Title: Dr Sudip Basu and Dr Anoop Gupta
1Dr Sudip Basu and Dr Anoop Gupta dr anoop gupta
ivf spend significant time in every last part of
fruitlessness and give exhaustive
administrations in IUI, IVF, IVF-ICSI, Assisted
Hatching, egg gift, developing life gift,
surrogate parenthood, male barrenness, common
fruitlessness medicines, semen managing an
account, incipient organism solidifying, sexual
and mental issue and attempt to give moral and
enthusiastic help to our barrenness patients. dr
sudip basu Certificate in Gynaecological
Ultrasound. Cardiff University. He has Special
Skill Module in Assisted
2Reproduction and Ultrasound imaging in
Gynecological Conditions. Royal College of
Obstetricians Gynecologists, UK.