Copy URL | | [PDF] Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Easy! (Incredibly Easy! Series®) 6th Edition, Kindle Edition Free Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Stressed about the ins and outs of pathophysiology? Gain confidence, with the newly updated PathophysiologyMade Incredibly Easy!®, 6th Edition.Offering helpful learning aids that boost your understanding and retention, this colorfully illustrated, enjoyable text offers all the vitals: cell development, the infection process, cancer warning signs, abnormal cell growth, and more. Packed with easy-to-remember definitions and plentiful illustrations, this supportive guide is the ideal study partner and on-the-job reference for new nurses, students, and all healthcare practitioners.
"Copy Link : Handbook of Pediatric Epilepsy Case Studies, Second Edition 2nd Edition, Kindle Edition Research in the field of epilepsy will continue at a rapid pace, with the ultimate hope of curing many intractable epilepsy syndromes. Fully updated, this new edition is organized chronologically, from neonate through adolescence, and the handbook is the culmination of a group effort involving leading physicians and researchers whose contributions constitute a concise and practical reference for health professionals in training. Here the contributors review the recent flood of new information on the pathophysiology, genetics, and treatment of the various epilepsy syndromes, and the volume is distilled into an easy-to-use guide.Fully updated text reviewing the latest research on the pathophysiology, genetics, and treatment of the various epilepsy syndromes.Thorough descriptions of the "
"Copy Link : Handbook of Interventional Radiologic Procedures 5th Edition, Kindle Edition Packed with useful information on common procedures in interventional radiology, this popular handbook has been thoroughly updated to keep you up to speed with rapid changes in the field. Easy to carry and access, it covers everything you need to know: indications, contraindications, preparation, technique, post-procedure management, and prevention and management of complications. It’s ideal not only for practicing interventional and general radiologists, but also for fellows and residents in training, IR nurses, and special procedure technologists. "
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Copy URL | | Download Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Easy! 5th Edition Android Publisher’s Note:  Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. One of the top-selling titles from the Incredibly Easy series, the fully updated 5th edition of Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Easy presents information vital to nurses and student nurses on the difficult topic of pathophysiology in an easy-to-learn, easy-to-remember approach -- as only Incredibly Easy titles can do!This entertaining, practical, and informative reference reviews the basics of pathophysiology including an overview of the cell and its components, cell division, degeneration and aging, homeostasis, disease and illness. All content has been reviewed and updated to help you become a whiz on pathophysiology, di
Copy Link : | [PDF] Public Health Nursing E-Book 10th Edition, Kindle Edition Ipad Ensure you have a solid understanding of community and public health nursing with this industry standard text! Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community, 10th Edition provides up-to-date information on issues such as infectious diseases, natural and man-made disasters, and healthcare policies affecting individuals, families, and communities. This new edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect current data, issues, trends and practices presented in an easy-to-understand, accessible format. Additionally, real-life scenarios show examples of health promotion and public health interventions. Ideal for BSN and Advanced Practice Nursing programs, this comprehensive, bestselling text will provide you with a greater understanding of public health nursing!Focus on Quality and Safety Educa
Copy URL | | Download Pediatric Nursing Made Incredibly Easy 3rd Edition Free Create a strong foundation in pediatric nursing care — and gain empowering skills and confidence — with the fully updated Pediatric Nursing made Incredibly Easy!®, 3rd Edition. This fully illustrated, enjoyable guide offers easy-to-remember ways to strengthen your understanding and retention of common pediatric conditions at every level of child development. An irreplaceable on-the-job reference for all new nurses, this go-to resource supports class materials, is the ideal study partner for NCLEX®, HESI or CPN exam preparation, and is an excellent refresher for experienced nurses.  Absorb expert knowledge and real-life guidance on pediatric nursing care:NEW and updated content in concise, bulleted format for easy quick-referenceEnd-of-book learning support – the “Practice Makes Perfect� practice test th
