaty of Versailles. _Blame, , loss of land, demilitarization, no colonies__ What was the basic goal of European countries with respect to Germans (pre-Bismarck)? __keep them splintered___ True/False Germany was late to the Imperial game in Africa and Asia. True/False Churchill pushed for higher reparations during the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. Name two of Wilsons 14 points, not including self-determination or the League of Nations. __(see notes)______ The mandate system proves that the idea of _self-determination__ only applied to whites. Why didnt the French get the Rhineland after WWI? __didnt match with_self-determination__ Pick one Mr. Hansen is Total ownage? or A noob!
The Paris Gun was frickin awesome, but the __machine_gun was much more important to WWI. Before the rise of nationalism in Europe, political groups were organized by __rule (kingdoms)__ Social Darwinism helps to explain growing nationalism because the theory states that __ethnicities are superior/inferior___ What individual has been blamed by historians for screwing up Bismarcks careful European Balance of Power? __Kaiser Wilhem II_ List two major ways the map of Europe was changed at Versailles. __Poland added, Austria-Hung gone, Ottoman Empire gone__ What was the trick of the mandate system? __time will never be right_ How did the French get a raw deal in not getting the Rhineland after WWI? __U.S. promised future alliance, but then bailed__ Which major winning power of WWI didnt join the League of Nations? __USA___
What does the I in M.A.I.N. stand for? __Imperialism ______________ ________________ (hint MAIN refers to the causes of WWI) What is the name of the German state that was at the center of German unification under Bismarck? ___ ____Prussia_ Why does it make sense that European Jews were big on education? ___portable asset (couldnt be taken from them) _ The individual in the box above declared that he would win a place in the sun. What country was he from? _Germany__What country was he challenging? __England_ What major power dropped out of WWI before the Armisticeat the end of the war? __Russia____ ________________ Churchill argued that the correct economic policies couldnt be followed at Versailles because __ __democracies require heed to mob- which is dumb___ What, in the end, was done in the Rhineland to calm French fears of WWII? __demilitarized__ One of the steps to make WWI a war to end all wars was de-fanging Germany. What was another? __Self-determination__
Why is it unfair for Europeans to resent Jews for being bankers? ____Jews were pushed into the job by Christians_ What was the central reputation of this German state? (see box above) __warlike (spartan)_____ ___ The Central Powers in WWI included the Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, and ___Germany_ WWI was a war of attrition, meaning ___win by outkilling enemy__________ Why didnt the U.S. join the League of Nations? __congress rejected membership (feared foreign entanglements_____ Churchill believed that the division of the Austrian-Hungarian empire was dumb, because __groups were too weak separately__________ A French Marshall, referring to the Treaty of Versailles, said, This isnt a peace, this is an armistice for _20 yrs________ The fact that at the end of WWI, Germany hadnt been physically invaded, paved the way for Germans to later claim that ___they hadnt really lost (stab in the back) ________
True/False Ghettoes existed in Europe long before the Nazis. Why did German unification unbalance Europe? __________ ___largest power/population_____________ Why was the Weimar government so weak from the very beginning? (at least 2 reasons). ___no military, bankrupt, hated by its own people ___ Which three countries suffered the greatest casualties in WWI? __Russia, France, Germany___ Analyze this cartoon. __treaty cannot stop bullets_ Give me three reasons Jews werent liked in Germany, pre- Nazis. _model minority, money lenders, different culture, Jesus-killers ___ Define self-determination. ___Ethnic groups chart own political future__ I argued that only one aspect of the Treaty of Versailles was a genuine support of peace. What was it? ___demilitarization of Germany_
Name the three largest ethnic groups in Europe. __Slavs, Gauls, Germans__ Why did I discuss the German song Deutschland Uber Alles? ____shows German power-drunkeness_ Who won the 1870 war between France and Germany? ________________ After the 1917, Russia established the first __Communist_government in the world. Who ended up with the Ottoman Empires colonies after WWI? ___Britain and France_ Whose idea was the League of Nations? (A person or country will do) _Wilson/USA Which country, France, Britain, or the U.S. most wary of Germany post WWI? _France____ Why was Britain resistant to harsh enforcement of the Treaty of Versailles? __Germans were key trading partners_
Hansen WWII- Unit One Bingo Review
After the 1st century AD, the Jews were a Diaspora. Explain. ________________ ________________ The idea that WWI was a war of people not of governments would best be summed up by the vocab term _______ ________________ Why didnt Churchill think that Germans would rally behind the Weimar Republic? ________ ________________ ________________ Give an example of the humiliation dished out as part of the 1870 war between Germany and France? ______ _________________ Why was there such a fear of Communism in Europe after WWI? _________________ __________________________________ What was the mandate system developed after WWI? (at least, in theory) ___________ ________________ ________________ Why did the French want to own the Rhineland after WWI? __________ _________________ _________________ Give two reasons that the League of Nations was pointless from the beginning. _______ _________________ _________________
Name two things the Germans had to agree to under the Treaty of Versailles. _________________ _________________ What was the basic goal of European countries with respect to Germans (pre-Bismarck)? __________________________________ True/False Germany was late to the Imperial game in Africa and Asia. True/False Churchill pushed for higher reparations during the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. Name two of Wilsons 14 points, not including self-determination or the League of Nations. ________________ ________________ The mandate system proves that the idea of _______________ only applied to whites. Why didnt the French get the Rhineland after WWI? ___________ _________________ Pick one Mr. Hansen is Total ownage? or A noob!
