Title: GenieEvo - Full Presentation
1Medium Voltage DistributionSwitchgear range
20 kV range up to 630 A - 21kA/3s
VIP4Self powered protection
May 2011
- Applications
- More about
- VIP40/VIP45 curves and settings
- VIP400/VIP410 curves and settings
- Key benefits
- Self powered protection chain (annex 1)
3? VIP self-powered protection relay for higher MV
network availability? VIP40 / VIP45? VIP400 /
VIP410 ? Selection table
4VIP self-powered protection relay for higher MV
network availability
- VIP relays are self-powered while traditional
relays require an auxiliary power supply - Self-powered protection relays increase the
availability of the MV smart grid and are
perfectly suited to most applications - - Insensitive to voltage drop due to faults
- - Not dependent on UPS systems (weak point of
electrical installations) - Less dependent on the external environment (EMC,
LV overvoltages) because they require no external
connections - A remote communication making self healing and
monitoring possible. - In addition, the VIP offers optimized
performances due to integrated protection chain - - Complete and pre-tested protection system
special CT and Mitop actuator savings on space
and cabling time - - High sensitivity sensors
5VIP40 / VIP45
- Self-powered operation
- - Energised by the CTs no auxiliary power
needed - Complete pre-tested protection system
- Designed for RMU to protect transformers
- - Designed for RM6, RMR and future others circuit
breakers to replace fuse-switch solutions - - Setting is as simple as fuse selection
- Phase over current protection
- - Dependent-time phase overcurrent tripping curve
dedicated to MV/LV transformer protection - - Discrimination with LV circuit breakers or LV
fuses - - Compliant with TFL (Time Fuse Link) operating
criteria - Earth fault protection
- - Definite-time tripping curve
- Measurement
- - Load current on each phase
- - Peak demand current
- Primary injection test in option
- - A primary injection circuit is permanently
installed through the CTs, to test the complete
protection system including the CTs
Entry level MV/LV transformer protection
6VIP400 / VIP410
- VIP400 Self-powered protection relay
- It is energised by the CTs. It does not require
an auxiliary power supply to operate protection - Phase and earth fault protection
- - Thermal overload protection
- - Load current and peak demand measurement
functions - VIP410 Dual powered protection relay
- Same self-powered functions as the VIP400 plus an
AC or DC auxiliary supply to power certain
additional functions that cannot be self-powered - - sensitive earth fault protection
- - external tripping input
- - cold load pick up
- - communication (Modbus RS485 port)
- - Signaling relay
- Common features
- - Designed for RM6, RMR and future others circuit
breakers to replace fuse-switch solutions - - Complete pre-tested solution that eliminates
complicated CT selection - - Complies with MV protection relay standard IEC
60255 - Primary injection test in option
- A primary injection circuit is permanently
installed through the CTs, to test the complete
protection system including the CTs
- MV distribution substation incomer or feeder
protection relay - MV/LV transformer protection
7VIP selection table
VIP series VIP series VIP series VIP series Sepam series Sepam series
Integrated self-powered protection optimised for Premset Integrated self-powered protection optimised for Premset Integrated self-powered protection optimised for Premset Integrated self-powered protection optimised for Premset General General
Transformer protection Transformer protection General use protection General use protection
VIP 40 VIP 45 VIP 400 VIP 410 Sepam 20 Sepam 40
Protection functions Protection functions Protection functions Protection functions Protection functions Protection functions Protection functions Protection functions
Phase overcurrent (ANSI 50-51) ? ? ? ? ? ?
Earth fault (ANSI 50N-51N) Standard (sum of current method) ? ? ? ? ?
Earth fault (ANSI 50N-51N) High sensitivity (earth fault CTs) ? ? ?
Thermal overload (ANSI 49) ? ? ? ?
Cold load pick-up ? ? ?
Other protection functions ? ?
Measurement functions Measurement functions Measurement functions Measurement functions Measurement functions Measurement functions Measurement functions Measurement functions
Phase and earth currents ? ? ? ? ? ?
