In today's scenario, where the demand for goods and services is increasing at a rapid pace, a large number of industries as a part of their survival strategy are dependent on outside support for completing their manufacturing activities.
Pre-Budget Survey 2023 evaluates how the industry and leading experts view economic growth and government initiatives. Deloitte India survey expectations aim to study the expansion of the Indian sector.
L mergence de la Chine et ses impacts sur les entreprises qu b coises Dr. Zhan SU Professeur titulaire de management international et de strat gie de l ...
Meeting of US India ICT Working Group, Washington Presentation On Opportunities for US Industries for establishment of Electronic Manufacturing / Testing Facilities ...
L' mergence de la Chine et ses impacts sur les entreprises ... une relation gagnant/perdant, perdant/perdant ou ... know it sounds kinky to beg for ...
Global Automotive Interior Materials Market is estimated to reach $155 billion by 2024; growing at a CAGR of 2.8% between 2016 and 2024. The majority of auto makers are executing these thoughts into the parts of their designs and the interior is no exception.
Zhan Su, Universit Laval Quebec and Canadian firms faced with an emerging China Presentation at the C RIUM s Summer School China Risen How it changes and changes us
For all the right reasons, the World Bank working together 2018 report was the toast of India and markets responded with the energy. As India, we ought to absolutely examine the report by the World Bank Click here for the details…
Textile sectors play a very important part in the development of the Indian economy with regard to GDP, Export promotion, employment, etc. It is the one of the oldest manufacturing industry in India. The textile industry is the second largest industry which provides skilled and unskilled employment. According to the mentioned information, Here you will find some details of Implications of GST on Textile Sector, Common Issue Under Textile Industry Taxation, Implications of GST etc.
Apparel Resources has a deep dive about transparency in Indian apparel industry. Among consent and dissent on various aspects of transparency, industry stakeholders have unanimously agreed that a lot more needs to be done in this regard.