HansenVietnam Unit III Bingo Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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HansenVietnam Unit III Bingo Review


Hansen Vietnam Unit III Bingo Review What was Nixon s campaign pledge in regards to the Vietnam War? _____ _____ My basic attitude towards Mr ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: HansenVietnam Unit III Bingo Review

Hansen Vietnam Unit III Bingo Review
Which of the following refer to supporters of Communism in Vietnam? ARVN - Vietminh NLF - DMZ NVA What is the basic strategic lessons that the Vietcong drew from the Ia Drang battle ? ________ ______________ _______________ _________________ I claimed that Robert McNamara personified U.S. Strategy in Vietnam between 65 and 68. In what major way? _________ __________________ What was fragging? _______________ _______________ _______________ The real purpose of the Vietminh attack on Khe Sanh was ________________ ________________ Overall, was the Tet Offensive a win or a loss for the U.S.? __________________________________ My basic attitude towards Mr. Hansen is Reverence Respect Awe (other) __________ What was Nixons campaign pledge in regards to the Vietnam War? _______________ _______________
Which president sent the 1st official American troops to Vietnam? ________________ In what year did American troops reach their maximum strength? _____________ The U.S. strategy of building up high body counts was in direct contradiction of its other goal, to win Vietnamese _______ and ______ Sometimes fragging occurred because soldiers were angered at their officers refusal to abandon search and destroy and instead focus on search and ________ Why was Tet the perfect time for a surprise attack? ___________________________________________________ Who is Walter Kronkite and why was he important to the Vietnam War in 68? ____________ _________________ What were the two aspects of Black Americans double-burden during the Vietnam War? _________________ _________________ _________________ In which city did the Democratic national Convention of 1968 occur? ___________
In what year were the 1st official American troops sent to Vietnam? ________ What was the highest American troop strength in Vietnam? __________ What is the name of the most famous defoliant used in Vietnam? ________ ________________ The basic untruth told to the American people in the year before Tet was _________________ In what year was the Tet Offensive? __________________________________ What shocking thing happened at the first democratic primary in 68? __________ ________________ How were black struggles for rights evident in the 68 Olympics? _______ _________________ The mayor of the city referenced in the box above had a(n) ________________ ____________ attitude towards the protestors arriving in his city.
The first American troops were sent to Vietnam as an immediate response to the following military action ________________ American officers and soldiers were inspired to exaggerate their body count because of the basic American strategy, which was known as War of ________________ Why did the U.S. use defoliants in Vietnam? _______ _________________ _________________ What major policy goal of LBJs was sacrificed to the Vietnam War? (I need the name of the policy AND its goal) ___________________ AND ______________ ___________________ What city was held by the Vietcong for the longest time after Tet? ____________ ________________ Who decided to jump into the Democratic race based on the info in the box above? _________ ________________ What two major American figures were assassinated in 68? ____________ _________________ _________________ Aside from the Vietnam War, Nixon campaigned on a promise to restore ______ and ________
What is the name of the top American general from the Vietnam War? ___________________________________________________ The American Strategy in Vietnam had three prongs- Search and Destroy __________________ Bomb Northern Vietnam Why have some seen the U.S. use of defoliants as a war crime? ___________ _________________ _________________ What was the Phoenix Program? _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ What center of American power in Vietnam was taken temporarily by the VC during the Tet Offensive? ________ _________________ Which of the democratic candidates in the 1968 presidential race (not including LBJ) was most pro-war? ____________ ________________ What was the central complaint of anti-war protestors at Columbia University in 1968? _________ __________________________________ Why did Nixon often WANT footage of anti-Nixon protestors in the frame with him when he was on the news? ____________ __________________________________
What was the communist goal at the battle of Ia Drang? _________________ _________________ _________________ In what sense was the American military strategy in Vietnam short of maximum effort? ___________ _________________ _________________ What was the Mere Gook Rule? _______ _________________ _________________ The Khe Sanh base was built in its location to keep a watch both on the __________ and the _________________ In what sense was Tet a win for the U.S.? ____________ _________________ Who did the Oakland police department get into a shooting match with in 1968? _________________ _________________ What political event became the flashpoint of the turmoil of 68? ________________ ________________ Who did the democrats nominate in 1968 __________ and who eventually won the 68 election? ________________
What theoretically game-changing American military technology was used at Ia Drang? _________________ Why was bombing of North Vietnam fairly ineffective? _____ __________________________________ Why did U.S. soldiers need the Mere Gook Rule? _______________ _______________ The U.S. saw the Vietnamese attack on Khe Sanh as another ________________ _______________ In what sense was Tet a loss for the U.S.? _________ _________________ _______________ Why would I discuss the Oakland shooting (see box above) in a unit about the first three years of the war? _____________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ What was Cointelpro? ______ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ If Mr. Hansen and Ho Chi Minh boxed, then ___________ would win in the ________ round
Hansen Vietnam Unit III Bingo Review
