Title: Modeling Titans Atmosphere with Observational Constraints
1Modeling Titans Atmosphere with Observational
- Claire E. Newman
- Kliegel Planetary Science Seminar
- February 24th 2009
2Overview of talk
- Description of the TitanWRF model
- Horizontal diffusion and TitanWRFs stratosphere
- TitanWRF surface winds and surface features
- The observed and modeled methane cycle
- Ballooning on Titan
4General Circulation Models (GCMs)
Model description
Parameterizations of everything acting at
sub-grid scales
Force mass x acceleration in rotating frame
mass energy conservation
Discretized equations of momentum, mass energy
conservation on finite of grid points
- Includes
- Sub-grid scale eddies
- Small scale turbulence
- Friction at the surface
- Absorption, emission and scattering of radiation
5The TitanWRF GCM
Model description
- TitanWRF is a version of PlanetWRF
(www.planetwrf.com) - Uses Titan parameters (gravity, surface pressure,
rotation) - Physical parameterizations include
- McKay et al. 1989 radiative transfer scheme
with - IR pressure-induced absorption and haze, C2H2
and C2H6 emission - VIS methane absorption and haze absorption and
scattering - Surface/sub-surface scheme to update soil
temperatures - Vertical diffusion scheme to account for
turbulent mixing - Horizontal diffusion scheme to account for
sub-grid scale mixing
6Model description
Includes seasonal (and daily) cycle in solar
One Titan year is 30 Earth years, 1 Titan day
16 Earth days
Ls planetocentric solar longitude 0 Northern
spring equinox
Ls90 Northern summer solstice
Seasons on Titan
Perihelion (Ls278)?
Shortest distance
Empty focus
Longest Sun-planet distance
Ls270 Northern winter solstice
Ls180 Northern autumn equinox
7Model description
Also includes tidal forcing
- Eccentric orbit around Saturn gt time-varying
gravity field (tides) - Tidal accelerations repeat every orbit (1 Titan
day since tidally locked)
Diagram from Tokano 2005 showing time-dependent
part of forcing
Titan hour 18
Titan hour 0
Titan hour 12
Titan hour 6
8Model description
Tidal forcing repeats every orbit (Titan day)
accelerations are
Titan hour 6
Titan hour 0
Latitude (deg N)
Titan hour 12
Titan hour 18
Longitude (deg E)
10Observations of Titans stratosphere
Stratospheric results
Temperature profile at 15 S from Cassini CIRS
Flasar et al. 2005
Zonal winds from Cassini CIRS Achterberg et al.
Latitude (deg N)
Peak zonal winds gt 190m/s at this season
11Observations of Titans stratosphere
Stratospheric results
Huygens probe winds at 10 S Folkner et al.
Zonal winds gt 100m/s in lower stratosphere
Altitude (km)
Zonal wind speed (m/s)
12Observations of Titans stratosphere
Stratospheric results
- Mean circulation transports angular momentum away
from equator - But equatorial stratosphere observed to
superrotate - How does it accumulate angular momentum? Eddies!
- We wanted to investigate using TitanWRF
13Poor early simulations of Titans stratosphere
Stratospheric results
Northern winter (Ls293-323) observed by Cassini
CIRS Achterberg et al. 2008
Zonal mean u
Zonal mean T
Pressure (mb)
The same time period in the original version of
TitanWRF Richardson et al. 2007
Zonal mean T
Pressure (mb)
Peak wind lt 30m/s
Zonal mean u
Latitude (deg N)
14Another way to show this
Stratospheric results
Stratospheric results
Stratospheric results
Superrotation index total
angular momentum of an atmospheric layer
(S.I.) total angular
momentum of layer at rest with respect to the
S.I. during spin-up of TitanWRF
Peaks at 3 Should be 10
Superrotation index
TitanWRF was not doing well
1 Titan year
Titan days
15Angular momentum transport (I)
Stratospheric results
Momentum transported up and polewards
Momentum transported downwards
Strong easterlies at low latitude surface gt lots
of momentum gained there
Strong westerlies in winter hemisphere gt lots of
momentum lost at surface
Wind slows down surface (gains angular momentum
from surface)
Wind speeds up surface (loses angular momentum to
16Whats the problem?