Phase peak demand current ? ? ? ? ? ?
Load history Cumulative time ? ? ? ?
8VIP selection table
VIP series VIP series VIP series VIP series Sepam series Sepam series
Integrated self-powered protection optimised for Premset Integrated self-powered protection optimised for Premset Integrated self-powered protection optimised for Premset Integrated self-powered protection optimised for Premset General General
Transformer protection Transformer protection General use protection General use protection General General
VIP 40 VIP 45 VIP 400 VIP 410 Sepam 20 Sepam 40
Control and monitoring functions Control and monitoring functions Control and monitoring functions Control and monitoring functions Control and monitoring functions Control and monitoring functions Control and monitoring functions Control and monitoring functions
Trip indication Local (with origin of the fault) ? ? ? ? ? ?
Remote (one contact) ? ? ? ? ? ?
3 output relays ? ? ?
Top circuit supervision (ANSI 74TC) Top circuit supervision (ANSI 74TC) ? ? ? ? ? ?
Time-tagged events Local on display (5 last trips) ? ? ? ?
Remote via communication ? ? ?
External tripping input ? ? ?
Overcurrent and breaking profile Number of phase and earth trips ? ? ? ?
Serial communication port Modbus RS485 ? ? ?
Digital inputs/outpurts for control functions Digital inputs/outpurts for control functions ? ?
Power supply Power supply Power supply Power supply Power supply Power supply Power supply Power supply
Type of supply Selp-powered or auxiliary self self self dual auxiliary auxiliary
Type of supply Minimum load current to activate the VIP 4A 4A 7A - - -
9? Test operation? Sensors and actuators
More about
10Test operation
- Primary injection test
- A primary injection circuit may be permanently
installed (option) through the CTs, inside the
cubicle, to test the physical integrity of the
complete protection system including the CTs - - The test is carried out without disconnecting
the CTs and the VIP relay displays the injected
current during testing - - If necessary, a temporary VIP test mode can be
activated to test the tripping of the circuit
breaker by pressing a test pushbutton
More about
1. VIP 2. Pocket Battery 3. Injection test case
11Test operation
- CTs are a block of three dual core CTs, with
rated insulation voltage 0.72 kV / 3 kV - 1mn,
providing both measurement and power outputs - - The measurement sensor is based on a Low Power
Current transformer (LPCT) technology according
to IEC60044-8 standard, which provides an
excellent accuracy - . 5P20 for protection
- . class 1 for measurement
- - The power supply winding provides calibrated
self powering of the relay for few Amps (i.e. 5A
for VIP40) - - Optionally VIP410 can be associated with earth
fault CT (one single zero sequence CT) dedicated
to provide a sensitive earth fault protection
with a low threshold down to 3A - - The connection between all these elements is
prefabricated, protected against external
aggression, providing a higher level of
- Mitop actuator is a dedicated low power tripping
coil (Mitop) - Specifically designed to operate with the
sensors and the processing unit with a minimum
energy - Integrity of the Mitop circuit is permanently
supervised (Trip Circuit Supervision - TCS -
More about
Earth fault CT
12? VIP40/VIP45 phase over current curve? VIP45
Earth Fault curve
VIP40/VIP45 curves and settings
13VIP40/VIP45 settings
- VIP40 is very similar to the Fuse curve
- Only one front plate setting Igt
VIP40/VIP45 curves and settings
14VIP40/VIP45 settings
Select the lower possible Earth fault current of
the network (VIP45 only)
Select the rated current of the power
Transformer (Ir)
Select the grade according to upstream
protection (VIP 45 only)
VIP40/VIP45 curves and settings
15VIP40/VIP45 simplicity of use
Current Measurement
Maximeter function
