Eating our ‘five a day’ is something that is drummed into us from childhood, and most of us are familiar with the premise that eating at least five pieces of fruit or vegetable every day, helps to keep us in good shape. While the exact number of fruits and vegetables we should consume daily may be difficult to prove scientifically, it cannot be disputed that eating healthily helps to minimise our trips to the doctor.
In now a day’s people are habituated to modern culture and they are not concentrating on their health issues. People are habituating to eat outside food and these effects by the end in age group of 30 to 35 major people are suffering from cancer, digestion problems and heart stroke they need proper medical guidance with top or best gastroenterology doctors to save their lives from these problems.
In now a day’s people are habituated to modern culture and they are not concentrating on their health issues. People are habituating to eat outside food and these effects by the end in age group of 30 to 35 major people are suffering from cancer, digestion problems and heart stroke they need proper medical guidance with top or best gastroenterology doctors to save their lives from these problems.
Scientists and nutritionists from the World Health Organisation have been telling us for many years, that we should eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day, to help us lower the risks of developing serious health conditions such as strokes, diabetes, obesity and cancer. The overall premise is that we should enjoy a balanced diet containing a mixture of both fruits and vegetables. But just why is it so important to gobble up your greens and feast on fruits?
Leading a more active lifestyle is never a bad thing, with proven benefits to both your mental, and physical health. Even if you are not inclined towards participating in sports or going to the gym, there are many simple ways in which you can be more active and in turn, lower your chances of becoming ill. Here are 5 easy ways to become more active without having to make major changes to your lifestyle or habits, and once you begin moving a little more often, you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel: