... the Quadrantids; Eta Aquarids; Perseids; and Geminids ... The Perseids in 1992, 1993, and 1994 (smaller outbursts in 1995 - ?). The Leonids in 1998 (1999? ...
This is an introduction to Meteorscatter Amateur Radio: what it is; how it works; what one needs to successfully do meteorscatter VHF communications. The presentation links to actual recorded meteorscatter contacts with video/audio YouTube links. Meteorscatter references and source material is included to give licenced amateur radio operators a good start in this unusual radio medium. The presentation will assist shortwave enthusiasts and those generally interested in meteors and radio. – PowerPoint PPT presentation
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The 1908 Tunguska event in Siberia destroyed an area the size of a large city. Here the area of destruction is superimposed on a map of Washington, D.C., ...
Long-period Comets (comets with an orbital period over 200 years ... SHOEMAKER-LEVY 9. COMET LINEAR. COMET HALE-BOPP. 76 years. 2380 years. Comet Exploration ...
http://radio.meteor.free.fr/us/main.html. Forward Scattering. Doppler. Loop Antenna. Doppler ... of Tsukuba International Project for Radio Meteor Observation ...
Winter Constellations List of Winter Constellations in the Northern Hemisphere Auriga Caelum Canis Major Canis Minor Carina Colomba Eridanus Fomax Gemini Horologium ...
Exploring the Lunar Environment Brian Day LADEE Mission NASA Lunar Science Institute Spacecraft Configuration 330 kg spacecraft mass 53 kg payload mass 34 Modular ...
... and the spectrum of the low activity comet 2004 TU12. ... Comet Candidates. Comparison of 69230 Hermes (points) to L6 chondrite meteorites (red line) ...