Trip indication Starts when a fault is detected
on Overcurrent or earth Fault or tripping test
mode. Red flashing during 24 H
Stop flashing with Reset operation
VIP40/VIP45 curves and settings
Door to lock the settings
16VIP40/VIP45 phase over current curve
- Tripping curve with 3 parts
- - Between 1.2Igt and 4Igt thermal overload curve,
with a slope defined by an equation
I²tconstant - - Between 4Igt and 20Igt secondary short-circuit
curve, with a slope defined by an equation
I3tconstant. This slope is nearly the same
than fuses, to allow an easy discrimination with
the LV fuses - - Above 20Igt primary short-circuit curve, with
time constant curve, to get the shortest clearing
time - Compliant with the TFL operating criteria
- - ENA TS 12-6 standard
t (s)
VIP40/VIP45 curves and settings
I / Igt
1 Overload 2 Secondary short circuit 3 Primary
short circuit 4 Activation of the discrimination
with a Low Voltage circuit-breaker
17Phase over current curve - Tripping curve
- "Overload" curve
- - Thermal overload function according to thermal
model defined by IEC60255-149 - - True RMS measurement (lt Harmonic 15)
- - Operating current 1.2xIgt
- - Time constant 10mn
t (s)
VIP40/VIP45 curves and settings
I / Igt
1 Overload 2 Secondary short circuit 3 Primary
short circuit 4 Activation of the discrimination
with a Low Voltage circuit-breaker
18Phase over current curve - Tripping curve
- Secondary short-circuit" curve
- - specific IDMT curve (5)
- ? Slope 1/I3 as LV or MV fuse tripping curves
- ? Facilitate time discrimination with downstream
and upstream fuses - DT curve setting (6)
- ? Definite Time curve (0.6s)
- ? Activated if CB on LV side
- ? Ensure time discrimination with short time
threshold of LV CB - ? Not used with LV fuse
t (s)
VIP40/VIP45 curves and settings
I / Igt
1 Overload 2 Secondary short circuit 3 Primary
short circuit 4 Activation of the discrimination
with a Low Voltage circuit-breaker
19Phase over current curve - Tripping curve
- Primary short-circuit" curve
- - DT curve
- - Operating time lt 20ms
- ? Ensure shortest clearing time
- - Measurement based on Fourier numeric filter
(FFT on 50/60Hz component) - ? Less sensitive to transformer inrush current
(insensitive to DC component)
t (s)
VIP40/VIP45 curves and settings
I / Igt
1 Overload 2 Secondary short circuit 3 Primary
short circuit 4 Activation of the discrimination
with a Low Voltage circuit-breaker
20VIP45 Earth Fault curve
- DT curve
- - Iogt range 5A...200A (accuracy 5)
- - Togt 100ms...1s
- - H2 restraint element avoiding fault tripping on
magnetizing inrush current of MV/LV transformer
H2 detection avoiding to trip with the earth
VIP40/VIP45 curves and settings
21VIP40/VIP45 settings
Rated protection current setting selection
50 75 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000
3 10 15 20 25 35 45 55 70 85 105 130 160 200
3,3 10 15 20 25 30 35 45 70 70 105 130 160 200
4,2 8 12 15 20 25 30 35 45 55 70 105 130 160
5,5 6 8 12 15 20 25 30 35 45 55 70 85 105
6 5 8 10 12 20 20 25 35 45 55 70 85 105
6,6 5 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 45 55 70 105
10 5 5 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 45 55 70
11 5 5 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 45 55
13,8 5 5 5 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 45
15 5 5 5 5 8 8 10 15 20 20 25 35 45
20 5 5 5 5 5 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30
22 5 5 5 5 5 6 8 8 12 15 20 25 30
VIP40/VIP45 curves and settings
22VIP40/VIP45 settings
Rated protection current setting selection
1250 1600 2000 2500 3000 3800
3 Â Â Â Â Â Â
3,3 Â Â Â Â Â Â
4,2 200 Â Â Â Â Â
5,5 160 200 Â Â Â Â
6 130 160 200 Â Â Â
6,6 105 160 200 Â Â Â
10 85 105 130 160 200 Â
11 70 85 105 160 160 200
13,8 55 70 85 105 130 160
15 55 70 85 105 130 160
20 45 55 70 85 105 130
22 35 45 55 70 85 100
VIP40/VIP45 curves and settings