Stratospheric results
Zonal mean T in TitanWRF
Zonal mean u in TitanWRF
Pressure (mb)
Winter pole
Summer pole
Latitude (deg N)
Latitude (deg N)
Almost no equatorial superrotation
Very weak latitudinal temperature gradients
towards winter pole
Very weak zonal wind jets
We looked at radiative transfer, the dynamical
core, model resolution, haze effects Finally we
discovered the problem in our horizontal
diffusion scheme
17Less diffusion gt more superrotation
Stratospheric results
Stratospheric results
Stratospheric results
High diffusion
Default (deformation-dependent) diffusion
(Smagorinsky parameter0.25) peak S.I. 3 after
3000 Titan days
Low diffusion
Superrotation index
Constant diffusion (K104 m2s-1) peak S.I. 8
after 7000 Titan days
Zero diffusion
No diffusion peak S.I. 11 after 2700 Titan
Titan days
18Why didnt we see this sooner?
Stratospheric results
Stratospheric results
Stratospheric results
- Used default diffusion settings for a long time
- The effects of changing diffusion werent
immediately apparent
Default Smagorinsky (effectively high) diffusion
Constant diffusion (with low coefficient)
Zero horizontal diffusion
Superrotation index
2 Titan years
2 Titan years
2 Titan years
For the first two Titan years all cases look
19Improved simulations of Titans stratosphere
Stratospheric results
Northern winter (Ls293-323) observed by Cassini
CIRS Achterberg et al. 2008
Zonal mean u
Zonal mean T
Pressure (mb)
Same period in the latest version of TitanWRF no
horizontal diffusion
Zonal mean T
Zonal mean u
Latitude (deg N)
20The effect of changing horizontal diffusion
Stratospheric results
Zonal mean T
Zonal mean u
Pressure (mb)
Old TitanWRF
New TitanWRF
Latitude (ºN)
21Stratospheric results
Now we have a more realistic stratosphere
- We can compare TitanWRF results with those
observed by Cassini, Huygens and Earth-based
telescopes - We can make predictions (about the circulation,
chemistry and haze distribution) for times of
year not yet observed - And importantly
- We can look at the mechanism driving the
equatorial superrotation in TitanWRF
22Angular momentum transport in TitanWRF
Stratospheric results
- Stratospheric annual mean northward transport of
angular momentum
mean meridional circulation
transient eddies
total advection
poleward transport
equatorward transport
- Mean meridional circulation transports momentum
polewards - But eddies begin transporting significant
momentum equatorwards at three Titan years (once
the winter zonal wind jet has become strong)
23Stratospheric results
Northern winter solstice
Northern spring equinox
Strongest mean transport poleward strongest eddy
transport equatorward
Weak equatorward eddy transport opposes poleward
mean transport
mean meridional circulation
poleward transport
transient eddies
total advection
equatorward transport
24Conditions for barotropic eddies
Stratospheric results
Barotropic instability criterion the northward
gradient of vorticity (d2u/dy2 - df/dy) must
change sign in the flow
Year one average
Year three average
Zonal mean zonal wind
Pressure (Pa)
Zonal mean dq/dy (shown for dq/dy gt 0)
Pressure (Pa)
Latitude (deg N)
Latitude (deg N)
25Angular momentum transport (II)
Stratospheric results
Momentum transported up and polewards
Momentum transported downwards
Strong easterlies at low latitude surface gt lots
of momentum gained there
Strong westerlies in winter hemisphere gt lots of
momentum lost at surface
- Barotropic eddies transport angular momentum
- weakly equatorwards in both hemispheres at
equinox - strongly equatorwards from winter hemisphere at
26Angular momentum transport (II)
Stratospheric results
Momentum transported up and polewards
Momentum transported downwards
Strong easterlies at low latitude surface gt lots
of momentum gained there
Strong westerlies in winter hemisphere gt lots of
momentum lost at surface
Too much horizontal diffusion was over-mixing the
atmospheric wind fields and impeding the
development of the barotropic eddies
27Summary of stratospheric results
Stratospheric results
- Lower horizontal diffusion gt more realistic
stratosphere - Eddy momentum transport produces equatorial
superrotation - Must tune diffusion coefficient by comparing
TitanWRFs circulation with observations of the
actual circulation - Cannot just take diffusion coefficients from
chemistry models
28Surface winds and observed dune features
Surface results
Map of inferred dune directions (Lorenz,
Radebaugh and the Cassini radar team)
Latitude (deg N)
-60 -30 0 30
Longitude (deg W)
Cassini radar image
- Dunes mostly within 30 of equator
- Surface features suggest they formed in westerly
(from the west) winds
29Surface results
- But models / basic atmospheric dynamics predict
easterlies here
Annual mean surface winds (45S-45N) from
TitanWRF (with tides included)
0.5 m/s
Latitude (deg N)
Longitude (deg E)
Latitude (deg N)
-30 0 30
30Whats the problem with surface westerlies at the
Surface results
As wind moves towards equator it becomes more
As wind moves away from equator it becomes more
31Whats the problem with surface westerlies at the
Surface results
But surface winds must be in balance
Wind slows down surface (wind gains angular
momentum from surface)
Wind speeds up surface (wind loses angular
momentum to surface)
Surface westerlies at equator gt Expect surface
westerlies almost everywhere
In balance, have
Net imbalance gt global atmosphere slows down,
surface speeds up!
32Could it be a seasonal effect?
Surface results
Seasonal means
Latitude (deg N)
Latitude (deg N)
Longitude (deg E)
Longitude (deg E)
33Or a time of day (tide-related) effect?
Surface results
Latitude (deg N)
Latitude (deg N)
Lets look at the statistics
34Surface results
Plots of dominant wind directions
Dominant westerly winds
Dominant north-easterly winds
Latitude (deg N)
Dominant north-westerly winds
Direction wind blows towards
Percentage of time wind blows in given direction
35Surface results
Plots of dominant wind directions
Latitude (deg N)
Region where equatorial westerlies occur
Percentage of time wind blows in given direction
36Surface results
Dominant wind directions
Northern spring
Northern summer
Northern autumn
Northern winter
37Surface results
Mean wind in each direction
Northern spring
Northern summer
Northern autumn
Northern winter
38Occurrence of westerly winds from 30S-30N
Surface results
30 N
15 N
15 S
30 S
- Not close to pure westerlies
- No bimodal westerlies (as required for
longitudinal dunes) - at least not with an
average westerly direction
39Surface results
- But DO find bimodal winds with an average
easterly direction
E.g. look at dominant wind directions for 10-20 N
Northern spring
Northern summer
Northern fall
Northern winter
gt Bimodal wind direction with easterly average,
40Surface results
Predicted dune statistics using TitanWRF
Drift Potential
25S to 25N highest drift potential, but for
dunes forming towards the west
Resultant Drift Direction ( clockwise from N)
Latitude (deg N)
41Surface results
The surface wind conundrum
- Dunes seem to have formed in westerly winds
- Other equatorial features (streaks etc.) also
seem to have been formed by westerly winds - But
- TitanWRF predicts mostly easterlies here
- So do other Titan models (Tokano, LMD)
- We expect easterlies here from dynamical
arguments - gt unknown geophysical or dynamical process!?!
42Summary of surface results
Surface results
- Low latitude winds in TitanWRF dont match
directions inferred from surface features - Including tides doesnt help
- Not shown setting a threshold for particle
motion didnt help either - Look at effect of topography and surface
properties (could not explain all observations,
however) - Look at correlations between westerlies and state
of near-surface environment (e.g. static
Still to do
43Simple methane cloud model
Methane cycle
Falls immediately back to surface unless
re-evaporates on way down
Surface evaporation whenever near-surface is
Condensation binary or pure CH4 ice when
saturation exceeds given ratio
- Main controlling factors
- Near-surface temperatures (gt ability to hold
methane) - Upwelling in atmosphere (gt cooling gt clouds)
44Simple methane cloud model
Methane cycle
Falls immediately back to surface unless
re-evaporates on way down
Surface evaporation whenever near-surface is
Condensation binary or pure CH4 ice when
saturation exceeds given ratio
- Main controlling factors
- Near-surface temperatures (gt ability to hold
methane) - Upwelling in atmosphere (gt cooling gt clouds)
- Missing from the scheme latent heat effects and
surface drying - Current orbit gt solar heating peaks in southern
45Controls on evaporation
Methane cycle
Solar heating of troposphere
Near-surface air temperature
Time of peak solar heating
Latitude (deg N)
-60 -30 0 30 60
Near-surface methane needed for saturation
Actual near-surface methane
Latitude (deg N)
-60 -30 0 30 60
Amount needed to saturate near-surface air
Latitude (deg N)
-60 -30 0 30 60
330 0 30 60 90 120
150 180 210 240 270 300
330 0 30 60 90 120
150 180 210 240 270 300
Time of year (Ls)
Time of year (Ls)
46Upwelling in TitanWRFs troposphere
Methane cycle
Northern summer solstice (1 pole-to-pole cell)
Plot the upwelling region by plotting the maximum
vertical velocity (in the troposphere) through
one Titan year
Equinox (2 symmetric cells)
Single, persistent pole-to-pole Hadley cells
around the solstices
Pressure (mbar)
Latitude (deg N)
-60 -30 0 30 60
Southern summer solstice (1 pole-to-pole cell)
Double Hadley cell upwelling region moves rapidly
330 0 30 60 90
120 150 180 210 240 270
300 330
Planetocentric solar longitude (Ls)
47Controls on clouds and precipitation
Methane cycle
Maximum vertical velocity in troposphere
Cloud condensation
Surface precipitation
-60 -30 0 30 60
Latitude (deg N)
330 0 30 60 90
120 150 180 210 240 270
330 0 30 60 90
120 150 180 210 240 270
Planetocentric solar longitude (Ls)
48Lake dichotomy on Titan
Methane cycle
Many north polar lakes
Fewer south polar lakes
- Currently perihelion occurs during southern
summer - Simple argument gt net transport from south to
north - Might help to explain lake dichotomy
49Argument for net south-north transport
Methane cycle
1. Warmer southern summer (since perihelion
occurs here) gt Atmosphere can hold more methane
South pole
North pole
50Argument for net south-north transport
Methane cycle
- 2. Stronger circulation and more methane in
atmosphere - gt More methane accumulates in northern high
latitudes over winter/spring
South pole
North pole
51Argument for net south-north transport
Methane cycle
- 3. Colder temperatures and more polar methane
- gt More high latitude precipitation of methane
- in northern spring
South pole
North pole
52Argument for net south-north transport
Methane cycle
2. Methane accumulates at northern high latitudes
3. More precipitation of methane in northern
1. Atmosphere can hold more methane in southern
South pole
North pole
53Net transfer from south to north in TitanWRF
Methane cycle
Column mass of methane
More accumulation at N high latitudes
Latitude (deg N)
-60 -30 0 30 60
More evaporation during S summer
Net increase in surface methane since start
More precip in N spring
North pole gains more than south
Latitude (deg N)
-60 -30 0 30 60
330 0 30 60 90 120
150 180 210 240 270 300
330 0 30 60 90 120
150 180 210 240 270 300
Planetocentric solar longitude (Ls)
Planetocentric solar longitude (Ls)
54Summary of methane cycle results
Methane cycle
- Clouds and precipitation track upwelling in
Hadley cells - High CH4, low T gt clouds and precipitation at
spring pole - Simple argument for lake dichotomy
- Perihelion during southern summer gt warmer
- gt more methane held in atmosphere
- gt more transported out of southern hemisphere
- gt net transport from south to north
- Cannot verify using TitanWRF until
- include latent heat effects
- allow areas with evaporation gtgt precipitation to
dry out
56Titan balloons
Ballooning on Titan
- Simple Montgolfiere filled with heated ambient
air - Vertical control easy, horizontal control
possible - Low temperature, high pressure environment is
ideal - Floats in troposphere gt can image below the
haze layer - In situ sampling of boundary layer
- Surface sampling a possibility
From the NASA/ESA TSSM joint summary report
57Titan balloons
Ballooning on Titan
Questions a perfect model could help answer
- Where will the balloon travel?
- Can it hover in place using vertical control
only? - How can it get from point A to point B for the
least time / power? - What will the basic circulation look like at
this time of year? - How much horizontal control is the balloon
likely to need? - Are there entry latitudes we should avoid?
Fundamental predictability limits in a chaotic
system gt No model will ever give exact answers!
Questions an imperfect model can help answer
58Titan balloons
Trajectory sensitivity to initial conditions
Time varying zonal wind field before tides
Tidal accelerations at t0
Latitude (degrees north)
or at t6 Titan hrs
Longitude (degrees east)
speed of background flow position
relative to tides (time of day) gt
59Titan balloons
Trajectory sensitivity to initial conditions
- Balloons all started at 4km altitude and at (0E,
45S) shown by - Each color has a local start time differing by
just two Titan hours
Start time and background wind determines whether
you surf around the planet or stay nearly in
one place
Latitude (degrees north)
Longitude (degrees east)
Work by Alexei Pankine
60Trajectories movie
Titan balloons
Trajectories produced using TitanWRF output with
tides included
Provided by Philip DuToit
61Looking for transport barriers on Titan
Titan balloons
Trajectories produced using TitanWRF output with
tides included Drifters are colored by starting
Plots provided by Titan SURF student Han Bin Man
t8 Titan days
t16 Titan days
62Looking for transport barriers on Titan
Titan balloons
- Trajectories used to produce maps of Finite Time
Lyapunov Exponent - Red shows ridges separating regions of different
mechanical behavior - These Lagrangian Coherent Structures vary with
t8 Titan days
Altitude1km Ls0
Plots provided by Titan SURF student Han Bin Man
63Expected time to goal
Titan balloons
Gray indicates 1 years
Work by Michael Wolf and JPLballoon navigation
team using TitanWRF output
Comparison of cell reachability for different
of days to reach target
Propelled (1 m/s)
Goal (Ontario Lacus)
64The Titan balloon mission
Launch date?(hopefully before were all