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Copy Link [PDF] Molecular Cell Biology Made easy Kindle Edition Android Molecular cell biology Made EasyDo you want to be able to grasp molecular cell biology without having to struggle with thick texts and confusing terminology? There's nowhere else to look! Molecular Cell Biology Made Easy is a thorough handbook that will help you solve the puzzles of cellular functions without becoming frustrated or confused.This book offers concise explanations, useful examples, and illustrations to make even the most difficult ideas easy to understand.Regardless of your role—student, instructor, or enthusiast—this book simplifies difficult subjects into manageable portions so that anybody may learn from it. Offering a thorough overview of this important area, Molecular Cell Biology Made Easy covers everything from basic processes to cutting-edge applications.This book is ideal for anyone
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"Copy Link : Handbook of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Sedation, 4th Edition 4th Edition This unique chairside handbook is the only product of its kind focused specifically on nitrous oxide and oxygen sedation. Handbook of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Sedation, 4th Edition takes a need-to-know approach, featuring a user-friendly outline format that is easy to digest along, with summary tables and boxes, helpful icons, clear illustrations, and step-by-step techniques with photos. Now in full color, this portable text is ideal in educational and clinical settings. Comprehensive coverage with the convenience and portability of a handbook equips a dental team member with all the background, technique, recovery, and additional information necessary to administer and monitor N2O/O2 sedation.Easy-to-use presentation utilizes a standard outline style that facilitates knowledge acquisition and provide"
"Copy Link : Essentials Of Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology 1st Edition, Kindle Edition This book is comprehensively designed for both undergraduate and postgraduate students covering all the basics in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology. The text has been simplified so as to enable the undergraduate students to easily understand, and at the same time there is sufficient in depth information for the postgraduates to use it as a reference tool. It introduces the reader to the basic physics of radiation in a simple an easy to understand language with simple line diagrams which helps to comprehend the principles easily. It presents simple and easy to consult approach in taking and interpreting dental radiographs. An entire chapter has been dedicated to cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) the latest technology in dental imaging which may be a first in any dental radiology text book. The chap"
"Copy Link : Handbook of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Sedation - E-Book 4th Edition, Kindle Edition This unique chairside handbook is the only product of its kind focused specifically on nitrous oxide and oxygen sedation. Handbook of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Sedation, 4th Edition takes a need-to-know approach, featuring a user-friendly outline format that is easy to digest along, with summary tables and boxes, helpful icons, clear illustrations, and step-by-step techniques with photos. Now in full color, this portable text is ideal in educational and clinical settings. Comprehensive coverage with the convenience and portability of a handbook equips a dental team member with all the background, technique, recovery, and additional information necessary to administer and monitor N2O/O2 sedation.Easy-to-use presentation utilizes a standard outline style that facilitates knowledge acquisition"
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Copy URL | | (PDF) Porth's Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States(Ninth Edition) 9th Edition Ipad Succeed in your pathophysiology text with this 9th edition of Porth&s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States. Captivating and easy-to understand, this proven book provides comprehensive, nursing-focused coverage designed to help you grasp both the physical and psychological aspects of altered health. Master the most clinically relevant and difficult to understand disorderswith advanced 3D narrated animations.Prepare for clinical practice with 14 unit-opening case studies that put a real face on pathophysiology and help you relate the clinical presentation to the underlying pathophysiology.Master the information you need for success in your career with the unparalleled coverage of disease processes that make this text the most comprehensive pathophysiology text available.Incr
"Copy Link : Fundamentals of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (Fundamentals (Dentistry)) 1st Edition, Kindle Edition Fundamentals of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology provides a concise overview of the principles of dental radiology, emphasizing their application to clinical practice.  Distills foundational knowledge on oral radiology in an accessible guideUses a succinct, easy-to-follow approachFocuses on practical applications for radiology information and techniquesPresents summaries of the most common osseous pathologic lesions and dental anomaliesIncludes companion website with figures from the book in PowerPoint and x-ray puzzles "