The Paris Gun was frickin awesome, but the __________ gun was much more important to WWI. Before the rise of nationalism in Europe, political groups were organized by ______ _________________ Social Darwinism helps to explain growing nationalism because the theory states that ______ _________________ What individual has been blamed by historians for screwing up Bismarcks careful European Balance of Power? ____________ ___________________ List two major ways the map of Europe was changed at Versailles. ________ _________________ _________________ What was the trick of the mandate system? _________________ _________________ How did the French get a raw deal in not getting the Rhineland after WWI? _______ _________________ _________________ Which major winning power of WWI didnt join the League of Nations? ________________
What does the I in M.A.I.N. stand for? ________________ ________________ (hint MAIN refers to the causes of WWI) What is the name of the German state that was at the center of German unification under Bismarck? ___ ________________ Why does it make sense that European Jews were big on education? _______ _________________ _________________ The individual in the box above declared that he would win a place in the sun. What country was he from? __________ What country was he challenging? ________ What major power dropped out of WWI before the Armisticeat the end of the war? ______ ________________ Churchill argued that the correct economic policies couldnt be followed at Versailles because __ _________________ _________________ What, in the end, was done in the Rhineland to calm French fears of WWII? __________ _________________ _________________ One of the steps to make WWI a war to end all wars was de-fanging Germany. What was another? _______________
Why is it unfair for Europeans to resent Jews for being bankers? _________ _________________ What was the central reputation of this German state? (see box above) _______ _________________ The Central Powers in WWI included the Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, and ________________ WWI was a war of attrition, meaning ________________ ________________ Why didnt the U.S. join the League of Nations? _________ ________________ _________________ Churchill believed that the division of the Austrian-Hungarian empire was dumb, because ____________ ___________________ A French Marshall, referring to the Treaty of Versailles, said, This isnt a peace, this is an armistice for _________ The fact that at the end of WWI, Germany hadnt been physically invaded, paved the way for Germans to later claim that ___________ ___________________ ___________________
True/False Ghettoes existed in Europe long before the Nazis. Why did German unification unbalance Europe? __________ _________________ _________________ Why was the Weimar government so weak from the very beginning? (at least 2 reasons). _________ _________________ _________________ Which three countries suffered the greatest casualties in WWI? ___________ ________________ ________________ Analyze this cartoon. ___________________________________________________ Give me three reasons Jews werent liked in Germany, pre- Nazis. ______ _______________ _______________ Define self-determination. _________________ ___________________________________________________ I argued that only one aspect of the Treaty of Versailles was a genuine support of peace. What was it? _________________ ________________ ________________
Name the three largest ethnic groups in Europe. ___________________________________________________ Why did I discuss the German song Deutschland Uber Alles? ___________ _________________ _______________ Who won the 1870 war between France and Germany? ________________ After the 1917, Russia established the first __________ government in the world. Who ended up with the Ottoman Empires colonies after WWI? _______ _________________ _________________ Whose idea was the League of Nations? (A person or country will do) ________ _________________ _________________ Which country, France, Britain, or the U.S. most wary of Germany post WWI? ______ Why was Britain resistant to harsh enforcement of the Treaty of Versailles? ________________
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