... to have these things always in remembrance (2 Peter 1:15) ... Israel complains of hunger. ????????. Bitter waters made sweet????. 3 days after Red Sea ...
... Oedipus is led into the palace (will he then be led out of Thebes?) ... The cause and nature of human suffering can, at times, be traced to our own thought, ...
Dionysus. Dithyrambs. Amphitheatre. Thespis. Theatron, Orchestra, Skene. Chorus. Euripides ... Deus ex machina. The Mask. Modern Reimaginings. Antigone ...
Title: Five Act Structure 1 Author: Teresa Grant Last modified by: IT Services Created Date: 10/17/2004 5:42:32 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
Greek Drama and Oedipus Rex Intro to Myth Greek Theater Greek Theatre: Main components Theatron: literally, the watching place Orchestra: literally, the ...
Antigone and Greek Drama Notes Greek Drama Greek drama --honors Dionysos, the god of wine and fertility. Thespis (thespians) transformed hymns sung to gods into songs ...
Odd one out? Volunteering = great grades! Some comments now, rest read privately. Who will type up from the test: questions about texts 10 Oed and Lear? comments ...
Sophocles Born around 497 B.C. and died around 406 B.C. Celebrated and acclaimed Greek playwright Wrote 123 plays, but only 7 survived including Oedipus Rex, Antigone ...
Euripides Medea Part 2 Recap and Update What Kind of Tragedy? Discussion Medea: Mother? Monster? Other? A Different Kind of Tragedy Lost in Translation?
Bell Work Define what Loyalty means to you. Who are you loyal to? Who are others loyal to? What does it mean if something you are loyal to is not the same as someone ...
Contenido de la clase. EXODO (1-12) Contexto Geogr fico y ... al pueblo camino de tres d as a celebrar fiesta a Dios para que no cayesen plagas sobre Egipto. ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: ladmin Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Company: Peabody College Other titles: Arial MS P ...
Choral song chanted by the chorus as they enter the area in front of the stage. ... Strophe part of the ode that the chorus chants as it moves from right to left ...
Styles, Stages, and More Greek Structure and Tragedy Structure of Greek Drama Prologue Greek drama begins with the Prologue. The Prologue s purpose is to give ...
Dionysical oratory in the Dithyrambus (performance in honour of Dionysus): song ... 6th Century BC: extension of the oratory, introduction of one actor ...
Context: all male symposia ... Names to know: Agamemnon, Clytaenestra, Iphigeneia, Cassandra. ... is a dog chasing her prey. The Sacrifice of Iphigeneia. The ...
Before beginning your exploration into the world of Antigone, you must first ... Role of Women click on the 'Daily Life' tab and then click on 'Women's Life' ...
The Life of Jesus (23) The Transfiguration Background Matt. 17:1-13, Mk 9:1-13, Lk. 9:27-36 After Peter s confession Matt. 16:16-18 The beginning of His ...
Title: TIPOLOGIAS EN LA BIBLIA Author: User Last modified by: kohen Gadol Created Date: 4/14/2006 5:39:08 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
Agamemnon Reconstructed Aeschylus playwright, librettist, composer, choreographer, producer, and chief actor born 525/4 BCE, member of Athenian nobility fought ...
There were two festivals during which ... Three days were given over to theatrical competition. ... ANAGNORISIS: understanding. KATHARSIS. ORIGINS of OLD COMEDY ...
Hamartia 'tragic flaw' that usually takes. the form of ... Properties (Props) to be used. GREEK MASK OR PERSONA. Helped to identify the specific character ...
The Greek Theater. Background information on the history of drama ... Masks were used instead of costume changes since only 3 actors played all of the ...
Greek and Roman Theatre SENECA Roman philosopher, orator, dramatist and statesman Nine extant tragedies, five adapted from Euripides:The Trojan Women, Medea, Oedipus ...
General in Persian Wars -- fought at Marathon, Salamis, Platea ... Added Roman allusions, Latin dialog, varied poetic meters, witty jokes. Some techniques: ...
... accept her fate and that the chorus of Corinthian women champion Medea's cause. ... a field, and harvesting a crop- all in one day- in order to get the Fleece. ...
Prologos: opening portion, sets the scene, contains exposition (essential ... expands on the Theban legend that predated it and picks up where Aeschylus' ...
15 Porque si el rechazamiento de ellos es la reconciliaci n del mundo, qu ser ... llam tu nombre: 'Olivo verde de hermoso fruto y buen aspecto.' Pero con el ...
Greek Tragedy: The Oresteia and Antigone Unit 2: Greece Honors 2101, Fall 2006 Bryan Benham Classical Greek Drama Written for and performed at dramatic competition ...
The first mia day of the week sabbaton cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it ... The underlying Greek text is 'mia ton sabbaton', which when literally translated ...
Title: Diapositiva 1 Last modified by: estudiante Document presentation format: Presentaci n en pantalla (4:3) Other titles: Times New Roman Arial Unicode MS Arial ...
Things I've Never Heard About Loved Ones After They've Departed... A Departure - Exodus ... OUR SPIRITS DEPART FROM. OUR PHYSICAL BODYS. Consider The Change ...
HECHOS 15 Y EL LIBRO DE OSEAS YUGO = FARISEOS Y MANDAMIENTOS DE HOMBRE Hechos 15:10 Ahora pues, por qu pon is a prueba a Elohim, colocando sobre el cuello de los ...
The Greeks were the first to make drama a major part of culture. ... Breaking a performance into ... Antistrophe: The chorus moves from left to right ...
92 Zeus reveres this reverence (sebas) of outlaws (eknomoi wanderers) ... the bed of Zeus was bound upon a [680] swift wheel by the almighty son of Cronus. ...