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"Copy Link : Family Emergent/Urgent and Ambulatory Care, Second Edition: The Pocket NP 2nd Edition Praise for the First Edition: “This is the best pocket guide in the market. It is easy to use and straight to the point with up to date information. I highly recommend it for anyone practicing in fast-paced settings� -Pedro Colio DNP, APRN, FNP-C, ENP-C, CCRN Emergency Department Educator/ Nurse Practitioner El Centro Regional Medical Center Updated to promote ultra-quick access to current information NPs need daily Now in its second edition, this reference guide for nurse practitioners and other health care providers in emergency, medical, screening, fast track, and/or primary care family settings continues to provide ultra-quick access to key assessment and management information. The Pocket NP delivers a wealth of information for assessment and management of the most-commonly enc"
"Copy Link : Guidelines for Nurse Practitioners in Ambulatory Obstetric Settings, 3rd Edition – Comprehensive Ambulatory Care Guide 3rd Edition Praise for the First Edition:This is a concise, yet comprehensive book. I would recommend that any advanced practice nurse working in obstetrics have it on the bookshelf. It could also be used as a protocol manual for small practices. Score: 100, 5 Stars―Doody's Medical ReviewsNow in its third edition, this remains the only comprehensive source of current, evidence-based information for busy nurse practitioners and related professionals who provide preconception, prenatal, and postpartum care in outpatient settings. This resource encompasses essential clinical topics and practice standards in an easy-to-read, outline format with a convenient spiral binding. The third edition presents important new information on Thyroid Disorders in Pregn"
"Copy Link : Fast Facts for the Gerontology Nurse: A Nursing Care Guide in a Nutshell 1st Edition, Kindle Edition This convenient and easy-to-use pocket-sized reference provides gerontology nurses with the foundational knowledge they need to provide all aspects of safe, effective care to older patients. It contains crucial evidence-based information that enables nurses to differentiate between normal and abnormal findings, understand the presentation and management of common diseases of the gerontological population, and integrate age-specific considerations into care planning and implementation with older adults. Pervading the resource is a holistic approach in which all facets of the individual: physical and mental health, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, self-care, family relationships, and unique risks for this population, are considered. Designed for daily use, the guide is co"
"Copy Link : Fundamentals of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound E-Book (Fundamentals of Radiology) 3rd Edition, Kindle Edition Effectively perform and interpret musculoskeletal ultrasound with this concise, highly illustrated resource by Jon A. Jacobson, MD. Fully revised, this bestselling title covers all the essential details of musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging, providing a solid understanding of the technique and how to make accurate diagnoses. It takes a concise, clear, and step-by-step approach to all of the most common musculoskeletal ultrasound applications, with specific details on anatomy, patient positioning, scanning techniques, normal and abnormal findings, tips, and pitfalls.A succinct, highly accessible writing style makes information easy to understand.Common percutaneous ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal procedures are demonstrated, including transducer and needle positioni"
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"Copy Link : Histology and Cell Biology: An Introduction to Pathology E-Book 5th Edition, Kindle Edition Linking basic science to clinical application throughout, Histology and Cell Biology: An Introduction to Pathology, 5th Edition, helps students build a stronger clinical knowledge base in the challenging area of pathologic abnormalities. This award-winning text presents key concepts in an understandable, easy-to-understand manner, with full-color illustrations, diagrams, photomicrographs, and pathology photos fully integrated on every page. Student-friendly features such as highlighted clinical terms, Clinical Conditions boxes, Essential Concepts boxes, concept mapping animations, and more help readers quickly grasp complex information.Features new content on cancer immunotherapy, satellite cells and muscle repair, vasculogenesis and angiogenesis in relation to cancer treatment, a"
"Copy Link : Fast Facts for the ER Nurse, Fourth Edition: Guide to a Successful Emergency Department Orientation 4th Edition This bestselling resource has successfully prepared thousands of ER nurses to provide safe, effective, and high-quality care to their patients. This new edition is updated with guidelines from the American Heart Association, Neonatal Resuscitation Program, American Stroke Association, Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course, and Trauma Nurse Core Course. This guide presents the most current information on medications, street drugs, the opioid crisis, and intraosseous access. Chapters are replete with new case studies, updated photos, and time-tested tips.This Fast Facts guide is written in bullet-point format and is alphabetically organized by disease and disorder within each body system to emphasize easy access and at-a-glance viewing. All chapters list relevant ma"