Transformer rating (kVA) Values in kV Igt
recommended setting is the rated current of the
power Transformer (Ir)
23? VIP400/VIP410 settings? VIP400/VIP410 curves
VIP400/VIP410 curves and settings
24VIP400/VIP410 settings
- No PC or specific tool needed
- Settings are done by means of a front panel
keypad and a display - - Back light LCD with 10 Multilanguage characters
including Chinese - - The settings are protected by a password and by
a sealable cover - - The LCD displays the currents and the fault
Remote settings can be achieved by communication
VIP400/VIP410 curves and settings
25VIP400/VIP410 settings
- Display
- Currents
- settings
- parameters
Current, Maximeters, settings
Trip indications
VIP40/VIP45 curves and settings
26VIP400/VIP410 curves
- 3 over current protection settings and 2 earth
fault settings - - Igt , Igtgt, I0gt DT or standard IDMT curves , and
I gtgtgt, I0gtgt DT curve - . CONST. independent (DT)
- . SIT CEI/A standard inverse
- . VIT CEI/B very inverse
- . LTI CEI long inverse long
- . EIT CEI/C extremely inverse
- . MI IEEE moderate inverse (ou IEC/D)
- . VI IEEE very inverse or (CEI/E)
- . EI IEEE extremely inverse or (CEI/F)
- . RI
- - Temporisation settings
- . TMS (Time Multiplying Setting) 0,02...2 /
step 0,01 (for IEC and RI curves) - . TD (Time Dial) 0,5..15 / step 0,1 (for
IEEE curves) - . 0,05...300 s (for DT)
- - Cold Load Pick-Up can operate on each settings
(I, I0) - - Action on set point x1,5 x 5
- - Temporisation from 1s to 240 mn
- - The phase H2 restraint can operate on each
settings (I,I0)
VIP400/VIP410 curves and settings
27? VIP benefits? VIP4 innovations vs VIP3
Key benefits
28VIP40 / VIP45 benefits
- Entry level MV/LV transformer protection easy to
set - - No engineering operation to select the CTs
- - No PC or specific tool needed for setting or
commissioning - - Setting is as simple as a fuse selection
- - Auto-protection of the switchgear
- Providing enhanced features compared to fuse
protection - - Earth Fault protection, starting from 5A
- - Protection against power transformer thermal
overload - - Better stability with Magnetising Inrush
current of the distribution transformer with an
H2 detection avoiding to trip with the earth
protection - - Better discrimination with up-stream oil fuse
switch or CBs - - Simple coordination with LV circuit-breakers
- - Simple coordination with LV distributor fuses
Entry level MV/LV transformer protection
Key Benefits
29VIP400 / VIP410 benefits
- VIP 400 is a self-powered relay energized by the
CTs it does not require any auxiliary power
supply to operate - VIP410 is a dual powered relay offering
self-powered functions and additional functions
powered by an AC or DC auxiliary supply. - Ready for Smart grids
- - Remote communication with DMS
- - Remote Alarming
- - Remote configuration
- - Time stamped events recorded
- Measurement of I, over-current and breaking
profile - 2 protection setting groups selectable by
- MV distribution substation incomer or feeder
protection relay - MV/LV transformer protection
Key Benefits
30Enhanced circuit-breaker protection
Our current self-powered relays (VIP30,35,300)
is upgraded to offer following additional
- Predictive maintenance
- - Display with indication of currents and type of
fault - - Trip circuit supervision
- - Primary injection test (optional)
- - cumulative breaking currents, peak demand and
load profile (VIP400/410) - Protection efficiency
- - Improved transformer protection performances
for inrush current, overloads, phase-faults and
sensitive earth-faults - - Option auxiliary power supply to detect very
small earth fault currents (lt5A) - - Option thermal protection of transformer (49)
- Power availability
- Option communication/modbus RS485 for remote
Key Benefits
31Innovation of VIP4x versus VIP30/35/300
A true real innovative offer!