Which of the following refer to supporters of Communism in Vietnam? ARVN - Vietminh NLF - DMZ - NVA What is the basic strategic lessons that the Vietcong drew from the Ia Drang battle ? __conventional attacks against the American were too costly___ I claimed that Robert McNamara personified U.S. Strategy in Vietnam between 65 and 68. In what major way? ___reliance on statistics to judge war efficiency__ What was fragging? __killing ones over aggressive officer____________ The real purpose of the Vietminh attack on Khe Sanh was ____Diversion for Tet __ Overall, was the Tet Offensive a win or a loss for the U.S.? ________Loss_____ My basic attitude towards Mr. Hansen is Reverence Respect Awe (other) __new word must be invented to convey power of feeling _______ What was Nixons campaign pledge in regards to the Vietnam War? ___secret plan to end the war with honor____________ _______________
Which president sent the 1st official American troops to Vietnam? _LBJ___ In what year did American troops reach their maximum strength? __1965___________ The U.S. strategy of building up high body counts was in direct contradiction of its other goal, to win Vietnamese __hearts_____ and _minds_____ Sometimes fragging occurred because soldiers were angered at their officers refusal to abandon search and destroy and instead focus on search and _avoid_______ Why was Tet the perfect time for a surprise attack? _Traditional holiday cease-fire (off guard Americans) OR firecrackers_ Who is Walter Kronkite and why was he important to the Vietnam War in 68? ___News anchor- his loss of support convinced LBJ hed lost the publics support__ What were the two aspects of Black Americans double-burden during the Vietnam War? __fight VC___and _fight American racial prejudice__ In which city did the Democratic national Convention of 1968 occur? __Chicago________
In what year were the 1st official American troops sent to Vietnam? ___1965_____ What was the highest American troop strength in Vietnam? ____550,000______ What is the name of the most famous defoliant used in Vietnam? ___Agent Orange_____ The basic untruth told to the American people in the year before Tet was __light at the end of the tunnel ___ In what year was the Tet Offensive? ___1968_________________ What shocking thing happened at the first democratic primary in 68? _LBJ almost lost (McCarthy almost won) _ How were black struggles for rights evident in the 68 Olympics? __Black Power Salute on awards podium_ The mayor of the city referenced in the box above had a(n) _zero tolerance/aggressive____ _____ attitude towards the protestors arriving in his city.
The first American troops were sent to Vietnam as an immediate response to the following military action __attack on Pleiku air base_ American officers and soldiers were inspired to exaggerate their body count because of the basic American strategy, which was known as War of __attrition__ Why did the U.S. use defoliants in Vietnam? _______ __destroy the cover provided by the jungle for guerrilla fighters___ What major policy goal of LBJs was sacrificed to the Vietnam War? (I need the name of the policy AND its goal) ___Great Society- helping the poor__ What city was held by the Vietcong for the longest time after Tet? __Hue__________ ________________ Who decided to jump into the Democratic race based on the info in the box above? __Robert Kennedy_______ What two major American figures were assassinated in 68? ___RFK_________ ___MLK________ Aside from the Vietnam War, Nixon campaigned on a promise to restore __law ____ and _order_______
What is the name of the top American general from the Vietnam War? ____Westmoreland_________________ The American Strategy in Vietnam had three prongs- Search and Destroy __destroy VC friendly villages__ Bomb Northern Vietnam Why have some seen the U.S. use of defoliants as a war crime? ___________ ____illegal to use poison gas in war_____________ What was the Phoenix Program? ___LBJs take the gloves off and hurt the VC policy____ What center of American power in Vietnam was taken temporarily by the VC during the Tet Offensive? __embassy in Saigon______ _________________ Which of the democratic candidates in the 1968 presidential race (not including LBJ) was most pro-war? __LBJs VP- Humphrey__________ What was the central complaint of anti-war protestors at Columbia University in 1968? _Universities conducted war research ________ Why did Nixon often WANT footage of anti-Nixon protestors in the frame with him when he was on the news? _showed the unclean rabble that frightened/disgusted many American voters_
What was the communist goal at the battle of Ia Drang? ____probe American strength and tactics______ In what sense was the American military strategy in Vietnam short of maximum effort? __no invasion of North (or) no bombing of Haiphong harbor__ What was the Mere Gook Rule? _______ _any dead Vietnamese was a good Vietnamese_ The Khe Sanh base was built in its location to keep a watch both on the _DMZ____ and the ___Ho Chi Minh Trail __ In what sense was Tet a win for the U.S.? ___tons of VC killed versus relatively little loss of U.S. life___ Who did the Oakland police department get into a shooting match with in 1968? __black panthers___________ What political event became the flashpoint of the turmoil of 68? __Democratic National Convention__ Who did the democrats nominate in 1968 __Humphrey_ and who eventually won the 68 election? __Nixon_____________
What theoretically game-changing American military technology was used at Ia Drang? ___helicopter__ Why was bombing of North Vietnam fairly ineffective? _____ __non-industrial nation- no targets__ Why did U.S. soldiers need the Mere Gook Rule? __very difficult to distinguish VC from non-VC _ The U.S. saw the Vietnamese attack on Khe Sanh as another ___Dien Bien Phu_____________ In what sense was Tet a loss for the U.S.? _morale defeat for American public (VC arent ready to crack) Why would I discuss the Oakland shooting (see box above) in a unit about the first three years of the war? _shows that other issues (besides Vietnam) were causing society to crumble in 1968_______________ What was Cointelpro? __FBI plan to infiltrate protest groups_ If Mr. Hansen and Ho Chi Minh boxed, then _Hansen__________ would win in the _11th__(Hey- hes tough, ok!_____ round
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