Copy Link | | Child Custody Without a Lawyer: 9 Easy steps to Get Organized, Be Prepared, and Feel Confident in Court Kindle Edition | With an introduction by Caught in Providence’s own Judge Frank CaprioGet ready for case overloads, bizarre proceedings, rulings, regulations, and the most creative excuses this side of the bench. If you haven’t had the pleasure already—and according to statistics, you should have—welcome to traffic court. Hope you have your driver’s license handy.After presiding over Jerusalem’s traffic court for nearly twenty years, retired Judge Abraham Tennenbaum paints an eye-opening picture of the global phenomenon that is traffic court. At times hilarious, insightful and compassionate, and as impartial as humanly possible, Objections, Misdemeanors, and Speeding Seniors is a unique account of the great social
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"Copy Link : Fast Facts for the Neonatal Nurse: A Nursing Orientation and Care Guide in a Nutshell 1st Edition, Kindle Edition This convenient and easy-to-use orientation reference and care guide provides new neonatal nurses and their preceptors with the core information they need to provide all aspects of safe, effective, holistic care to newborn infants and their families. Addressing the needs of both low-risk and high-risk infants, the guide presents specific, evidence-based interventions in consistently formatted chapters. A special ìorientation guideî is featured in each chapter to acquaint the new neonatal nurse with essential information on procedures, policies, equipment, medications, and evidence-based protocols. Content is divided into key topic areas including physiological adaptations to birth, newborn assessment and basic newborn care, newborn nutrition, common and hig"
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Copy URL | | [PDF] Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Easy! Android Expanded, updated, and now in full color throughout, this Fourth Edition presents vital pathophysiology information in an easy-to-understand, easy-to-remember, entertaining, and practical manner. Chapters cover cancer, infection, immune disorders, genetics, blood, and disorders of each body system, highlighting pathophysiologic processes, signs and symptoms, diagnostic test findings, and current treatments. Illustrations, memory joggers, and other special features help readers understand and remember key points.This edition's expanded cancer chapter covers more types of cancer. The Practice Makes Perfect self-test includes more NCLEX®-style questions, with rationales for correct and incorrect answers.A companion website on thePoint will offer additional information, illustrations, memory joggers, and study cards.
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Copy URL | | [PDF] Pharmacology 11th Edition Kindle Gain a solid understanding of pharmacology and make it a part of patient-centered nursing care! Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach, 11th Edition makes it easy to learn the principles of pharmacology and drug dosage calculation. A clear guide to pharmacotherapy and safe drug administration, this book uses drug prototypes to provide need-to-know information about key drugs, including dosage, side effects, interactions, and more. Nursing Process summaries enhance your skills in clinical judgment and patient care. Written by a team of nursing experts led by Linda McCuistion, this text provides the pharmacology knowledge you need to succeed on the NCLEX® and as a professional nurse.UNIQUE! Prototype Drug charts provide easy access to key information for representative drugs, including dosages, side effects, interactions, con
"Copy Link : Gerontologic Nursing 6th Edition Compassionately care for the aging population with Gerontologic Nursing, 6th Edition, uniquely known for its comprehensive coverage of the most common medical-surgical problems associated with older adults. Organized by body system for easy retrieval of information, it delves into health promotion and both basic and complex gerontologic concepts and issues. This disorder-focused gerontologic nursing text features an enhanced focus on nursing management and care coordination across health care delivery settings. It emphasizes topics such as nutrition, chronic illness, emergency treatment, patient teaching, home care, and end-of-life care ― and includes the latest guidelines for mammograms, colonoscopies, pneumonia, and shingles vaccinations. With the addition of new nursing theories, this edition offers a valuable framework for gerontolo"
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"Copy Link : Grant's Dissector Eighteenth, North American Edition A go-to dissection resource for generations, Grant’s Dissector, 18th Edition, provides comprehensive, step-by-step guidance for the dissection of the human cadaver, empowering users to recognize important anatomic relationships and ensure successful outcomes in the anatomy lab. This updated 18th Edition is easy to use and exhaustive in scope, offering the perfect balance of foundational coverage and the latest approaches to broaden your understanding of key dissection procedures and ready you for success in healthcare practice.  Each chapter is consistently organized beginning with a Dissection Overview that provides a blueprint of what needs to be accomplished during the dissection session and includes relevant surface anatomy. Dissection Instructions offer a logical sequence and numbered steps for the dissection."