- Innovative Dual core CT technology
- - The protection performances have been improved
with a better accuracy - - The same CT is used with VIP40/45 and
VIP400/410 allowing an easy upgrade - VIP40/45 tripping curve optimized for MV/LV
distribution transformer - - An optimized transfo protection (including H2
restraint filtering) provides a better stability
with inrush currents - - Auto-protection of the switchgear
- Display with indication of the type of fault
provides the diagnostic - - Current measurement function display
- - Dot matrix LCD for Chinese language
- Test protection chain drastically improved
- - Test operation by primary injection
- - Trip circuit supervision ( 74TC)
- - Re-use of the Compact NSX pocket battery to
energize the VIP
Key Benefits
32Lot of new functions regarding VIP300
A true real innovative offer!
- Communication port for Smart grid functions
- - Measurement of I, over-current and breaking
profile - - Time stamped events
- Remote configuration via the R200 web server
- Sensitive earth fault protection
- Optionally, the VIP410 can be associated with an
earth fault current transformer (a single
zero-sequence CT) dedicated to sensitive earth
fault protection with a low threshold down to 0.2
A - Dual powered protection relay
- - The VIP410 has an AC or DC auxiliary supply to
power certain additional functions that cannot be
self-powered (communication, sensitive EF) - - If the auxiliary power fails during an MV
short-circuit, the protection is maintained - External tripping input
- Thermal overload (ANSI 49) and Cold load pick-up
protections - H2 restraint filtering
Key Benefits
33VIP4 versus VIP3
34? What is a self powered protection chain??
What is an embedded protection chain?? How it
is done today ?? Advantage and drawback?
Typical applications
Self powered protetion chain
35What is a self powered protection chain?
A self powered protection relay is directly
powered by the current transformers. CT is used
to power the relay and measure detect the
current. The relay does not need any auxiliary
- A self powered protection chain includes
- - current transformers (CT) (1),
- - self powered relay (2),
- - mitop (3),
- - and the circuit breaker (4)
Self powered protetion chain
36What is embedded protection?
It is an optimization of the components (CT
relay tripping coil CB) between them in order
to fulfill the required performance
- The whole protection chain is integrated and
pre-tested by Schneider Electric with - - Better optimization compared to over
dimensioned competitors components - - Cost effectiveness. Solutions proposed by
competitors are more expensive - - Higher performance. More sensitive to very low
earth fault current (5A compared to 40A of
competitors, self powered relays, up to 0,2A for
VIP dual powered) - - Robustness
- Protection chain is easy to install and
maintain - - No CT selection and calculation. Only two
sensors for all the new VIP range (200A 600A) - - Easy to test protection thanks a specific
primary injection device. No need to disconnect
MV cable. No need to have secondary test box. - - Avoid wiring testing labour
- - Shorter delivery time
Self powered protetion chain
37How is it done today?
Schneider Electric was the first one to propose
an integrated protection chain with VIP30 on RM6
and SFset but with fewer functions. With new
VIP4, Schneider Electric will be the only oneto
propose a fully integrated protection chain
- Only VIP is a self powered relay, Sepam needs
an auxiliary power supply. - - VIP 30 VIP35 will be substituted by VIP40
VIP45 - - VIP300 will be substituted by VIP400
Self powered protetion chain
- VIP increases the availability of the MV network
- - Insensitive to voltage drop due to faults (weak
point of standard relays) - - Not dependent on UPS system (weak point of
simple electrical installation) - - Not dependent on external environment (MEC, LV
over voltage) because no external connection - VIP increases performances due to integrated
protection chain - - Complete and pre-tested protection system
special CT and Mitop actuator savings on space
and cabling time - - High sensitivity sensors
- - Cost effective
Self powered protection chain
39Typical application
Self powered protetion chain
40VIP410 - Typical application
Self powered protection chain